Delete unsent messages
حَذفُ الرَّسائِلِ غَيرِ المُرسَلَة
3 years ago
Message failed to send due to unknown sessions being present.
فَشَلَ إرسَالُ الرَّسائِلِ بِسَبَبِ جَلسَاتٍ حَاليةٍ غَيرِ مَعرُوفَة.
3 years ago
Messages failed to send.
فَشَلَ إرسَالُ الرَّسائِل.
3 years ago
Connectivity to the server has been lost.
فُقِدَ الاِتِّصَالُ بِالخَادِم.
3 years ago
Send a reply…
إرسَالُ رَدّ…
3 years ago
Send a message…
إرسَالُ رِسَالَة…
3 years ago
User avatar deleted-1371

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Messages here are end-to-end encrypted.

Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
الرَّسائِلُ هُنا مُعَمّمَاةٌ مِنَ النِّهايَةِ إلَى النِّهايَةِ.

يَتِمُ تَأمينُ رَسائِلَكَ بِأقفَال، فَقَط أنتَ وَالمُستَلِمُ مَن لَديهِم مِفتَاحَينِ فَريدَينِ لِفتحِهَا.
3 years ago
User avatar deleted-1371

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.

Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
الرَّسائِلُ فِي هَذِهِ الغُرفَة مُعَمّمَاةٌ مِنَ النِّهايَةِ إلَى النِّهايَةِ.

يَتِمُ تَأمينُ رَسائِلَكَ بِأقفَال، فَقَط أنتَ وَالمُستَلِمُ مَن لَديهِم مِفتَاحَينِ فَريدَينِ لِفتحِهَا.
3 years ago
User avatar deleted-1371

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Messages here are not end-to-end encrypted.
الرَّسائِلُ هُنا لَيسَت مُعَمّمَاةً مِنَ النِّهايَةِ إلَى النِّهايَةِ.
3 years ago
User avatar deleted-1371

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted.
الرَّسائِلُ فِي هَذِهِ الغُرفَة لَيسَت مُعَمّمَاةً مِنَ النِّهايَةِ إلَى النِّهايَةِ.
3 years ago
Send an encrypted reply…
إرسَالُ رَدٍّ مُعمَى…
3 years ago
Send an encrypted message…
إرسَالُ رِسَالَةٍ مُعمَاة…
3 years ago
You do not have permission to post to this room
لَيسَ لَديكَ إذنٌ بِالنَّشرِ فِي هَذِهِ الغُرفَة
3 years ago
User avatar deleted-1371

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

3 years ago
Replying to %@
الرَّدُّ عَلَى %@
3 years ago
3 years ago
Unable to open the link.
يَتَعَذَّرُ فَتحُ الرَّابِط.
3 years ago
Send a reply (unencrypted)…
إرسَالُ رَدّ (غَيرُ مُعَمَى)…
3 years ago
Send a message (unencrypted)…
إرسَالُ رِسَالَة (غَيرُ مُعَمَاة)…
3 years ago
%@, %@ & others are typing…
إنَّ %@، %@ وَآخَرُونَ يَكتُبُون…
3 years ago
