Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
Starting newline 114 0 114 111
Starting spaces 58 0 58 54
Double space 221 1 220 208
Consecutive duplicated words 77 32 45 45
Ellipsis 9 0 9 9
Mismatched colon 27 14 13 12
Mismatched ellipsis 122 12 110 71
Mismatched exclamation mark 62 25 37 33
Trailing newline 4 0 4 1
Mismatched question mark 104 11 93 46
Mismatched semicolon 5 5 0 0
Trailing space 121 0 121 98
Mismatched full stop 644 88 556 403
Inconsistent 2,919 185 2,734 1,632
Java format 95 10 85 75
Kashida letter used 17 3 14 14
Long untranslated 303 0 303 303
Multiple failing checks 1,503 83 1,420 1,420
Mismatching line breaks 1,213 9 1,204 1,090
Unpluralised 12 0 12 12
Missing plurals 30 0 30 30
Punctuation spacing 2 2 0 0
Unchanged translation 730 485 245 242
Same plurals 243 146 97 95
Has been translated 1,747 51 1,696 0
XML markup 11 3 8 1


Customizable quality checks will help you improve the quality of translations.

The checks can help you identify problematic translations or source strings which are hard to translate.