
You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one above.
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
settings_discovery_accept_terms Accept Identity Server Terms 接受身份服务器条款
settings_discovery_three_pids_management_information_part1 Manage which email addresses or phone numbers other users can use to discover you and use to invite you to rooms. Add or remove email addresses or phone numbers from this list in 管理能让其他用户发现你和邀请你到房间的邮箱地址或电话号码。从来自以下位置的列表中添加或删除邮箱地址或电话号码:
settings_discovery_three_pids_management_information_part2 User Settings 用户设置
settings_discovery_three_pids_management_information_part3 .
settings_discovery_error_message An error occured. Please retry. 发生错误。请重试。
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_title_email Manage email 管理邮箱
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_information_email Manage preferences for this email address, which other users can use to discover you and use to invite you to rooms. Add or remove email addresses in Accounts. 设置此邮箱地址的偏好,其他用户可使用它发现你和邀请你加入房间。在“账户”中添加或者删除邮箱地址。
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_title_phone_number Manage phone number 管理电话号码
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_information_phone_number Manage preferences for this phone number, which other users can use to discover you and use to invite you to rooms. Add or remove phone numbers in Accounts. 设置此电话号码的偏好,其他用户可使用它发现你和邀请你加入房间。在“账户”中添加或者删除电话号码。
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_share_action Share 分享
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_revoke_action Revoke 撤回
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_cancel_email_validation_action Cancel email validation 取消邮箱验证
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_enter_sms_code_action Enter SMS activation code 输入短信验证码
settings_identity_server_description Using the identity server set above, you can discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. 使用上面的身份认证服务器,你可以发现你认识的现有联系人并且能被他们发现。
settings_identity_server_no_is No identity server configured 未设置身份认证服务器
settings_identity_server_no_is_description You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one above. 你并未使用身份认证服务器。想要发现你认识的现有联系人并且能被他们发现,请在上方添加一个。
settings_show_NSFW_public_rooms Show NSFW public rooms 显示 NSFW 公共房间
settings_enable_room_message_bubbles Message bubbles 消息气泡
settings_presence Presence 存在
settings_presence_offline_mode Offline Mode 离线模式
settings_presence_offline_mode_description If enabled, you will always appear offline to other users, even when using the application. 如果开启此选项,对其他用户来说,你看起来就会像下线了一样,即使你正在使用此软件。
security_settings_title Security 安全
security_settings_crypto_sessions MY SESSIONS 我的会话
security_settings_crypto_sessions_loading Loading sessions… 正在载入会话…
security_settings_crypto_sessions_description_2 If you don’t recognise a login, change your Matrix account password and reset Secure Backup. 如果您未曾发起登录,请更改Matrix账户的密码并重置安全备份。
security_settings_secure_backup SECURE BACKUP 安全备份
security_settings_secure_backup_description Back up your encryption keys with your account data in case you lose access to your sessions. Your keys will be secured with a unique Security Key. 备份你的账户数据备份和加密密钥,以防你无法访问会话。 你的密钥将受到唯一的安全密钥保护。
security_settings_secure_backup_info_checking Checking… 检查中…
security_settings_secure_backup_info_valid This session is backing up your keys. 此会话正在备份您的密钥。
security_settings_secure_backup_setup Set up 设置
security_settings_secure_backup_reset Reset 重置
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
settings_enable_push_notif Notifications on this device 在此设备上发送通知
settings_enable_push_notifications Enable push notifications 启用推送通知
settings_enable_rageshake Rage shake to report bug 摇一摇报告 bug
settings_enable_room_message_bubbles Message bubbles 消息气泡
settings_encrypted_direct_messages Encrypted direct messages 加密私信
settings_encrypted_group_messages Encrypted group messages 加密群组信消息
settings_enter_validation_token_for Enter validation token for %@: 请输入 %@ 的验证令牌:
settings_fail_to_update_password Fail to update Matrix account password 更新Matrix账户密码失败
settings_fail_to_update_profile Fail to update profile 个人档案更新失败
settings_first_name First Name 名称
settings_flair Show flair where allowed 在允许的地方显示个性徽章
settings_global_settings_info Global notification settings are available on your %@ web client 全局通知设置可在 %@ 的网页客户端中修改
settings_group_messages Group messages 群组消息
settings_identity_server_description Using the identity server set above, you can discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. 使用上面的身份认证服务器,你可以发现你认识的现有联系人并且能被他们发现。
settings_identity_server_no_is No identity server configured 未设置身份认证服务器
settings_identity_server_no_is_description You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one above. 你并未使用身份认证服务器。想要发现你认识的现有联系人并且能被他们发现,请在上方添加一个。
settings_identity_server_settings IDENTITY SERVER 身份认证服务器
settings_ignored_users IGNORED USERS 已忽略用户
settings_integrations INTEGRATIONS 集成
settings_integrations_allow_button Manage integrations 管理集成
settings_integrations_allow_description Use an integration manager (%@) to manage bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs.

Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites and set power levels on your behalf.

settings_key_backup KEY BACKUP 密钥备份
settings_key_backup_button_connect Connect this session to Key Backup 关联此会话到密钥备份
settings_key_backup_button_create Start using Key Backup 开始使用密钥备份
settings_key_backup_button_delete Delete Backup 删除备份
settings_key_backup_button_restore Restore from Backup 从备份恢复
settings_key_backup_delete_confirmation_prompt_msg Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly. 您确定吗?如果您的密钥未正确备份,您将丢失您的已加密信息。
settings_key_backup_delete_confirmation_prompt_title Delete Backup 删除备份
settings_key_backup_info Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages. 消息已被端对端安全加密。只有您和持有密钥的接收方可以阅读这些消息。
settings_key_backup_info_algorithm Algorithm: %@ 算法:%@


You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one above.
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
add to 添加到 Element iOS
discover 发现 Element iOS
home server 主服务器 Element iOS
identity server 身份认证服务器 Element iOS

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hans.lproj/Vector.strings, string 761