
Confirm your identity by entering your Matrix account password
Key English Slovenian State
security_settings_crosssigning_info_not_bootstrapped Cross-signing is not yet set up.
security_settings_crosssigning_info_exists Your account has a cross-signing identity, but it is not yet trusted by this session. Complete security of this session.
security_settings_crosssigning_info_trusted Cross-signing is enabled. You can trust other users and your other sessions based on cross-signing but you cannot cross-sign from this session because it does not have cross-signing private keys. Complete security of this session.
security_settings_crosssigning_info_ok Cross-signing is ready for use.
security_settings_crosssigning_bootstrap Set up
security_settings_crosssigning_reset Reset
security_settings_crosssigning_complete_security Complete security
security_settings_cryptography CRYPTOGRAPHY
security_settings_export_keys_manually Export keys manually
security_settings_advanced ADVANCED
security_settings_blacklist_unverified_devices Never send messages to untrusted sessions
security_settings_blacklist_unverified_devices_description Verify all of a users sessions to mark them as trusted and send messages to them.
security_settings_complete_security_alert_title Complete security
security_settings_complete_security_alert_message You should complete security on your current session first.
security_settings_coming_soon Sorry. This action is not available on %@ iOS yet. Please use another Matrix client to set it up. %@ iOS will use it.
security_settings_user_password_description Confirm your identity by entering your Matrix account password
manage_session_title Manage session
manage_session_info SESSION INFO
manage_session_name Session name
manage_session_name_hint Custom session names can help you recognize your devices more easily.
manage_session_name_info Please be aware that session names are also visible to people you communicate with. %@
manage_session_name_info_link Learn more
manage_session_trusted Trusted by you
manage_session_not_trusted Not trusted
manage_session_sign_out Sign out of this session
manage_session_redirect You will be redirected to your server's authentication provider to complete sign out.
manage_session_redirect_error Functionality currently unavailable. Please contact your homeserver admin
manage_session_rename Rename session
manage_session_sign_out_other_sessions Sign out of all other sessions
user_sessions_settings Manage sessions
authenticated_session_flow_not_supported This app does not support the authentication mechanism on your homeserver.
Key English Slovenian State
security_settings_crosssigning_reset Reset
security_settings_cryptography CRYPTOGRAPHY
security_settings_crypto_sessions MY SESSIONS
security_settings_crypto_sessions_description_2 If you don’t recognise a login, change your Matrix account password and reset Secure Backup.
security_settings_crypto_sessions_loading Loading sessions…
security_settings_export_keys_manually Export keys manually
security_settings_secure_backup SECURE BACKUP
security_settings_secure_backup_delete Delete Backup
security_settings_secure_backup_description Back up your encryption keys with your account data in case you lose access to your sessions. Your keys will be secured with a unique Security Key.
security_settings_secure_backup_info_checking Checking…
security_settings_secure_backup_info_valid This session is backing up your keys.
security_settings_secure_backup_reset Reset
security_settings_secure_backup_restore Restore from Backup
security_settings_secure_backup_setup Set up
security_settings_title Security
security_settings_user_password_description Confirm your identity by entering your Matrix account password
select_account Select an account
select_all Select All
send Send
sending Sending
send_to Send to %@
service_terms_modal_accept_button Accept
service_terms_modal_decline_button Decline
service_terms_modal_description_identity_server This will allow someone to find you if they have your phone number or email saved in their phone contacts.
service_terms_modal_description_integration_manager This will allow you to use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs.
service_terms_modal_footer This can be disabled anytime in settings.
service_terms_modal_information_description_identity_server An identity server helps you find your contacts, by looking up their phone number or email address, to see if they already have an account.
service_terms_modal_information_description_integration_manager An integration manager lets you add features from third parties.
service_terms_modal_information_title_identity_server Identity Server
service_terms_modal_information_title_integration_manager Integration Manager


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English Slovenian
Create Account Registracija Element iOS

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/sl.lproj/Vector.strings, string 796