This room contains unknown sessions which have not been verified.
This means there is no guarantee that the sessions belong to the users they claim to.
We recommend you go through the verification process for each session before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.
This means there is no guarantee that the sessions belong to the users they claim to.
We recommend you go through the verification process for each session before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.
Mae'r ystafell hon yn cynnwys dyfeisisesiynau anhysbys na chawsant eu gwirio.
Mae hyn yn golygu nad oes unrhyw sicrwydd bod ydyfeisisesiynau'n eiddo i'r defnyddwyr maen nhw'n honni iddyn nhw.
Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn mynd trwy'r broses ddilysu ar gyfer pobdyfaissesiwn cyn parhau, ond gallwch ail-anfon y neges heb wirio a yw'n well gennych.
Mae hyn yn golygu nad oes unrhyw sicrwydd bod y
Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn mynd trwy'r broses ddilysu ar gyfer pob
Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.
Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
Mae negeseuon yn yr ystafell hon wedi'u hamgryptio o' dechrau i'r diwedd.
Mae'ch negeseuon wedi'u diogelu a chloeon a dim ond chi a'r derbynnydd sydd gan yr allweddi unigryw i'w datgloi.
Mae'ch negeseuon wedi'u diogelu a chloeon a dim ond chi a'r derbynnydd sydd gan yr allweddi unigryw i'w datgloi.
Your Matrix account password has been reset.
You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.
You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.
Mae eich cyfrinair wedi'i ailosod.
Rydych wedi cael eich allgofnodi o bobdyfaissesiwn ac ni fyddwch yn derbyn hysbysiadau mwyach. I ail-alluogi hysbysiadau, ail-fewngofnodwch ar bob dyfais.
Rydych wedi cael eich allgofnodi o bob
Session key:
Allwedd yddyfaissesiwn: