all room members, from the point they joined.
wanachama wote wa chumba, kutoka siku waliojiunga.
4 months ago
all room members, from the point they are invited.
Ulifanya ujumbe wa siku zijazo uonekane kwa.
4 months ago
You made future messages visible to %1$s
Ulifanya ujumbe wa siku zijazo uonekane kwa %1$s
4 months ago
%1$s made future messages visible to %2$s
%1$s ilifanya ujumbe wa siku zijazo kuonekana kwa %2$s
4 months ago
You made future room history visible to %1$s
Ulifanya historia ya baadaye ya nafasi ionekane kwa %1$s
4 months ago
%1$s made future room history visible to %2$s
%1$s ilifanya historia ya baadaye ya chumba ionekane kwa %2$s
4 months ago
You ended the call.
Ulikata simu.
4 months ago
%s ended the call.
%s alikata simu.
4 months ago
You answered the call.
Ulijibu simu.
4 months ago
%s answered the call.
%s alijibu simu.
4 months ago
You sent data to setup the call.
Ulituma takwimu ili kusanidi simu.
4 months ago
%s sent data to setup the call.
%s ilituma takwimu ili kusanidi simu.
4 months ago
You placed a voice call.
Ulipiga simu.
4 months ago
You placed a voice call.
Ulipiga simu
4 months ago
%s placed a voice call.
%s alipiga simu
4 months ago
%s placed a voice call.
%salipiga simu
4 months ago
You placed a video call.
Ulipiga simu ya video.
4 months ago
%s placed a video call.
%s alipiga simu ya video
4 months ago
You changed the room name to: %1$s
Umebadilisha jina la chumba kuwa: %1$s
4 months ago
%1$s changed the room name to: %2$s
%1$s alibadilisha jina la chumba kuwa: %2$s
4 months ago
