
// Pills
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
call_more_actions_dialpad Dial pad 拨号键盘
call_voice_with_user Voice call with %@ 与 %@ 进行语音通话
call_video_with_user Video call with %@ 与 %@ 进行视频通话
call_consulting_with_user Consulting with %@ 与 %@ 商量
call_transfer_to_user Transfer to %@ 转接到 %@
ssl_trust Trust 信任
ssl_logout_account Logout 登出
ssl_remain_offline Ignore 忽略
ssl_fingerprint_hash Fingerprint (%@): 指纹(%@):
ssl_could_not_verify Could not verify identity of remote server. 无法验证远程服务器的身份。
ssl_cert_not_trust This could mean that someone is maliciously intercepting your traffic, or that your phone does not trust the certificate provided by the remote server. 这可能意味着有人正在恶意劫持您的流量,或者您的手机不信任远程服务器提供的数字证书。
ssl_cert_new_account_expl If the server administrator has said that this is expected, ensure that the fingerprint below matches the fingerprint provided by them. 如果服务器管理员说这是预期的情况,请确保下面的指纹与管理员提供的指纹相匹配。
ssl_unexpected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from one that was trusted by your phone. This is HIGHLY UNUSUAL. It is recommended that you DO NOT ACCEPT this new certificate. 证书已从一个先前受您的设备信任的证书更改为另一个。这非常反常!建议您 不要 接受此新证书。
ssl_expected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from a previously trusted one to one that is not trusted. The server may have renewed its certificate. Contact the server administrator for the expected fingerprint. 证书已从曾受信任的证书更改为不受信任的证书。服务器可能已更新其证书,请联系管理员并核对服务器的指纹。
ssl_only_accept ONLY accept the certificate if the server administrator has published a fingerprint that matches the one above. 请 仅 在服务器管理员发布了与上述指纹匹配的指纹的情况下接受该证书。
pill_room_fallback_display_name Space/Room
pill_message Message
pill_message_from Message from %@ 来自 %@ 的消息
pill_message_in Message in %@ 在 %@ 里的消息
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
password_validation_error_contain_symbol Contain a symbol. 包含一个符号。
password_validation_error_contain_uppercase_letter Contain an upper-case letter. 包含一个大写字母。
password_validation_error_header Given password does not meet the criteria below: 指定的密码不满足以下标准:
password_validation_error_max_length Not exceed %d characters. 不超过%d个字符。
password_validation_error_min_length At least %d characters. 至少%d个字符。
password_validation_info_header Your password should meet the criteria below: 你的密码应该满足以下标准:
people_conversation_section CONVERSATIONS 对话
people_empty_view_information Chat securely with anyone.Tap the + to start adding people. 与任何人安全聊天。点击+开始添加人员。
people_empty_view_title People 用户
people_invites_section INVITES 邀请
people_no_conversation No conversations 没有对话
photo_library_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to access photo library, please change privacy settings %@没有权限获取你的照片库,请更改隐私设置
pill_message Message
pill_message_from Message from %@ 来自 %@ 的消息
pill_message_in Message in %@ 在 %@ 里的消息
pill_room_fallback_display_name Space/Room
pin_protection_choose_pin Create a PIN for security 创建 PIN 以确保安全
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_login Welcome back. 欢迎回来。
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_register Welcome. 欢迎。
pin_protection_confirm_pin Confirm your PIN 验证你的 PIN
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_change Confirm PIN to change PIN 确认 PIN 并更改 PIN
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_disable Confirm PIN to disable PIN 确认 PIN 并禁用 PIN
pin_protection_enter_pin Enter your PIN 输入你的 PIN
pin_protection_explanatory Setting up a PIN lets you protect data like messages and contacts, so only you can access them by entering the PIN at the start of the app. 设置 PIN 允许你保护像消息和联系人等数据,因此只有在应用程序开始时输入 PIN,只能访问它们。
pin_protection_forgot_pin Forgot PIN 忘记 PIN
pin_protection_kick_user_alert_message Too many errors, you've been logged out 错误次数过多,你已被登出
pin_protection_mismatch_error_message Please try again 请再试一次
pin_protection_mismatch_error_title PINs don't match PIN 不匹配
pin_protection_mismatch_too_many_times_error_message If you can't remember your PIN, tap the forgot PIN button. 如果你没记不住你的 PIN,点击忘记密码按钮。
pin_protection_not_allowed_pin For security reasons, this PIN isn’t available. Please try another PIN 出于安全原因,此 PIN 不可用。请尝试其他 PIN


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English Chinese (Simplified)
room 房间 Element iOS

Source information

Source string comment
// Pills
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hans.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2424