
Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
Key English Slovak State
authentication_qr_login_start_subtitle Use the camera on this device to scan the QR code shown on your other device: Pomocou fotoaparátu na tomto zariadení naskenujte QR kód zobrazený na vašom druhom zariadení:
authentication_qr_login_start_step1 Open Element on your other device Otvorte aplikáciu Element na vašom druhom zariadení
authentication_qr_login_start_step2 Go to Settings -> Security & Privacy Prejdite do ponuky Nastavenia -> Zabezpečenie a súkromie
authentication_qr_login_start_step3 Select ‘Link a device’ Vyberte položku "Prepojiť zariadenie"
authentication_qr_login_start_step4 Select ‘Show QR code on this device’ Vyberte možnosť "Zobraziť QR kód na tomto zariadení"
authentication_qr_login_start_need_alternative Need an alternative method? Potrebujete iný spôsob?
authentication_qr_login_start_display_qr Show QR code on this device Zobraziť QR kód na tomto zariadení
authentication_qr_login_display_title Link a device Prepojiť zariadenie
authentication_qr_login_display_subtitle Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out. Naskenujte nižšie uvedený QR kód pomocou zariadenia, ktoré je odhlásené.
authentication_qr_login_display_step1 Open Element on your other device Otvorte aplikáciu Element na vašom druhom zariadení
authentication_qr_login_display_step2 Select ‘Sign in with QR code’ Vyberte možnosť "Prihlásiť sa pomocou QR kódu"
authentication_qr_login_scan_title Scan QR code Skenovať QR kód
authentication_qr_login_scan_subtitle Position the QR code in the square below Umiestnite QR kód do nižšie zobrazeného štvorca
authentication_qr_login_confirm_title Secure connection established Zabezpečené pripojenie bolo vytvorené
authentication_qr_login_confirm_subtitle Confirm that the code below matches with your other device: Skontrolujte, či sa nižšie uvedený kód zhoduje s vaším druhým zariadením:
authentication_qr_login_confirm_alert Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. Uistite sa prosím, že poznáte pôvod tohto kódu. Prepojením zariadení poskytnete niekomu plný prístup k svojmu účtu.
authentication_qr_login_loading_connecting_device Connecting to device Pripájanie k zariadeniu
authentication_qr_login_loading_waiting_signin Waiting for device to sign in. Čaká sa na prihlásenie zariadenia.
authentication_qr_login_loading_signed_in You are now signed in on your other device. Teraz ste prihlásení na svojom druhom zariadení.
authentication_qr_login_failure_title Linking failed Prepojenie zlyhalo
authentication_qr_login_failure_device_not_supported Linking with this device is not supported. Prepojenie s týmto zariadením nie je podporované.
authentication_qr_login_failure_invalid_qr QR code is invalid. QR kód nie je platný.
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_denied The request was denied on the other device. Žiadosť bola na druhom zariadení zamietnutá.
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_timed_out The linking wasn’t completed in the required time. Prepojenie nebolo dokončené v požadovanom čase.
authentication_qr_login_failure_retry Try again Skúste to znova
password_validation_info_header Your password should meet the criteria below: Vaše heslo by malo spĺňať nasledujúce kritériá:
password_validation_error_header Given password does not meet the criteria below: Zadané heslo nespĺňa nižšie uvedené kritériá:
password_validation_error_min_length At least %d characters. Minimálne %d znakov.
password_validation_error_max_length Not exceed %d characters. Neprekračuje %d znakov.
password_validation_error_contain_lowercase_letter Contain a lower-case letter. Obsahuje malé písmeno.
password_validation_error_contain_uppercase_letter Contain an upper-case letter. Obsahuje veľké písmeno.
Key English Slovak State
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_message Check your inbox Skontrolujte si doručenú poštu
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_title Email not verified E-mail nie je overený
authentication_choose_password_signout_all_devices Sign out of all devices Odhlásiť sa zo všetkých zariadení
authentication_choose_password_submit_button Reset Password Znovu nastaviť heslo
authentication_choose_password_text_field_placeholder New Password Nové heslo
authentication_forgot_password_input_message %@ will send you a verification link %@ vám pošle overovací odkaz
authentication_forgot_password_input_title Enter your email Zadajte svoj email
authentication_forgot_password_text_field_placeholder Email Email
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_button Resend email Opätovne odoslať e-mail
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_message Follow the instructions sent to %@ Postupujte podľa pokynov zaslaných na adresu %@
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_title Check your email. Skontrolujte si e-mail.
authentication_login_forgot_password Forgot password Zabudnuté heslo
authentication_login_title Welcome back! Vitajte späť!
authentication_login_username Username / Email / Phone Meno používateľa / E-mail / Telefón
authentication_login_with_qr Sign in with QR code Prihlásiť sa pomocou QR kódu
authentication_qr_login_confirm_alert Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. Uistite sa prosím, že poznáte pôvod tohto kódu. Prepojením zariadení poskytnete niekomu plný prístup k svojmu účtu.
authentication_qr_login_confirm_subtitle Confirm that the code below matches with your other device: Skontrolujte, či sa nižšie uvedený kód zhoduje s vaším druhým zariadením:
authentication_qr_login_confirm_title Secure connection established Zabezpečené pripojenie bolo vytvorené
authentication_qr_login_display_step1 Open Element on your other device Otvorte aplikáciu Element na vašom druhom zariadení
authentication_qr_login_display_step2 Select ‘Sign in with QR code’ Vyberte možnosť "Prihlásiť sa pomocou QR kódu"
authentication_qr_login_display_subtitle Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out. Naskenujte nižšie uvedený QR kód pomocou zariadenia, ktoré je odhlásené.
authentication_qr_login_display_title Link a device Prepojiť zariadenie
authentication_qr_login_failure_device_not_supported Linking with this device is not supported. Prepojenie s týmto zariadením nie je podporované.
authentication_qr_login_failure_invalid_qr QR code is invalid. QR kód nie je platný.
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_denied The request was denied on the other device. Žiadosť bola na druhom zariadení zamietnutá.
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_timed_out The linking wasn’t completed in the required time. Prepojenie nebolo dokončené v požadovanom čase.
authentication_qr_login_failure_retry Try again Skúste to znova
authentication_qr_login_failure_title Linking failed Prepojenie zlyhalo
authentication_qr_login_loading_connecting_device Connecting to device Pripájanie k zariadeniu
authentication_qr_login_loading_signed_in You are now signed in on your other device. Teraz ste prihlásení na svojom druhom zariadení.


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New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSSlovak

Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
Uistite sa prosím, že poznáte pôvod tohto kódu. Prepojením zariadení poskytnete niekomu plný prístup k svojmu účtu.
a year ago
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English Slovak
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String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/sk.lproj/Vector.strings, string 174