
Sort A-Z
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
version_check_modal_action_title_deprecated Find out how 了解怎么做
all_chats_title All chats 所有聊天
all_chats_section_title Chats
all_chats_edit_layout Layout preferences
all_chats_edit_layout_recents Recents
all_chats_edit_layout_unreads Unreads
all_chats_edit_layout_add_section_title Add section to home
all_chats_edit_layout_add_section_message Pin sections to home for easy access
all_chats_edit_layout_add_filters_title Filter your messages
all_chats_edit_layout_add_filters_message Automatically filter your messages into the categories of your choice
all_chats_edit_layout_pin_spaces_title Pin your spaces
all_chats_edit_layout_sorting_options_title Sort messages by
all_chats_edit_layout_show_recents Show recents 显示最近项目
all_chats_edit_layout_show_filters Show filters 显示过滤器
all_chats_edit_layout_activity_order Sort by activity
all_chats_edit_layout_alphabetical_order Sort A-Z 按照字母顺序排序
all_chats_all_filter All
all_chats_empty_view_title %@
is looking a little empty.
all_chats_empty_space_information Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. Add an existing room, or create a new one, using the bottom-right button.
all_chats_empty_view_information The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Create a chat, or join an existing room, to get started.
all_chats_empty_list_placeholder_title You’re all caught up.
all_chats_empty_unreads_placeholder_message This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some.
all_chats_nothing_found_placeholder_title Nothing found.
all_chats_nothing_found_placeholder_message Try adjusting your search.
room_recents_recently_viewed_section Recently viewed
all_chats_user_menu_accessibility_label User menu
all_chats_user_menu_settings User settings 用户设置
all_chats_edit_menu_leave_space Leave %@
all_chats_edit_menu_space_settings Space settings
room_invites_empty_view_title Nothing new.
room_invites_empty_view_information This is where your invites appear. 这是你的邀请出现的地方。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
account_msisdn_validation_error Unable to verify phone number. 无法验证此手机号。
account_msisdn_validation_message We've sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below. 我们通过短信向您发送了一条验证码,请在下方输入它。
account_msisdn_validation_title Verification Pending 等待验证中
account_save_changes Save changes 保存更改
action_logout Logout 登出
active_call Active Call 当前通话
active_call_details Active Call (%@) 当前通话(%@)
add Add 添加
all_chats_all_filter All
all_chats_edit_layout Layout preferences
all_chats_edit_layout_activity_order Sort by activity
all_chats_edit_layout_add_filters_message Automatically filter your messages into the categories of your choice
all_chats_edit_layout_add_filters_title Filter your messages
all_chats_edit_layout_add_section_message Pin sections to home for easy access
all_chats_edit_layout_add_section_title Add section to home
all_chats_edit_layout_alphabetical_order Sort A-Z 按照字母顺序排序
all_chats_edit_layout_pin_spaces_title Pin your spaces
all_chats_edit_layout_recents Recents
all_chats_edit_layout_show_filters Show filters 显示过滤器
all_chats_edit_layout_show_recents Show recents 显示最近项目
all_chats_edit_layout_sorting_options_title Sort messages by
all_chats_edit_layout_unreads Unreads
all_chats_edit_menu_leave_space Leave %@
all_chats_edit_menu_space_settings Space settings
all_chats_empty_list_placeholder_title You’re all caught up.
all_chats_empty_space_information Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. Add an existing room, or create a new one, using the bottom-right button.
all_chats_empty_unreads_placeholder_message This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some.
all_chats_empty_view_information The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Create a chat, or join an existing room, to get started.
all_chats_empty_view_title %@
is looking a little empty.
all_chats_nothing_found_placeholder_message Try adjusting your search.


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a year ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hans.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1763