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Akti u dërgua!
3 years ago
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Akt i keqformuar
3 years ago
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Lloj mesazhi që mungon
3 years ago
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S’ka lëndë
3 years ago
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Lëndë Akti
3 years ago
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Kyç Gjendjesh
3 years ago
3 years ago
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Dërgoni Akt Vetjak Gjendjeje
3 years ago
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Përpunoni Lëndën
3 years ago
State Events
Akte Gjendjeje
3 years ago
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Dërgoni Akt Gjendjeje
3 years ago
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Dërgoni Akt Vetjak
3 years ago
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Eksploroni Gjendje Dhome
3 years ago
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Mjete Zhvilluesi
3 years ago
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Shihni dëftesa leximi
3 years ago
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Mos njofto
3 years ago
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Njofto pa tingull
3 years ago
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Njofto me tingull
3 years ago
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Mesazhi s’u dërgua, për shkak të një gabimi
3 years ago
Close Emoji picker
Mbyllni Zgjedhës emoji-sh
3 years ago
