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Current password
Key English Basque State
legals_application_title ${app_name} policy
legals_home_server_title Your homeserver policy
legals_identity_server_title Your identity server policy
legals_third_party_notices Third party libraries
legals_no_policy_provided This server does not provide any policy.
disabled_integration_dialog_title Integrations are disabled
disabled_integration_dialog_content Enable 'Allow integrations' in Settings to do this.
settings_user_interface User interface Erabiltzaile interfazea
settings_interface_language Language Hizkuntza
settings_select_language Choose language Hautatu hizkuntza
account_email_validation_message Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue. Irakurri zure e-maila eta egin klik dakarren estekan. Behin eginda, egin klik Jarraitu botoian.
account_email_already_used_error This email address is already in use. E-mail helbide hau erabilita dago jada.
account_phone_number_already_used_error This phone number is already in use. Telefono zenbaki hau erabilita dago jada.
settings_password Password Pasahitza
settings_change_password Change password Aldatu pasahitza
settings_old_password Current password Oraingo pasahitza
settings_new_password New password Pasahitz berria
settings_fail_to_update_password Failed to update password Huts egin du pasahitza eguneratzean
settings_fail_to_update_password_invalid_current_password The password is not valid Pasahitza baliogabea da
settings_password_updated Your password has been updated Zure pasahitza eguneratu da
settings_unignore_user Show all messages from %s? %s erabiltzailearen mezu guztiak erakutsi? Kontuan izan ekintza honek aplikazioa berrabiaraziko duela eta denbora bat beharko lukeela.
settings_emails_and_phone_numbers_title Emails and phone numbers
settings_emails_and_phone_numbers_summary Manage email addresses and phone numbers linked to your Matrix account
settings_select_country Choose a country Hautatu herrialde bat
settings_media Media Multimedia
settings_default_compression Default compression Lehenetsitako konpresioa
compression_opt_list_choose Choose Hautatu
settings_default_media_source Default media source Lehenetsitako multimediaren iturria
media_source_choose Choose Hautatu
settings_play_shutter_sound Play shutter sound Egin kliskatze soinua
media_saving_period_3_days 3 days 3 egun
Key English Basque State
settings_notification_emails_enable_for_email Enable email notifications for %s
settings_notification_emails_no_emails To receive email with notification, please associate an email address to your Matrix account
settings_notification_error_on_update An error occurred when updating your notification preferences. Please try again.
settings_notification_keyword_contains_dot Keywords cannot start with '.'
settings_notification_keyword_contains_invalid_character Keywords cannot contain '%s'
settings_notification_mentions_and_keywords Mentions and Keywords
settings_notification_method Notification method
settings_notification_new_keyword Add new keyword
settings_notification_notify_me_for Notify me for
settings_notification_other Other
settings_notification_ringtone Notification sound Jakinarazpen-soinua
settings_notifications Notifications Jakinarazpenak
settings_notifications_targets Notification Targets Jakinarazpenen helburuak
settings_notification_troubleshoot Troubleshoot Notifications Egiaztatu arazoak jakinarazpenekin
settings_notification_your_keywords Your keywords
settings_old_password Current password Oraingo pasahitza
settings_olm_version olm version olm bertsioa
settings_opt_in_of_analytics Send analytics data Bidali analitiketarako datuak
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_summary ${app_name} collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application. ${app_name}ek analitika anonimoak biltzen ditu aplikazioa hobetzeko.
settings_other Other Bestea
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices Beste hirugarrengoen adierazpenak
settings_password Password Pasahitza
settings_password_updated Your password has been updated Zure pasahitza eguneratu da
settings_phone_number_empty No phone number has been added to your account
settings_phone_numbers Phone numbers
settings_pin_missed_notifications Pin rooms with missed notifications Finkatu ikusi gabeko jakinarazpenak dituzten gelak
settings_pin_unread_messages Pin rooms with unread messages Finkatu irakurri gabeko mezuak dituzten gelak
settings_play_shutter_sound Play shutter sound Egin kliskatze soinua
settings_preferences Preferences Hobespenak
settings_presence Presence


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English Basque
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 821