
What type of subspace do you want to create?
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
space_private_join_rule Private space 私密聊天空間
space_private_join_rule_detail Invite only, best for yourself or teams 邀請制,適用於您自己或團隊使用
space_public_join_rule Public space 公開聊天空間
spaces_invite_people Invite people 邀請夥伴
spaces_add_room Add room 新增聊天室
spaces_add_space Add space 新增聊天空間
space_public_join_rule_detail Open to anyone, best for communities 對所有人開放,最適合社群
space_topic Description 描述
space_settings_access_section Who can access this space? 誰可以使用此聊天室?
space_settings_update_failed_message Failed to update space settings. Do you want to retry? 無法更新聊天空間設定。您想要重試嗎?
space_settings_current_address_message Your space is viewable at
spaces_feature_not_available This feature isn't available here. For now, you can do this with %@ on your computer. 這項功能尚未上線。但您可以在電腦上用 %@ 來使用此功能。
spaces_creation_hint Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. 聊天空間是將聊天室與人們分組的新方式。
spaces_creation_visibility_title What type of space do you want to create? 您想要建立哪種類型的聊天空間?
spaces_creation_visibility_message To join an existing space, you need an invite. 要加入既有的聊天空間,您需要取得邀請。
spaces_subspace_creation_visibility_title What type of subspace do you want to create? 您想要建立哪種類型的子聊天空間?
spaces_subspace_creation_visibility_message The created space will be added to %@. 新建立的聊天空間會被加到 %@。
spaces_creation_footer You can change this later 您之後可以再更改
spaces_creation_settings_message Add some details to help it stand out. You can change these at any point. 加入一些詳細資訊以協助其脫穎而出。您隨時都可以變更這些資料。
spaces_creation_address Address 位址
spaces_creation_empty_room_name_error Name required 需要名稱
spaces_creation_address_default_message Your space will be viewable at
spaces_creation_address_invalid_characters %@
has invalid characters
spaces_creation_address_already_exists %@
already exists
spaces_creation_public_space_title Your public space 您的公開聊天空間
spaces_creation_private_space_title Your private space 您的私密聊天空間
spaces_creation_cancel_title Stop creating a space? 要停止建立聊天空間嗎?
spaces_creation_cancel_message Your progress will be lost. 將失去目前為止的進度。
spaces_creation_new_rooms_title What are some discussions you’ll have? 可能會討論哪些事情呢?
spaces_creation_new_rooms_message We’ll create a room for each one. 我們將為每個主題建立聊天室。
spaces_creation_new_rooms_room_name_title Room name 聊天室名稱
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
space_settings_current_address_message Your space is viewable at
space_settings_update_failed_message Failed to update space settings. Do you want to retry? 無法更新聊天空間設定。您想要重試嗎?
spaces_explore_rooms Explore rooms 探索聊天室
spaces_explore_rooms_format Explore %@ 探索 %@
spaces_explore_rooms_one_room 1 room 1 間聊天室
spaces_explore_rooms_room_number %@ rooms %@ 個聊天室
spaces_feature_not_available This feature isn't available here. For now, you can do this with %@ on your computer. 這項功能尚未上線。但您可以在電腦上用 %@ 來使用此功能。
spaces_home_space_title Home 首頁
spaces_invite_people Invite people 邀請夥伴
spaces_invites_coming_soon_title Invites coming soon 邀請即將上線
spaces_left_panel_title Spaces 聊天空間
spaces_no_member_found_detail Looking for someone not in %@? For now, you can invite them on web or desktop. 尋找某些不在 %@ 的人?現在起,您可以使用網頁版或桌面版邀請他們。
spaces_no_result_found_title No results found 找不到結果
spaces_no_room_found_detail Some results may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite to join them. 有些結果可能是隱藏的,因為它們是私密聊天室,您需要收到邀請才可加入。
spaces_subspace_creation_visibility_message The created space will be added to %@. 新建立的聊天空間會被加到 %@。
spaces_subspace_creation_visibility_title What type of subspace do you want to create? 您想要建立哪種類型的子聊天空間?
spaces_suggested_room Suggested 建議
space_tag space 聊天空間
space_topic Description 描述
ssl_cert_new_account_expl If the server administrator has said that this is expected, ensure that the fingerprint below matches the fingerprint provided by them. 如果伺服器管理員認為這是正常的,請確保底下的指紋與他們所提供的指紋相符。
ssl_cert_not_trust This could mean that someone is maliciously intercepting your traffic, or that your phone does not trust the certificate provided by the remote server. 這可能表示有人正惡意地攔截您的流量,或是您的手機並不信任由遠端伺服器提供的憑證。
ssl_could_not_verify Could not verify identity of remote server. 無法驗證遠端伺服器的身分。
ssl_expected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from a previously trusted one to one that is not trusted. The server may have renewed its certificate. Contact the server administrator for the expected fingerprint. 受信任憑證已被變更為不受信任的憑證。此伺服器可能已更新憑證。請與伺服器管理員聯繫,取得所需的指紋驗證。
ssl_fingerprint_hash Fingerprint (%@): 指紋(%@):
ssl_homeserver_url Homeserver URL: %@ 家伺服器網址:%@
ssl_logout_account Logout 登出
ssl_only_accept ONLY accept the certificate if the server administrator has published a fingerprint that matches the one above. 只有在伺服器管理員提供的指紋與以上指紋相符時,您才能信任這個憑證。
ssl_remain_offline Ignore 忽略
ssl_trust Trust 信任
ssl_unexpected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from one that was trusted by your phone. This is HIGHLY UNUSUAL. It is recommended that you DO NOT ACCEPT this new certificate. 此憑證已經被您手機所信任的人變動。這種情形非常不尋常,建議您不要接受這個新的憑證。


What type of subspace do you want to create?
a year ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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a year ago
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a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hant.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1644