
Room alias:
Key English Norwegian Bokmål State
account_email_validation_message Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue. Sjekk e-posten din og klikk på linken den inneholder. Når dette er gjort, klikker du på fortsett.
account_email_validation_error Unable to verify email address. Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue Kan ikke bekrefte e-postadressen. Sjekk e-posten din og klikk på lenken den inneholder. Når dette er gjort, klikker du på fortsett
account_msisdn_validation_title Verification Pending Venter på verifisering
account_msisdn_validation_message We've sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below. Vi har sendt en SMS med en aktiveringskode. Vennligst skriv inn denne koden nedenfor.
account_msisdn_validation_error Unable to verify phone number. Kan ikke bekrefte telefonnummeret.
account_error_display_name_change_failed Display name change failed Endring av visningsnavn feilet
account_error_picture_change_failed Picture change failed Endring av bildet feilet
account_error_matrix_session_is_not_opened Matrix session is not opened Matrix-økt er ikke åpnet
account_error_email_wrong_title Invalid Email Address Ugyldig e-postadresse
account_error_email_wrong_description This doesn't appear to be a valid email address Dette ser ikke ut til å være en gyldig e-postadresse
account_error_msisdn_wrong_title Invalid Phone Number Ugyldig telefonnummer
account_error_msisdn_wrong_description This doesn't appear to be a valid phone number Dette ser ikke ut til å være et gyldig telefonnummer
account_error_push_not_allowed Notifications not allowed Varsler ikke tillatt
room_creation_name_title Room name: Romnavn:
room_creation_name_placeholder (e.g. lunchGroup) (f.eks. lunsjgruppe)
room_creation_alias_title Room alias: Romalias:
room_creation_alias_placeholder (e.g. (f.eks.
room_creation_alias_placeholder_with_homeserver (e.g. #foo%@) (f.eks. #foo%@)
room_creation_participants_title Participants: Deltakere:
room_creation_participants_placeholder (e.g. @bob:homeserver1; @john:homeserver2...) (f.eks. @bob:hjemmeserver1; @john:hjemmeserver2 ...)
room_please_select Please select a room Vennligst velg et rom
room_error_join_failed_title Failed to join room Deltakelse i rommet feilet
room_error_join_failed_empty_room It is not currently possible to join an empty room. Det er for øyeblikket ikke mulig å bli med i et tomt rom igjen.
room_error_name_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room name Du har ikke autorisasjon til å redigere dette romnavnet
room_error_topic_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room topic Du har ikke autorisasjon til å redigere dette romemnet
room_error_cannot_load_timeline Failed to load timeline Kunne ikke laste tidslinjen
room_error_timeline_event_not_found_title Failed to load timeline position Kunne ikke laste tidslinjeposisjonen
room_error_timeline_event_not_found The application was trying to load a specific point in this room's timeline but was unable to find it Applikasjonen prøvde å laste inn et bestemt punkt i tidslinjen til dette rommet, men kunne ikke finne det
room_left You left the room Du forlot rommet
room_left_for_dm You left Du forlot
room_no_power_to_create_conference_call You need permission to invite to start a conference in this room Du trenger tillatelse til å invitere for å starte en konferanse i dette rommet
Key English Norwegian Bokmål State
room_command_change_room_topic_description Sets the room topic
room_command_discard_session_description Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded
room_command_emote_description Displays action
room_command_error_unknown_command Invalid or unhandled command
room_command_invite_user_description Invites user with given id to current room
room_command_join_room_description Joins room with given address
room_command_kick_user_description Removes user with given id from this room
room_command_part_room_description Leave room
room_command_reset_user_power_level_description Deops user with given id
room_command_set_user_power_level_description Define the power level of a user
room_command_unban_user_description Unbans user with given id
room_conference_call_no_power You need permission to manage conference call in this room Du trenger tillatelse for å administrere konferansesamtaler i dette rommet
room_creation_account Account Konto
room_creation_alias_placeholder (e.g. (f.eks.
room_creation_alias_placeholder_with_homeserver (e.g. #foo%@) (f.eks. #foo%@)
room_creation_alias_title Room alias: Romalias:
room_creation_appearance Appearance Utseende
room_creation_appearance_name Name Navn
room_creation_appearance_picture Chat picture (optional) Chatbilde (valgfritt)
room_creation_dm_error We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again. Vi kunne ikke opprette DM. Kontroller brukerne du vil invitere, og prøv på nytt.
room_creation_error_invite_user_by_email_without_identity_server No identity server is configured so you cannot add a participant with an email. Ingen identitetsserver er konfigurert, så du kan ikke legge til en deltaker med en e-post.
room_creation_invite_another_user User ID, name or email Søk / inviter etter bruker-ID, navn eller e-post
room_creation_keep_private Keep private Hold deg privat
room_creation_make_private Make private Gjør privat
room_creation_make_public Make public Gjør offentlig
room_creation_make_public_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to make this chat public? Anyone can read your messages and join the chat. Er du sikker på at du vil gjøre denne chatten offentlig? Alle kan lese meldingene dine og delta i chatten.
room_creation_make_public_prompt_title Make this chat public? Vil du gjøre denne chatten offentlig?
room_creation_name_placeholder (e.g. lunchGroup) (f.eks. lunsjgruppe)
room_creation_name_title Room name: Romnavn:
room_creation_only_one_email_invite You can only invite one email at a time


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English Norwegian Bokmål
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/nb-NO.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2181