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Key English Basque State
ftue_personalize_lets_go Let's go
ftue_personalize_complete_title Looking good!
ftue_personalize_complete_subtitle Head to settings anytime to update your profile
ftue_personalize_submit Save and continue
ftue_personalize_skip_this_step Skip this step
login_splash_title It's your conversation. Own it. Askatu zure komunikazioa
login_splash_text1 Chat with people directly or in groups Txateatu beste taldeetako jendearekin
login_splash_text2 Keep conversations private with encryption Mantendu elkarrizketak pribatu zifratzearekin
login_splash_text3 Extend & customize your experience Hedatu eta pertsonalizatu zure esperientzia
login_splash_submit Get started Hasi
login_splash_sign_in Sign In
login_splash_create_account Create account
login_splash_already_have_account I already have an account
login_server_title Select a server Hautatu zerbitzari bat
login_server_text Just like email, accounts have one home, although you can talk to anyone E-mailarekin bezala, kontuek etxe bat dute, baina edonorekin hitz egin dezakezu
login_server_matrix_org_text Join millions for free on the largest public server Elkartu milioiekin aske zerbitzari publiko handienean
login_server_modular_text Premium hosting for organisations Ordainpeko ostatatzea elkarteentzat
login_server_modular_learn_more Learn more Ikasi gehiago
login_server_other_title Other Beste bat
login_server_other_text Custom & advanced settings Ezarpen pertsonalizatu eta aurreratuak
login_social_continue Or
login_social_continue_with Continue with %s
login_social_signup_with Sign up with %s
login_social_signin_with Sign in with %s
login_social_sso single sign-on
login_continue Continue Jarraitu
login_connect_to Connect to %1$s Konektatu %1$s zerbitzarira
login_connect_to_modular Connect to Element Matrix Services Konektatu Element Matrix Services-era
login_connect_to_a_custom_server Connect to a custom server Konektatu zerbitzari pertsonalizatu batera
login_signin_to Sign in to %1$s Hasi saioa %1$s zerbitzarian
login_signup Sign Up Erregistratu
Key English Basque State
login_reset_password_mail_confirmation_notice_2 Tap on the link to confirm your new password. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below. Sakatu estekan zure pasahitz berria baieztatzeko. Behin dakarren esteka jarraitu duzula, sakatu hemen azpian.
login_reset_password_mail_confirmation_submit I have verified my email address Nire e-mail helbidea baieztatu dut
login_reset_password_mail_confirmation_title Check your inbox Egiaztatu zure sarrera ontzia
login_reset_password_notice A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password. Egiaztaketa e-mail bat bidaliko zaizu zure pasahitz berriaren ezarpena baieztatzeko.
login_reset_password_on Reset password on %1$s Berrezarri %1$s zerbitzariko pasahitza
login_reset_password_password_hint New password Pasahitz berria
login_reset_password_submit Next Hurrengoa
login_reset_password_success_notice Your password has been reset. Zure pasahitza berrezarri da.
login_reset_password_success_notice_2 You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device. Saio guztiak amaitu dituzu eta ez duzu push jakinarazpenik jasoko. Jakinarazpenak berriro aktibatzeko, hasi saioa gailuetan.
login_reset_password_success_submit Back to Sign In Itzuli saio hasierara
login_reset_password_success_title Success! Ongi!
login_reset_password_warning_content Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another session before resetting your password. Zure pasahitza aldatzeak zure saio guztietako muturretik-muturrerako zifratzerako gakoak berrezarriko ditu, eta aurretik zifratutako mezuen historiala ezin izango da irakurri. Ezarri gakoen babes-kopia edo esportatu zure geletako gakoak beste saio batetik pasahitza aldatu aurretik.
login_reset_password_warning_submit Continue Jarraitu
login_reset_password_warning_title Warning! Abisua!
login_scan_qr_code Scan QR code
login_server_matrix_org_text Join millions for free on the largest public server Elkartu milioiekin aske zerbitzari publiko handienean
login_server_modular_learn_more Learn more Ikasi gehiago
login_server_modular_text Premium hosting for organisations Ordainpeko ostatatzea elkarteentzat
login_server_other_text Custom & advanced settings Ezarpen pertsonalizatu eta aurreratuak
login_server_other_title Other Beste bat
login_server_text Just like email, accounts have one home, although you can talk to anyone E-mailarekin bezala, kontuek etxe bat dute, baina edonorekin hitz egin dezakezu
login_server_title Select a server Hautatu zerbitzari bat
login_server_url_form_common_notice Enter the address of the server you want to use
login_server_url_form_modular_hint Element Matrix Services Address Element Matrix Services helbidea
login_server_url_form_modular_notice Enter the address of the Modular Element or Server you want to use Sartu erabili nahi duzun Modular Element edo zerbitzariaren helbidea
login_server_url_form_modular_text Premium hosting for organisations Ordainpeko ostatatzea elkarteentzat
login_server_url_form_other_hint Address Helbidea
login_set_email_mandatory_hint Email E-mail
login_set_email_notice Set an email address to recover your account. Later, you can optionally allow people you know to discover you by this address. Ezarri e-mail bat zure kontua berreskuratzeko. Geroago, nahiez gero jendeak zure e-mail helbidearen bidez zu aurkitzea ahalbidetu dezakezu.
login_set_email_optional_hint Email (optional) E-mail (aukerakoa)


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Element Android / Element Android AppBasque

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English Basque
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String age
4 years ago
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4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1525