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Let other users know that you are typing.
Key English Basque State
settings_advanced Advanced Aurreratua
settings_integrations Integrations Integrazioak
settings_integrations_summary Use an integration manager to manage bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs.
Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites and set power levels on your behalf.
Erabili integrazio kudeatzaileren bat botak, zubiak, trepetak eta eranskailu multzoak kudeatzeko.
Integrazio kudeatzaileek konfigurazio datuak jasotzen dituzte, eta trepetak aldatu ditzakete, gelarako gonbidapenak bidali, eta botere mailak zure izenean ezarri.
settings_cryptography Cryptography Kriptografia
settings_cryptography_manage_keys Cryptography Keys Management Gako kriptografikoen kudeaketa
settings_notifications_targets Notification Targets Jakinarazpenen helburuak
settings_contact Local contacts Gailuko kontaktuak
settings_contacts_app_permission Contacts permission Kontaktuen baimena
settings_contacts_phonebook_country Phonebook country Telefono-liburuaren herrialdea
settings_home_display Home display Hasiera pantaila
settings_pin_missed_notifications Pin rooms with missed notifications Finkatu ikusi gabeko jakinarazpenak dituzten gelak
settings_pin_unread_messages Pin rooms with unread messages Finkatu irakurri gabeko mezuak dituzten gelak
settings_inline_url_preview Inline URL preview URL-en aurrebista
settings_inline_url_preview_summary Preview links within the chat when your homeserver supports this feature. Erakutsi txateko esteken aurrebista hasiera-zerbitzariak onartzen badu.
settings_send_typing_notifs Send typing notifications Bidali idazte jakinarazpenak
settings_send_typing_notifs_summary Let other users know that you are typing. Eman beste erabiltzaileei ezagutzera idazten ari zarela.
settings_send_markdown Markdown formatting Markdown formatua
settings_send_markdown_summary Format messages using markdown syntax before they are sent. This allows for advanced formatting such as using asterisks to display italic text. Eman formatua mezuei markdown sintaxia erabiliz hauek bidali aurretik. Honek formatu aurreratua ahalbidetzen du, adibidez letra etzana adierazteko asteriskoekin inguratzea.
settings_always_show_timestamps Show timestamps for all messages Erakutsi mezu guztien denbora-zigilua
settings_12_24_timestamps Show timestamps in 12-hour format Erakutsi denbora-zigiluak 12 ordutako formatuan
settings_show_read_receipts Show read receipts Erakutsi irakurragiriak
settings_show_read_receipts_summary Click on the read receipts for a detailed list. Egin klik irakurragirietan zerrenda xehetsu bat ikusteko.
settings_chat_effects_title Show chat effects
settings_chat_effects_description Use /confetti command or send a message containing ❄️ or 🎉
settings_autoplay_animated_images_title Autoplay animated images
settings_autoplay_animated_images_summary Play animated images in the timeline as soon as they are visible
settings_enable_direct_share_title Enable direct share
settings_enable_direct_share_summary Show recent chats in the system share menu
settings_show_join_leave_messages Show join and leave events Erakutsi batu eta ateratze gertaerak
settings_show_join_leave_messages_summary Invites, removes, and bans are unaffected. Gonbidapen, kanporatze eta debekuei ez die eragiten.
settings_show_avatar_display_name_changes_messages Show account events Erakutsi kontuen gertaerak
Key English Basque State
settings_security_pin_code_summary If you want to reset your PIN, tap Forgot PIN to logout and reset.
settings_security_pin_code_title Enable PIN
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_error Could not enable biometric authentication.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_summary_off PIN code is the only way to unlock ${app_name}.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_summary_on Enable device specific biometrics, like fingerprints and face recognition.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_title Enable biometrics
settings_security_prevent_screenshots_summary Enabling this setting adds the FLAG_SECURE to all Activities. Restart the application for the change to take effect. Ezarpen hau gaitzeak FLAG_SECURE gehitzen die jarduera guztiei. Berrabiarazi aplikazioa aldaketa aplikatzeko.
settings_security_prevent_screenshots_title Prevent screenshots of the application Eragotzi aplikazioaren pantaila-argazkiak
settings_select_country Choose a country Hautatu herrialde bat
settings_select_language Choose language Hautatu hizkuntza
settings_send_markdown Markdown formatting Markdown formatua
settings_send_markdown_summary Format messages using markdown syntax before they are sent. This allows for advanced formatting such as using asterisks to display italic text. Eman formatua mezuei markdown sintaxia erabiliz hauek bidali aurretik. Honek formatu aurreratua ahalbidetzen du, adibidez letra etzana adierazteko asteriskoekin inguratzea.
settings_send_message_with_enter Send message with enter Bidali mezua Sartu tekla sakatuta
settings_send_message_with_enter_summary Enter button of the soft keyboard will send message instead of adding a line break Teklatuko Sartu teklak mezua bidaliko du lerro saltoa sartu ordez
settings_send_typing_notifs Send typing notifications Bidali idazte jakinarazpenak
settings_send_typing_notifs_summary Let other users know that you are typing. Eman beste erabiltzaileei ezagutzera idazten ari zarela.
settings_server_default_room_version Default Version
settings_server_name Server name
settings_server_room_versions Room Versions 👓
settings_server_room_version_stable stable
settings_server_room_version_unstable unstable
settings_server_upload_size_content Your homeserver accepts attachments (files, media, etc.) with a size up to %s.
settings_server_upload_size_title Server file upload limit
settings_server_upload_size_unknown The limit is unknown.
settings_server_version Server version
settings_sessions_list Sessions
settings_set_sync_delay Delay between each Sync Sinkronizazioen arteko itxaronaldia
settings_set_sync_timeout Sync request timeout Sinkronizazio eskaerak debora-muga gainditu du
settings_show_avatar_display_name_changes_messages Show account events Erakutsi kontuen gertaerak
settings_show_avatar_display_name_changes_messages_summary Includes avatar and display name changes. Abatar eta izen aldaketak barne-hartzen ditu.


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English Basque
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 750