
Waiting for %@…
Key English Slovak State
key_verification_verify_qr_code_information_other_device Scan the code below to verify: Naskenujte nižšie uvedený kód na overenie:
key_verification_verify_qr_code_emoji_information Verify by comparing unique emoji. Overenie porovnaním jedinečnej kombinácie emotikonov.
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_code_action Scan their code Naskenujte ich kód
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_code_other_device_action Scan with this device Skenovať pomocou tohto zariadenia
key_verification_verify_qr_code_cannot_scan_action Can't scan? Nemôžete naskenovať?
key_verification_verify_qr_code_start_emoji_action Verify by emoji Overte pomocou emotikonov
key_verification_verify_qr_code_other_scan_my_code_title Did the other user successfully scan the QR code? Naskenoval druhý používateľ QR kód úspešne?
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_other_code_success_title Code validated! Kód overený!
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_other_code_success_message QR code has been successfully validated. QR kód bol úspešne overený.
key_verification_scan_qr_code_title Scan QR code Skenovať QR kód
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_user Point your camera at the QR code displayed on their device to verify their session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na ich zariadení a overte ich reláciu
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_device Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify this session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na vašom druhom zariadení a overte túto reláciu
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na vašom druhom zariadení a overte vašu reláciu
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_new_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your new session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na vašom druhom zariadení a overte vašu novú reláciu
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_title Almost there! Waiting for confirmation… Už je to takmer hotové! Čaká sa na potvrdenie…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_user_waiting_other Waiting for %@… Čaká sa na %@…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_device_waiting_other Waiting for other device… Čakanie na druhé zariadenie…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_title Almost there! Už to skoro bude!
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_user_information Is %@ showing the same shield? Zobrazuje %@ rovnaký štít?
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_device_information Is the other device showing the same shield? Zobrazuje druhé zariadenie rovnaký štít?
user_verification_start_verify_action Start verification Spustiť overenie
user_verification_start_information_part1 For extra security, verify Pre väčšiu bezpečnosť overte
user_verification_start_information_part2 by checking a one-time code on both your devices. skontrolovaním jednorazového kódu na oboch zariadeniach.
user_verification_start_waiting_partner Waiting for %@… Čaká sa na %@…
user_verification_start_additional_information To be secure, do this in person or use another way to communicate. Aby ste si boli istý, urobte to osobne alebo použite iný dôveryhodný spôsob komunikácie.
user_verification_sessions_list_user_trust_level_trusted_title Trusted Dôveryhodné
user_verification_sessions_list_user_trust_level_warning_title Warning Upozornenie
user_verification_sessions_list_user_trust_level_unknown_title Unknown Neznámy
user_verification_sessions_list_information Messages with this user in this room are end-to-end encrypted and can’t be read by third parties. Správy s týmto používateľom v tejto miestnosti sú end-to-end šifrované a tretie strany ich nemôžu čítať.
user_verification_sessions_list_table_title Sessions Relácie
user_verification_sessions_list_session_trusted Trusted Dôveryhodné
Key English Slovak State
key_verification_incoming_request_incoming_alert_message %@ wants to verify %@ žiada o overenie
key_verification_manually_verify_device_additional_information If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised. Ak sa nezhodujú, môže byť ohrozená bezpečnosť vašej komunikácie.
key_verification_manually_verify_device_id_title Session ID ID relácie
key_verification_manually_verify_device_instruction Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session: Potvrďte to porovnaním nasledujúcich údajov s nastaveniami používateľa v inej relácii:
key_verification_manually_verify_device_key_title Session key Kľúč relácie
key_verification_manually_verify_device_name_title Session name Názov relácie
key_verification_manually_verify_device_title Manually Verify by Text Ručné overenie pomocou textu
key_verification_manually_verify_device_validate_action Verify Overiť
key_verification_new_session_title Verify your new session Overte svoju novú reláciu
key_verification_other_session_title Verify session Overiť reláciu
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_device_information Is the other device showing the same shield? Zobrazuje druhé zariadenie rovnaký štít?
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_title Almost there! Už to skoro bude!
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_user_information Is %@ showing the same shield? Zobrazuje %@ rovnaký štít?
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_device_waiting_other Waiting for other device… Čakanie na druhé zariadenie…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_title Almost there! Waiting for confirmation… Už je to takmer hotové! Čaká sa na potvrdenie…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_user_waiting_other Waiting for %@… Čaká sa na %@…
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_new_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your new session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na vašom druhom zariadení a overte vašu novú reláciu
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_device Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify this session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na vašom druhom zariadení a overte túto reláciu
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na vašom druhom zariadení a overte vašu reláciu
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_user Point your camera at the QR code displayed on their device to verify their session Nasmerujte kameru na QR kód zobrazený na ich zariadení a overte ich reláciu
key_verification_scan_qr_code_title Scan QR code Skenovať QR kód
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_message Other users may not trust it. Ostatní používatelia jej nemusia dôverovať.
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_title Verify this session Overiť túto reláciu
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_validate_action Verify Overiť
key_verification_self_verify_security_upgrade_alert_message Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device. Najnovšou aktualizáciou sa zlepšilo bezpečné zasielanie správ. Overte prosím znova svoje zariadenie.
key_verification_self_verify_security_upgrade_alert_title App updated Aplikácia bola aktualizovaná
key_verification_self_verify_unverified_sessions_alert_validate_action Review Overiť
key_verification_this_session_title Verify this session Overiť túto reláciu
key_verification_tile_conclusion_done_title Verified Overené
key_verification_tile_conclusion_warning_title Unstrusted sign in Nedôveryhodné prihlásenie
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


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New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSSlovak

Waiting for %@…
Čaká sa na %@…
2 years ago
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English Slovak
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/sk.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1397