Changes your display nickname in the current room only
a year ago
Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. %sDo you want to enable threads anyway?
的主服务器当前不支持消息列,因此此功能可能不可靠。某些消息列的消息可能无法可靠地使用。 %s 仍然要启用消息列吗?
a year ago
Email not verified, check your inbox
a year ago
You changed the power level of %1$s.
更改了 %1$s 的权限等级。
a year ago
You changed the room name to: %1$s
a year ago
Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
请确保知道此代码的来源。 通过链接设备,将为某人提供对帐户的完全访问权限。
a year ago
This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some.
a year ago
Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but not been cross-verified.

You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.

a year ago
This invite to this room was sent to %s which is not associated with your account
此房间的邀请已发送至与的帐户无关的 %s
a year ago
%s wants to verify your session
%s 想验证的会话
a year ago
To receive email with notification, please associate an email address to your Matrix account
要接收带有通知的电子邮件,请将电子邮件地址链接到的 Matrix 帐户
a year ago
Open the app on your other device
a year ago
Add a space to any space you manage.
a year ago
Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. %sEnabling threads will refresh the app. This may take longer for some accounts.
消息列有助于使的对话保持话题并易于跟踪。%s 创建消息列将刷新应用程序。对于某些帐户,这可能需要更长的时间。
a year ago
Cannot reach a homeserver at the URL %s. Please check your link or choose a homeserver manually.
无法访问 URL %s 上的主服务器。请检查的链接或手动选择一个主服务器。
a year ago
Something went wrong. Please check your network connection and try again.
a year ago
A security issue was encountered setting up secure messaging. One of the following may be compromised: Your homeserver; Your internet connection(s); Your device(s);
设置安全消息传递时遇到安全问题。 以下其中一项可能会受到损害:的家庭服务器; 的互联网连接; 的设备;
a year ago
To simplify your ${app_name}, tabs are now optional. Manage them using the top-right menu.
为了简化的 ${app_name},选项卡现在是可选的。 使用右上角的菜单管理它们。
a year ago
Use your signed in device to scan the QR code below:
a year ago
Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.

a year ago
