
Verify this session to mark it as trusted. Trusting sessions of partners gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_sign_out_action Sign out 登出
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_backup_action Backup 備份
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_title Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages. 正在備份金鑰。若您現在登出,將無法再存取加密訊息。
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_discard_key_backup_action I don't want my encrypted messages 我不要我的加密訊息了
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_cancel_action I'll wait 我願意等待
key_verification_other_session_title Verify session 驗證工作階段
key_verification_new_session_title Verify your new session 驗證您的新工作階段
key_verification_this_session_title Verify this session 驗證此工作階段
key_verification_user_title Verify them 驗證他們
device_verification_security_advice_emoji Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order. 比對顯示的表情符號,確認它們以相同的順序出現。
device_verification_security_advice_number Compare the numbers, ensuring they appear in the same order. 比較這些數字,確保它們以相同的順序出現。
device_verification_cancelled The other party cancelled the verification. 另一方取消了驗證。
device_verification_cancelled_by_me The verification has been cancelled. Reason: %@ 已取消驗證。理由:%@
device_verification_error_cannot_load_device Cannot load session information. 無法載入工作階段的資訊。
device_verification_incoming_title Incoming Verification Request 收到的驗證請求
device_verification_incoming_description_1 Verify this session to mark it as trusted. Trusting sessions of partners gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages. 驗證此工作階段,並標記為可受信任。由您將工作階段標記為可受信任後,可讓聊天夥伴傳送端到端加密訊息時能更加放心。
device_verification_incoming_description_2 Verifying this session will mark it as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to the partner. 驗證此工作階段,會標記此工作階段為可信任。與您聊天的其他人也會看到此工作階段標記。
device_verification_start_title Verify by comparing a short text string 比較一小段文字以進行驗證
device_verification_start_wait_partner Waiting for partner to accept… 正在等待夥伴確認…
device_verification_start_use_legacy Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. Use legacy verification. 沒有動靜嗎?不是所有客戶端都支援互動式驗證。請改用傳統驗證機制。
device_verification_start_verify_button Begin Verifying 開始驗證
device_verification_start_use_legacy_action Use Legacy Verification 使用傳統驗證
device_verification_self_verify_alert_title New login. Was this you? 新登入。這是您嗎?
device_verification_self_verify_alert_message Verify the new login accessing your account: %@ 請驗證您的帳號新登入紀錄:%@
device_verification_self_verify_alert_validate_action Verify 驗證
device_verification_self_verify_start_verify_action Start verification 開始驗證
device_verification_self_verify_start_information Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages. 使用此工作階段來驗證新的工作階段,讓新階段可以存取加密訊息。
device_verification_self_verify_start_waiting Waiting… 正在等待…
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_title Verify this session 驗證此工作階段
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_message Other users may not trust it. 其他使用者可能不會信任它。
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_validate_action Verify 驗證
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
device_verification_emoji_santa Santa 聖誕老人
device_verification_emoji_scissors Scissors 剪刀
device_verification_emoji_smiley Smiley 笑臉
device_verification_emoji_spanner Spanner 扳手
device_verification_emoji_strawberry Strawberry 草莓
device_verification_emoji_telephone Telephone 電話
device_verification_emoji_thumbs up Thumbs up
device_verification_emoji_train Train 火車
device_verification_emoji_tree Tree
device_verification_emoji_trophy Trophy 獎盃
device_verification_emoji_trumpet Trumpet 喇叭
device_verification_emoji_turtle Turtle 烏龜
device_verification_emoji_umbrella Umbrella 雨傘
device_verification_emoji_unicorn Unicorn 獨角獸
device_verification_error_cannot_load_device Cannot load session information. 無法載入工作階段的資訊。
device_verification_incoming_description_1 Verify this session to mark it as trusted. Trusting sessions of partners gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages. 驗證此工作階段,並標記為可受信任。由您將工作階段標記為可受信任後,可讓聊天夥伴傳送端到端加密訊息時能更加放心。
device_verification_incoming_description_2 Verifying this session will mark it as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to the partner. 驗證此工作階段,會標記此工作階段為可信任。與您聊天的其他人也會看到此工作階段標記。
device_verification_incoming_title Incoming Verification Request 收到的驗證請求
device_verification_security_advice_emoji Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order. 比對顯示的表情符號,確認它們以相同的順序出現。
device_verification_security_advice_number Compare the numbers, ensuring they appear in the same order. 比較這些數字,確保它們以相同的順序出現。
device_verification_self_verify_alert_message Verify the new login accessing your account: %@ 請驗證您的帳號新登入紀錄:%@
device_verification_self_verify_alert_title New login. Was this you? 新登入。這是您嗎?
device_verification_self_verify_alert_validate_action Verify 驗證
device_verification_self_verify_open_on_other_device_information You need to verify this session in order to read your secure message history.

Open Element on one of your other devices and follow the instructions.

請在您的任一其他裝置開啟 Element 並依照當中的指示進行驗證。
device_verification_self_verify_open_on_other_device_title Open %@ on your other device 開啟您另一台裝置上的 %@
device_verification_self_verify_start_information Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages. 使用此工作階段來驗證新的工作階段,讓新階段可以存取加密訊息。
device_verification_self_verify_start_verify_action Start verification 開始驗證
device_verification_self_verify_start_waiting Waiting… 正在等待…
device_verification_self_verify_wait_additional_information This works with %@ and other cross-signing capable Matrix clients. 這相容於 %@ 與其他允許交叉驗證的 Matrix 客戶端。
device_verification_self_verify_wait_information Verify this session from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.

Use the latest %@ on your other devices:

使用您其他裝置上最新的 %@ :


Verify this session to mark it as trusted. Trusting sessions of partners gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.
a year ago
Verify this session to mark it as trusted. Trusting sessions of partners gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.
a year ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hant.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1236