User avatar Osoitz

Resource update

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Resource update 7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Found duplicated string

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Found duplicated string 7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Found duplicated string

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Found duplicated string 7 years ago
User avatar None

Committed changes

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Committed changes 7 years ago
Translation completed 7 years ago
Committed changes 7 years ago
Search for historical
Bilatu historiala
7 years ago
%1$s in %2$s
%1$d irakurri gabeko eta jakinaraziko mezu %2$d gelatan
7 years ago
1 unread notified message
%d unread notified messages
Irakurri gabeko %d mezu-jakinarazpen
7 years ago
All native %s rooms
%s zerbitzariko gela natibo guztiak
7 years ago
All rooms on %s server
%s zerbitzariko gela guztiak
7 years ago
Homeserver URL
Hasiera zerbitzariaren URLa
7 years ago
Type a homeserver to list public rooms from
Idatzi hasiera zerbitzari bat honen gela publikoak zerrendatzeko
7 years ago
The server may be unavailable or overloaded
Zerbitzaria ez dago eskuragarri edo gainezka egin du
7 years ago
Select a room directory
Hautatu gela direktorio bat
7 years ago
This room contains unknown sessions which have not been verified.
This means there is no guarantee that the sessions belong to the users they claim to.
We recommend you go through the verification process for each session before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.

Unknown sessions:
Gela honetan egiaztatu gabeko gailu ezezagunak daude.
Ezin da bermatu Gailuak benetan dioten jabeenak direla.
Jarraitu aurretik gailu bakoitzeko egiaztaketa prozesua jarraitzea aholkatzen dugu, baina nahiago baduzu mezua egiaztatu gabe birbidali dezakezu.

Gailu ezezagunak:
7 years ago
Room contains unknown sessions
Gelan gailu ezezagunak daude
7 years ago
Riot now supports end-to-end encryption but you need to log in again to enable it.

You can do it now or later from the application settings.
Riotek orain muturretik muturrerako zifratzea onartzen du baina berriro hasi behar duzu saioa hau gaitzeko.

Orain egin dezakezu edo gero aplikazioaren ezarpenetatik.
7 years ago
Riot now supports end-to-end encryption but you need to log in again to enable it.

You can do it now or later from the application settings.
Riotek orain muturretik muturrerako zifratzea onartzen du baina berriro hasi behar duzu saioa hau gaitzeko.

Orain egin dezakezu edo gero aplikazioaren ezarpenetatik
7 years ago
I verify that the keys match
Gakoak bat datozela egiaztatu dut
7 years ago
