
Display name (e.g. Bob Obson)
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_un_indent Decrease indentation
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_text Text
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_link Link
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_create_title Create a link
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_edit_title Edit link
matrix Matrix Matrix
login_create_account Create account: 创建账户:
login_server_url_placeholder URL (e.g. 网址(例如
login_home_server_title Homeserver URL: 家服务器网址:
login_home_server_info Your homeserver stores all your conversations and account data 您的家服务器存储了您所有的对话和账户数据
login_identity_server_title Identity server URL: 身份认证服务器网址:
login_identity_server_info Matrix provides identity servers to track which emails etc. belong to which Matrix IDs. Only currently exists. Matrix 提供了身份认证服务器以验证邮箱地址等是否属于某个 Matrix ID。目前只有 支持。
login_user_id_placeholder Matrix ID (e.g. or bob) Matrix ID(例如 或 bob)
login_password_placeholder Password 密码
login_optional_field optional 可选
login_display_name_placeholder Display name (e.g. Bob Obson) 显示名(例如 Bob Obson)
login_email_info Specify an email address lets other users find you on Matrix more easily, and will give you a way to reset your password in the future. 指定邮箱地址可以让其他 Matrix 用户更容易找到您,并允许您可以在未来重置密码。
login_email_placeholder Email address 电子邮件地址
login_prompt_email_token Please enter your email validation token: 请输入您的电子邮件认证令牌:
login_error_title Login Failed 登录失败
login_error_no_login_flow We failed to retrieve authentication information from this homeserver 我们未能从此家服务器获取认证信息
login_error_do_not_support_login_flows Currently we do not support any or all login flows defined by this homeserver 当前我们不支持此家服务器定义的任何或者所有登录流
login_error_registration_is_not_supported Registration is not currently supported 目前不支持注册
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password 无效的用户名/密码
login_error_unknown_token The access token specified was not recognised 不能识别特定访问令牌
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON JSON 格式错误
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON 不包含有效的 JSON
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent 发送了太多的请求
login_error_user_in_use This user name is already used 此用户名已占用
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet 此电子邮件链接还没有被点击
login_use_fallback Use fallback page 使用备用页面
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
location_sharing_map_credits_title © Copyright
location_sharing_map_loading_error Unable to load map
This homeserver is not configured to display maps
location_sharing_open_apple_maps Open in Apple Maps
location_sharing_open_google_maps Open in Google Maps
location_sharing_open_open_street_maps Open in OpenStreetMap
location_sharing_pin_drop_share_title Send this location
location_sharing_post_failure_subtitle %@ could not send your location. Please try again later.
location_sharing_post_failure_title We couldn’t send your location
location_sharing_settings_header Location sharing
location_sharing_settings_toggle_title Enable location sharing
location_sharing_static_share_title Send my current location
location_sharing_title Location
login Login 登录
login_create_account Create account: 创建账户:
login_desktop_device Desktop 桌面设备
login_display_name_placeholder Display name (e.g. Bob Obson) 显示名(例如 Bob Obson)
login_email_info Specify an email address lets other users find you on Matrix more easily, and will give you a way to reset your password in the future. 指定邮箱地址可以让其他 Matrix 用户更容易找到您,并允许您可以在未来重置密码。
login_email_placeholder Email address 电子邮件地址
login_error_already_logged_in Already logged in 已登录
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON JSON 格式错误
login_error_do_not_support_login_flows Currently we do not support any or all login flows defined by this homeserver 当前我们不支持此家服务器定义的任何或者所有登录流
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password 无效的用户名/密码
login_error_forgot_password_is_not_supported Forgot password is not currently supported 当前不支持忘记密码
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent 发送了太多的请求
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet 此电子邮件链接还没有被点击
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// URL 必须以 http[s]:// 开头
login_error_no_login_flow We failed to retrieve authentication information from this homeserver 我们未能从此家服务器获取认证信息
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON 不包含有效的 JSON
login_error_registration_is_not_supported Registration is not currently supported 目前不支持注册
login_error_resource_limit_exceeded_contact_button Contact Administrator 联系管理员


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English Chinese (Simplified)
display name 显示名称 Element iOS

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hans.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1999