
Key English Swedish State
mention Mention Nämn
select_account Select an account Välj ett konto
attach_media Attach Media from Library Bifoga media från biblioteket
capture_media Take Photo/Video Ta bild/video
invite_user Invite matrix User Bjud in Matrixanvändare
reset_to_default Reset to default Återställ till standard
resend_message Resend the message Skicka meddelandet igen
select_all Select All Välj allt
deselect_all Deselect All Välj bort alla
cancel_upload Cancel Upload Avbryt uppladdning
cancel_download Cancel Download Avbryt nedladdning
show_details Show Details Visa detaljer
answer_call Answer Call Svara på samtal
reject_call Reject Call Avvisa samtal
end_call End Call Avsluta samtal
resume_call Resume Återuppta
ignore Ignore Ignorera
ignore_user Ignore User Ignorera användare
unignore Unignore Avignorera
notice_avatar_changed_too (avatar was changed too) (avataren byttes också)
notice_room_name_removed %@ removed the room name %@ tog bort rumsnamnet
notice_room_name_removed_for_dm %@ removed the name %@ tog bort namnet
notice_room_topic_removed %@ removed the topic %@ tog bort ämnet
notice_event_redacted <redacted%@> <dold%@>
notice_event_redacted_by by %@ av %@
notice_event_redacted_reason [reason: %@] [anledning: %@]
notice_profile_change_redacted %@ updated their profile %@ %@ uppdaterade sin profil %@
notice_room_created %@ created and configured the room. %@ skapade och konfigurerade rummet.
notice_room_created_for_dm %@ joined. %@ gick med.
notice_room_join_rule The join rule is: %@ Regeln för att gå med är: %@
notice_room_join_rule_invite %@ made the room invite only. %@ ändrade rummet till endast inbjudna.
Key English Swedish State
public_room_section_title Public Rooms (at %@): Offentliga rum (på %@):
rage_shake_prompt You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to submit a bug report? Du verkar skaka din telefon i frustration. Vill du skicka en buggrapport?
reaction_history_title Reactions Reaktioner
read_receipts_list Read Receipts List Lista med läskvitton
receipt_status_read Read: Läst:
redact Remove Ta bort
register_error_title Registration Failed Registrering misslyckades
reject_call Reject Call Avvisa samtal
remove Remove Ta bort
rename Rename Döp om
rerequest_keys_alert_message Please launch %@ on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session. Starta %@ på en annan enhet som dekryptera meddelandet så att den kan skicka nycklarna till den här sessionen.
rerequest_keys_alert_title Request Sent Begäran skickad
resend Resend Skicka igen
resend_message Resend the message Skicka meddelandet igen
reset_to_default Reset to default Återställ till standard
resume_call Resume Återuppta
retry Retry Försök igen
room_accessibility_call Call Ring
room_accessibility_hangup Hang up Lägg på
room_accessibility_integrations Integrations Integrationer
room_accessibility_record_voice_message Record Voice Message Spela in röstmeddelande
room_accessibility_record_voice_message_hint Double-tap and hold to record. Dubbeltryck och håll för att spela in.
room_accessibility_search Search Sök
room_accessibility_thread_more More Mer
room_accessibility_threads Threads Trådar
room_accessibility_upload Upload Ladda upp
room_accessibility_video_call Video Call Videosamtal
room_accessiblity_scroll_to_bottom Scroll to bottom Scrolla till botten
room_access_settings_screen_edit_spaces Edit spaces Redigera utrymmen
room_access_settings_screen_message Decide who can find and join %@. Välj vilka som kan hitta och gå med i %@.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Swedish
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/sv.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2058