
If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
service_terms_modal_footer This can be disabled anytime in settings. 你可以随时在设置中禁用它。
service_terms_modal_table_header_identity_server IDENTITY SERVER TERMS 身份服务器条款
service_terms_modal_table_header_integration_manager INTEGRATION MANAGER TERMS 集成管理器条款
service_terms_modal_description_identity_server This will allow someone to find you if they have your phone number or email saved in their phone contacts. 如果有人在电话联系人中保存了你的电话号码或电子邮件,就可以找到你。
service_terms_modal_description_integration_manager This will allow you to use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs. 这将允许您使用机器人、桥、小部件和贴纸包。
service_terms_modal_information_title_identity_server Identity Server 身份服务器
service_terms_modal_information_title_integration_manager Integration Manager 集成管理器
service_terms_modal_information_description_identity_server An identity server helps you find your contacts, by looking up their phone number or email address, to see if they already have an account. 身份服务器通过查找电话号码或电子邮件地址帮助您找到联系人,看看他们是否已经有一个账户。
service_terms_modal_information_description_integration_manager An integration manager lets you add features from third parties. 集成管理器允许您添加来自第三方的功能。
service_terms_modal_policy_checkbox_accessibility_hint Check to accept %@ 查看以接受%@
deactivate_account_title Deactivate Account 停用账户
deactivate_account_informations_part1 This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. 这将使您的账户永久无法使用。 您将无法登录,也无法重新注册相同的用户 ID 。 这将导致您的账户离开其参与的所有房间,并且会从您的身份服务器中删除您的账户详细信息。
deactivate_account_informations_part2_emphasize This action is irreversible. 此项操作无法逆转。

Deactivating your account

deactivate_account_informations_part4_emphasize does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent. 默认情况下不会导致我们忘记您发送的消息。
deactivate_account_informations_part5 If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.

Matrix中的消息可见性与电子邮件类似。 我们忘记您的消息意味着您已发送的消息将不会再与任何新用户或未注册用户共享,但已有权访问这些消息的注册用户仍可访问其副本。
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part1 Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated ( 当我的账户被停用时,请忘记我发送的所有消息(
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part2_emphasize Warning 警告
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part3 : this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) : 这会导致将来加入的用户看到的是一段不完整的对话)
deactivate_account_validate_action Deactivate account 停用账户
deactivate_account_password_alert_title Deactivate Account 停用账户
deactivate_account_password_alert_message To continue, please enter your Matrix account password 要继续,请输入你的Matrix账户密码
rerequest_keys_alert_title Request Sent 请求已发送
rerequest_keys_alert_message Please launch %@ on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session. 请在另一台可以解密消息的设备上启动%@,这样它就可以将密钥发送到此会话。
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_title Secure Backup 安全备份
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_info Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server. 通过在你的服务器上备份加密密钥防止丢失对加密消息和数据的访问。
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_key_title Use a Security Key 使用安全密钥
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_key_info Generate a security key to store somewhere safe like a password manager or a safe. 生成安全密钥存储在安全的地方如密码管理器或保险箱。
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_passphrase_title Use a Security Phrase 使用安全词组
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_passphrase_info Enter a secret phrase only you know, and generate a key for backup. 输入仅有您知道的秘密词组,生成备份用的密钥。
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_title A backup for messages already exists 消息的备份已经存在
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
create_room_suggest_room Suggest to space members
create_room_suggest_room_footer Suggested rooms are promoted to space members as good to join.
create_room_title New Room 新房间
create_room_type_private Private Room (invite only) 私有房间(仅邀请)
create_room_type_public Public Room (anyone) 公开房间(任何人)
create_room_type_restricted Space members
cross_signing_setup_banner_subtitle Verify your other devices easier 更容易验证你的其他设备
cross_signing_setup_banner_title Set up encryption 设置加密
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part1 Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated ( 当我的账户被停用时,请忘记我发送的所有消息(
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part2_emphasize Warning 警告
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part3 : this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) : 这会导致将来加入的用户看到的是一段不完整的对话)
deactivate_account_informations_part1 This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. 这将使您的账户永久无法使用。 您将无法登录,也无法重新注册相同的用户 ID 。 这将导致您的账户离开其参与的所有房间,并且会从您的身份服务器中删除您的账户详细信息。
deactivate_account_informations_part2_emphasize This action is irreversible. 此项操作无法逆转。

Deactivating your account

deactivate_account_informations_part4_emphasize does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent. 默认情况下不会导致我们忘记您发送的消息。
deactivate_account_informations_part5 If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.

Matrix中的消息可见性与电子邮件类似。 我们忘记您的消息意味着您已发送的消息将不会再与任何新用户或未注册用户共享,但已有权访问这些消息的注册用户仍可访问其副本。
deactivate_account_password_alert_message To continue, please enter your Matrix account password 要继续,请输入你的Matrix账户密码
deactivate_account_password_alert_title Deactivate Account 停用账户
deactivate_account_title Deactivate Account 停用账户
deactivate_account_validate_action Deactivate account 停用账户
decline Decline 拒绝
default default 默认
delete Delete 删除
deselect_all Deselect All 取消全选
device_details_delete_prompt_message This operation requires additional authentication.
To continue, please enter your password.
device_details_delete_prompt_title Authentication 认证
device_details_identifier ID
device_details_last_seen Last seen
device_details_last_seen_format %@ @ %@
%@ @ %@
device_details_name Public Name


If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.

Matrix中的消息可见性与电子邮件类似。 我们忘记您的消息意味着您已发送的消息将不会再与任何新用户或未注册用户共享,但已有权访问这些消息的注册用户仍可访问其副本。
5 years ago
Browse all component changes
User avatar deleted-1629

Source string comment

See: deactivate_account_content of Element Android project

2 years ago


English Chinese (Simplified)
access 获取权限 Element iOS
email 电子邮件 Element iOS
email address 邮箱地址 Element iOS
Matrix Matrix Element iOS
Matrix ID Matrix ID Element iOS
message 消息 Element iOS

Source information

String age
6 years ago
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hans.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1136