Language code nn
Aliased language codes nno
Text direction Left to right
Plural: Default plural 9 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other (classic plural)
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Plural formula n != 1
User avatar pixlwave

New strings to translate

Element iOS / Element iOSNorwegian Nynorsk

New strings to translate a month ago
Resource update a month ago
User avatar None

Suggestion removed during cleanup

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Norwegian Nynorsk

Face ID is used to access your app.
Face ID vert brukt til å få tilgang til appen din.
a month ago
User avatar None

Suggestion removed during cleanup

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Norwegian Nynorsk

See your scheduled meetings in the app.
Sjå dei planlagde møta dine i appen.
a month ago
User avatar None

Suggestion removed during cleanup

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Norwegian Nynorsk

Element needs to access your microphone to make and receive calls, take videos, and record voice messages.
Appen treng tilgang til mikrofonen for samtalar, og for å spele inn video og lydmeldingar.
a month ago
User avatar None

Suggestion removed during cleanup

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Norwegian Nynorsk

The camera is used to make video calls, or take and upload photos and videos.
Kameraet vert brukt til videosamtalar, og til å ta og laste opp bilde og videoar.
a month ago
a month ago
Sign in with QR code
Logg inn med QR-kode
a month ago
Username / Email / Phone
Brukarnamn / e-postadresse / telefonnummer
a month ago
Display Name
a month ago
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