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Key English Basque State
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic Troubleshooting diagnostics Arazoak egiaztatzen
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_run_button_title Run Tests Abiatu probak
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_running_status Running… (%1$d of %2$d) Exekutatzen… (%1$d / %2$d)
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_success_status Basic diagnostic is OK. If you still do not receive notifications, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Oinarrizko diagnostikoa ongi dago. Oraindik ez badituzu jakinarazpenak jasotzen, bidali arazte-txosten bat ikertu dezagun.
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_with_quickfix One or more tests have failed, try suggested fix(es). Gutxienez proba batek kale egin du, saiatu proposatutako konponketa(k).
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_no_quickfix One or more tests have failed, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Gutxienez proba batek kale egin du, bidali mesedez arazte-txosten bat ikertu dezagun.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_title System Settings. Sistemaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_success Notifications are enabled in the system settings. Jakinarazpenak aktibatuta daude sistemaren ezarpenetan.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_failed Notifications are disabled in the system settings.
Please check system settings.
Jakinarazpenak desaktibatuta daude sistemaren ezarpenetan. Egiaztatu sistemaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_permission_failed ${app_name} needs the permission to show notifications.
Please grant the permission.
open_settings Open Settings Ireki ezarpenak
grant_permission Grant Permission
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_title Account Settings. Kontuaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_success Notifications are enabled for your account. Jakinarazpenak aktibatuta daude zure kontuarentzat.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_failed Notifications are disabled for your account.
Please check account settings.
Jakinarazpenak desaktibatuta daude zure kontuarentzat. Egiaztatu zure kontuaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_quickfix Enable Aktibatu
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_title Session Settings. SAioaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_success Notifications are enabled for this session. Jakinarazpenak aktibatuta daude saio honentzat.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_failed Notifications are not enabled for this session.
Please check the ${app_name} settings.
Jakinarazpenak ez daude aktibatuta saio honentzat. Egiaztatu ${app_name} ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_quickfix Enable Aktibatu
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_title Custom Settings. Ezarpen pertsonalizatuak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_success_with_warn Notice that some messages type are set to be silent (will produce a notification with no sound). Kontuan izan mezu mota batzuk isilak izateko ezarri direla (soinurik gabeko jakinarazpena sortuko dute).
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_failed Some notifications are disabled in your custom settings. Jakinarazpen batzuk desgaituta daude zure ezarpen pertsonaletan.
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_title Play Services Check Play Services egiaztaketa
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_success Google Play Services APK is available and up-to-date. Google Play Services APK eskuragarri eta egunean dago.
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_failed ${app_name} uses Google Play Services to deliver push messages but it doesn’t seem to be configured correctly:
${app_name}-ek Google Play Services erabiltzen du baina antza ez dago ondo konfiguratuta: %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_quickfix Fix Play Services Konpondu Play Services
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_title Firebase Token Firebase token-a
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_success FCM token successfully retrieved:
FCM token-a ongi jaso da: %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed Failed to retrieved FCM token:
Huts egin du FCM token-a jasotzean: %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_too_many_registration [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name} and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
[%1$s] Errore hau ${app_name}-en kontroletik kanpo dago eta Google-en arabera, errore honek esan nahi du gailuko aplikazio gehiegik erabiltzen dutela FCM. Errore hau ezohiko aplikazio kopuru bat dagoenean gertatzen da, ez lioke erabiltzaile arrunt bati eragingo.
Key English Basque State
settings_silent_notifications_preferences Configure Silent Notifications Konfiguratu jakinarazpen isilak
settings_start_on_boot Start on boot Hasi abioan
settings_system_preferences_summary Choose LED color, vibration, sound… Hautatu LED-aren kolorea, bibrazioa, soinua…
settings_text_message_sent A text message has been sent to %s. Please enter the verification code it contains. SMS mezu bat bidali zaizu %s zenbakira. Sartu hemen mezu horrek daukan egiaztatze-kodea.
settings_text_message_sent_hint Code
settings_text_message_sent_wrong_code The verification code is not correct. Egiaztaketa kodea ez da zuzena.
settings_theme Theme Azala
settings_third_party_notices Third party notices Hirugarrengoen adierazpenak
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic Troubleshooting diagnostics Arazoak egiaztatzen
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_no_quickfix One or more tests have failed, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Gutxienez proba batek kale egin du, bidali mesedez arazte-txosten bat ikertu dezagun.
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_with_quickfix One or more tests have failed, try suggested fix(es). Gutxienez proba batek kale egin du, saiatu proposatutako konponketa(k).
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_run_button_title Run Tests Abiatu probak
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_running_status Running… (%1$d of %2$d) Exekutatzen… (%1$d / %2$d)
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_success_status Basic diagnostic is OK. If you still do not receive notifications, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Oinarrizko diagnostikoa ongi dago. Oraindik ez badituzu jakinarazpenak jasotzen, bidali arazte-txosten bat ikertu dezagun.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_failed Notifications are disabled for your account.
Please check account settings.
Jakinarazpenak desaktibatuta daude zure kontuarentzat. Egiaztatu zure kontuaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_quickfix Enable Aktibatu
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_success Notifications are enabled for your account. Jakinarazpenak aktibatuta daude zure kontuarentzat.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_title Account Settings. Kontuaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_failed If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. This prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms. Erabiltzaile batek gailu bat deskonektatuta eta erabili gabe uzten badu denbora batez, pantaila itzalita duela, gailua kuluxka moduan sartzen da. Honek aplikazioak sarera konektatzea eragozten du eta beraien lanak atzeratzen ditu, baita ohiko alarmak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_quickfix Ignore Optimization Ezikusi optimizazioa
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_success ${app_name} is not affected by Battery Optimization. Bateria optimizazioak ez du eraginik ${app_name}-engan.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_title Battery Optimization Bateria optimizazioa
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_failed Background restrictions are enabled for ${app_name}.
Work that the app tries to do will be aggressively restricted while it is in the background, and this could affect notifications.
Bigarren planoko murrizketak aktibatuta daude ${app_name}-entzat. Aplikazioa egiten saiatzen ari dena agresiboki murriztuko zaio bigarren planoan dagoenean, eta honek jakinarazpenetan eragina izan dezake. %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_quickfix Disable restrictions Desaktibatu murrizketak
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_success Background restrictions are disabled for ${app_name}. This test should be run using mobile data (no WIFI).
Bigarren planoko murrizketak desaktibatuta daude ${app_name}-entzat. Proba hau datu mugikorrekin egin behar da (Ez WiFi). %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_title Check background restrictions Egiaztatu bigarren planoko murrizketak
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_failed Some notifications are disabled in your custom settings. Jakinarazpen batzuk desgaituta daude zure ezarpen pertsonaletan.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_success_with_warn Notice that some messages type are set to be silent (will produce a notification with no sound). Kontuan izan mezu mota batzuk isilak izateko ezarri direla (soinurik gabeko jakinarazpena sortuko dute).
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_title Custom Settings. Ezarpen pertsonalizatuak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor Currently using %s.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Not translated Element Android/Element Android App
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


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English Basque
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 633