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first will be replaced by recovery_passphrase, second will be replaced by recovery_key
Use your %1$s or use your %2$s to continue.
Key English Basque State
bootstrap_migration_with_passphrase_helper_with_link Don’t know your Key Backup Passphrase, you can %s. Ez badakizu zure gakoen babes-koparen pasa-esaldia, %s.
bootstrap_migration_backup_recovery_key Key Backup recovery key Gakoen babes-kopiaren berrekuratze gakoa
settings_security_prevent_screenshots_title Prevent screenshots of the application Eragotzi aplikazioaren pantaila-argazkiak
settings_security_prevent_screenshots_summary Enabling this setting adds the FLAG_SECURE to all Activities. Restart the application for the change to take effect. Ezarpen hau gaitzeak FLAG_SECURE gehitzen die jarduera guztiei. Berrabiarazi aplikazioa aldaketa aplikatzeko.
settings_security_incognito_keyboard_title Incognito keyboard
settings_security_incognito_keyboard_summary Request that the keyboard should not update any personalized data such as typing history and dictionary based on what you've typed in conversations. Notice that some keyboards may not respect this setting.
error_saving_media_file Could not save media file
change_password_summary Set a new account password… Ezarri kontuaren pasahitz berria…
use_other_session_content_description Use the latest ${app_name} on your other devices, ${app_name} Web, ${app_name} Desktop, ${app_name} iOS, ${app_name} for Android, or another cross-signing capable Matrix client Erabili azken ${app_name} bertsioa zure beste gailuetan, ${app_name} Web, ${app_name} Desktop, ${app_name} iOS, ${app_name} Android plataformarako, edo zeharka sinatzeko gaitasuna duen beste Matrix bezero bat
app_desktop_web ${app_name} Web
${app_name} Desktop
${app_name} Web
${app_name} Desktop
app_ios_android ${app_name} iOS
${app_name} Android
${app_name} iOS
${app_name} Android
or_other_mx_capable_client or another cross-signing capable Matrix client edo zeharka sinatzeko gaitasuna duen beste Matrix bezero bat
use_latest_app Use the latest ${app_name} on your other devices: Erabili azken ${app_name} bertsioa zure beste gailuetan:
command_description_discard_session Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded Uneko irteerako talde saioa zifratutako gela batean baztertzera behartzen du
command_description_discard_session_not_handled Only supported in encrypted rooms Zifratutako gelatan onartzen da soilik
enter_secret_storage_passphrase_or_key Use your %1$s or use your %2$s to continue. Erabili zure %1$s edo %2$s jarraitzeko.
use_recovery_key Use Recovery Key Erabili berreskuratze gakoa
enter_secret_storage_input_key Select your Recovery Key, or input it manually by typing it or pasting from your clipboard Hautatu zure berreskuratze-gakoa, edo sartu eskuz idatziz edo arbeletik itsatsiz
failed_to_access_secure_storage Failed to access secure storage Ezin izan da biltegi segurua atzitu
bad_passphrase_key_reset_all_action Forgot or lost all recovery options? Reset everything
secure_backup_reset_all Reset everything
secure_backup_reset_all_no_other_devices Only do this if you have no other device you can verify this device with.
secure_backup_reset_all_no_other_devices_long Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.
secure_backup_reset_if_you_reset_all If you reset everything
secure_backup_reset_no_history You will restart with no history, no messages, trusted devices or trusted users
secure_backup_reset_danger_warning Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.
secure_backup_reset_devices_you_can_verify Show the device you can verify with now
command_confetti Sends the given message with confetti
command_snow Sends the given message with snowfall
default_message_emote_confetti sends confetti 🎉
default_message_emote_snow sends snowfall ❄️
Key English Basque State
encryption_message_recovery Encrypted Messages Recovery Zifratutako mezuak berreskuratzea
encryption_misconfigured Encryption is misconfigured
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_in_room Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions in this room.
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_summary Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions from this session. Ez bidali inoiz zifratutako mezuak egiaztatu gabeko saioetara saio honetatik.
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_title Encrypt to verified sessions only Zifratu egiaztatutako saioentzat besterik ez
encryption_not_enabled Encryption not enabled Zifratzea gaitu gabe
encryption_settings_manage_message_recovery_summary Manage Key Backup Kudeatu gakoen babes-kopia
encryption_unknown_algorithm_tile_description The encryption used by this room is not supported Gela honetan erabilitako zifratzea ez da onartzen
ended_poll_indicator Ended the poll.
end_poll_confirmation_approve_button End poll
end_poll_confirmation_description This will stop people from being able to vote and will display the final results of the poll.
end_poll_confirmation_title End this poll?
enter_account_password Enter your %s to continue. Sartu zure %s jarraitzeko.
enter_secret_storage_input_key Select your Recovery Key, or input it manually by typing it or pasting from your clipboard Hautatu zure berreskuratze-gakoa, edo sartu eskuz idatziz edo arbeletik itsatsiz
enter_secret_storage_invalid Cannot find secrets in storage Ezin izan da sekreturik aurkitu biltegian
enter_secret_storage_passphrase_or_key Use your %1$s or use your %2$s to continue. Erabili zure %1$s edo %2$s jarraitzeko.
entries %d entry
error_audio_message_unable_to_play Unable to play %1$s
error_check_network Something went wrong. Please check your network connection and try again.
error_empty_field_choose_password Please choose a password. Hautatu pasahitza.
error_empty_field_choose_user_name Please choose a username. Hautatu erabiltzaile-izena.
error_empty_field_enter_user_name Please enter a username. Sartu erabiltzaile-izena.
error_empty_field_your_password Please enter your password. Sartu zure pasahitza.
error_failed_to_import_keys Failed to import keys Ezin izan dira gakoak inportatu
error_failed_to_join_room Sorry, an error occurred while trying to join: %s
error_file_too_big_simple The file is too large to upload.
error_forbidden_digits_only_username The homeserver does not accept username with only digits.
error_handling_incoming_share Couldn't handle share data Ezin izan dira partekatutako datuak kudeatu
error_jitsi_join_conf Sorry, an error occurred while trying to join the conference
error_jitsi_not_supported_on_old_device Sorry, conference calls with Jitsi are not supported on old devices (devices with Android OS below 6.0) Sentitzen dugu, gailu zaharretan ezin dira Jitsi bidezko konferentzia deiak egin (Android OS 6.0 baino zaharragoak)


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English Basque
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Source information

Source string comment
first will be replaced by recovery_passphrase, second will be replaced by recovery_key
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1931