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You upgraded here.
Key English Swahili State
notice_answered_call %s answered the call. %s alijibu simu.
notice_answered_call_by_you You answered the call. Ulijibu simu.
notice_ended_call %s ended the call. %s alikata simu.
notice_ended_call_by_you You ended the call. Ulikata simu.
notice_made_future_room_visibility %1$s made future room history visible to %2$s %1$s ilifanya historia ya baadaye ya chumba ionekane kwa %2$s
notice_made_future_room_visibility_by_you You made future room history visible to %1$s Ulifanya historia ya baadaye ya nafasi ionekane kwa %1$s
notice_made_future_direct_room_visibility %1$s made future messages visible to %2$s %1$s ilifanya ujumbe wa siku zijazo kuonekana kwa %2$s
notice_made_future_direct_room_visibility_by_you You made future messages visible to %1$s Ulifanya ujumbe wa siku zijazo uonekane kwa %1$s
notice_room_visibility_invited all room members, from the point they are invited. Ulifanya ujumbe wa siku zijazo uonekane kwa.
notice_room_visibility_joined all room members, from the point they joined. wanachama wote wa chumba, kutoka siku waliojiunga.
notice_room_visibility_shared all room members. wanachama wote wa chumba.
notice_room_visibility_world_readable anyone. yeyote.
notice_room_update %s upgraded this room. %s hakijaboreshwa chumba hiki.
notice_room_update_by_you You upgraded this room. Umeboresha chamba hiki.
notice_direct_room_update %s upgraded here. %s imeboreshwa hapa.
notice_direct_room_update_by_you You upgraded here. imeboreshwa hapa.
notice_room_server_acl_set_title %s set the server ACLs for this room. %s weka ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
notice_room_server_acl_set_title_by_you You set the server ACLs for this room. Umeweka ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
notice_room_server_acl_set_banned • Servers matching %s are banned. • Seva zinazolingana %s zimeungua.
notice_room_server_acl_set_allowed • Servers matching %s are allowed. •Seva zinazolingana %s zinaruhusiwa.
notice_room_server_acl_set_ip_literals_allowed • Servers matching IP literals are allowed. • Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP zinaruhusiwa.
notice_room_server_acl_set_ip_literals_not_allowed • Servers matching IP literals are banned. • Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP haziruhusiwi.
notice_room_server_acl_updated_title %s changed the server ACLs for this room. %s alibadilisha ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
notice_room_server_acl_updated_title_by_you You changed the server ACLs for this room. Ulibadilisha ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
notice_room_server_acl_changes %d server ACLs change %d seva ACLs hubadilika
notice_room_server_acl_updated_banned • Servers matching %s are now banned. • Seva zinazolingana %s sasa zimezuiliwa.
notice_room_server_acl_updated_was_banned • Servers matching %s were removed from the ban list. • Seva zinazolingana %s zimeondolewa kwenye orodha ya marufuku.
notice_room_server_acl_updated_allowed • Servers matching %s are now allowed. • Seva zinazolingana %s sasa zinaruhusiwa.
notice_room_server_acl_updated_was_allowed • Servers matching %s were removed from the allowed list. • Seva zinazolingana %s ziliondolewa kwenye orodha ya zilizoruhusiwa.
notice_room_server_acl_updated_ip_literals_allowed • Servers matching IP literals are now allowed. • Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP sasa zinaruhusiwa.
notice_room_server_acl_updated_ip_literals_not_allowed • Servers matching IP literals are now banned. • Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP sasa zimepigwa marufuku.
Key English Swahili State
notice_direct_room_guest_access_forbidden %1$s has prevented guests from joining the room. %1$s imewazuia wageni kujiunga na chumba.
notice_direct_room_guest_access_forbidden_by_you You have prevented guests from joining the room. Umewazuia wageni kujiunga na chumba.
notice_direct_room_join %1$s joined %1$s alijiunga
notice_direct_room_join_by_you You joined Ulijiunga
notice_direct_room_join_with_reason %1$s joined. Reason: %2$s %1$s alijiunga. Sababu: %2$s
notice_direct_room_join_with_reason_by_you You joined. Reason: %1$s Ulijiunga. Sababu: %1$s
notice_direct_room_leave %1$s left the room %1$s Acha mjadala
notice_direct_room_leave_by_you You left the room Umeacha mjadala
notice_direct_room_leave_with_reason %1$s left. Reason: %2$s %1$s Ondoka. Sababu: %2$s
notice_direct_room_leave_with_reason_by_you You left. Reason: %1$s Uliondoka. Sababu: %1$s
notice_direct_room_third_party_invite %1$s invited %2$s %1$swalioalikwa%2$s
notice_direct_room_third_party_invite_by_you You invited %1$s Umealika %1$s
notice_direct_room_third_party_revoked_invite %1$s revoked the invitation for %2$s %1$s kubatilisha mwaliko wa %2$s
notice_direct_room_third_party_revoked_invite_by_you You revoked the invitation for %1$s Ulibatilisha mwaliko wa %1$s
notice_direct_room_update %s upgraded here. %s imeboreshwa hapa.
notice_direct_room_update_by_you You upgraded here. imeboreshwa hapa.
notice_display_name_changed_from %1$s changed their display name from %2$s to %3$s %1$s badilisha majina yao kuonyesha yalitoka %2$s kwenda %3$s
notice_display_name_changed_from_by_you You changed your display name from %1$s to %2$s ulibadilisha jina lako la kuonyesha kutoka %1$s kwenda %2$s
notice_display_name_changed_to %1$s changed their display name to %2$s %1$s badilisha majina yao kwenda %2$s
notice_display_name_removed %1$s removed their display name (it was %2$s) %1$s wameondoa ma jina yao yaliyonyeshwa (yalikuwa %2$s)
notice_display_name_removed_by_you You removed your display name (it was %1$s) Umeondoa jina lako la kuonyesha(lilikuwa %1$s)
notice_display_name_set %1$s set their display name to %2$s %1$s weka jina lao la kuonyesha %2$s
notice_display_name_set_by_you You set your display name to %1$s Unaweka jina lako la kuonyesha %1$s
notice_ended_call %s ended the call. %s alikata simu.
notice_ended_call_by_you You ended the call. Ulikata simu.
notice_end_to_end_ok %1$s turned on end-to-end encryption. %1$s umewasha usimbaji fiche kutoka mwanzo hadi mwisho.
notice_end_to_end_ok_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption. Umewasha usimbaji fiche kutoka mwanzo hadi mwisho.
notice_end_to_end_unknown_algorithm %1$s turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognized algorithm %2$s). %1$s umewasha usimbaji fiche kutoka mwanzo hadi mwisho (algorithm isiyotambulika %2$s).
notice_end_to_end_unknown_algorithm_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognized algorithm %1$s). Umewasha usimbaji fiche kutoka mwanzo hadi mwisho (algorithm isiyotambulika %1$s).
notice_made_future_direct_room_visibility %1$s made future messages visible to %2$s %1$s ilifanya ujumbe wa siku zijazo kuonekana kwa %2$s


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imeboreshwa hapa.
11 months ago
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English Swahili
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-sw/strings.xml, string 65