Pushed changes 3 years ago
Merged repository 3 years ago
Element needs to access your microphone to make and receive calls, take videos, and record voice messages.
Il microfono viene utilizzato per registrare video ed effettuare chiamateElement ha bisogno di accedere al microfono per effettuare e ricevere chiamate, registrare video e messaggi vocali.
3 years ago
Merged repository 3 years ago
Pushed changes 3 years ago
Merged repository 3 years ago
Element needs to access your microphone to make and receive calls, take videos, and record voice messages.
Mikrofoni kasutatakse videote salvestamisel ning kõnede tegemiselKõnede tegemiseks, videote ja häälsõnumite salvestamiseks vajab Element ligipääsu sinu seadme mikrofonile.
3 years ago
Element needs to access your microphone to make and receive calls, take videos, and record voice messages.
A mikrofon videók készítéséhez és hívásokhoz lesz használvahívás indításához és fogadásához, videó és hangüzenet felvételéhez az Elementnek hozzáférési engedélyre van szüksége a mikrofonhoz.
3 years ago
Element needs to access your microphone to make and receive calls, take videos, and record voice messages.
Мікрофон використовується для відео і викликівElement потребує доступу до вашого мікрофона, щоб здійснювати та отримувати виклики, знімати відео та записувати голосові повідомлення.
3 years ago
New contributor 3 years ago
Element needs to access your microphone to make and receive calls, take videos, and record voice messages.
O microfone é usado para tirar vídeos, fazer chamadasElement precisa acessar seu microfone para fazer e receber chamadas, tirar vídeos, e gravar mensagens de voz.
3 years ago
Element needs to access your microphone to make and receive calls, take videos, and record voice messages.
麦克风权限用于录制视频或进行通话Element 需要访问您的麦克风才能拨打和接听电话、拍摄视频和录制语音消息
3 years ago
New contributor 3 years ago
New string to translate 3 years ago
New string to translate 3 years ago
New string to translate 3 years ago
User avatar manuroe

New string to translate

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Vietnamese

New string to translate 3 years ago
User avatar manuroe

New string to translate

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Ukrainian

New string to translate 3 years ago
New string to translate 3 years ago
User avatar manuroe

New string to translate

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Silesian

New string to translate 3 years ago
