2,647 |
All strings — 15,228 words
1,057 |
Translated strings — 4,896 words
1,590 |
Strings needing action — 10,332 words
1,584 |
Not translated strings — 10,290 words
6 |
Strings marked for edit — 42 words
5 |
Strings with suggestions — 28 words
1,586 |
Strings needing action without suggestions — 10,306 words
28 |
Strings with any failing checks — 174 words
24 |
Translated strings with any failing checks — 152 words
1 |
Failed check: Unchanged translation — 1 word
1 |
Failed check: Double space — 17 words
8 |
Failed check: Mismatched full stop — 55 words
1 |
Failed check: Mismatched question mark — 5 words
14 |
Failed check: Kashida letter used — 79 words
3 |
Failed check: Java format — 16 words
1 |
Failed check: Same plurals — 9 words
3 |
Failed check: Has been translated — 19 words
Percent |
Strings |
Words |
Chars |
Total |
2,647 |
15,228 |
90,894 |
Translated |
39% |
1,057 |
4,896 |
28,717 |
Needs editing |
0% |
6 |
42 |
330 |
Failing checks |
1% |
28 |
174 |
1,099 |
Last activity
Last change |
| March 3, 2024, 10:42 a.m. |
Last author |
| BurntRanch |
Daily activity
Weekly activity