
Key English Korean State
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_key_title Use a Security Key
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_key_info Generate a security key to store somewhere safe like a password manager or a safe.
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_passphrase_title Use a Security Phrase
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_passphrase_info Enter a secret phrase only you know, and generate a key for backup.
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_title A backup for messages already exists
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_info Unlock it to reuse it in the secure backup or delete it to create a new messages backup in the secure backup.
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_unlock_it Unlock it
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_delete_it Delete it
secure_key_backup_setup_cancel_alert_title Are your sure?
secure_key_backup_setup_cancel_alert_message If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.

You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.
secure_backup_setup_banner_title Secure Backup
secure_backup_setup_banner_subtitle Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data
key_backup_setup_title Key Backup 키 백업
key_backup_setup_skip_alert_title Are you sure? 확신합니까?
key_backup_setup_skip_alert_message You may lose secure messages if you log out or lose your device. 로그아웃하거나 기기를 잃어버리면 보안 메시지를 잃게 됩니다.
key_backup_setup_skip_alert_skip_action Skip 넘기기
key_backup_setup_intro_title Never lose encrypted messages 절대 암호화된 메시지를 잃지 마세요
key_backup_setup_intro_info Messages in encrypted rooms are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.

Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them.
암호화된 방의 메시지는 종단간 암호화로 보호됩니다. 오직 당싱과 참가자만 키를 갖고 있어 메시지를 읽을 수 있습니다.

키를 잃지 않도록 안전하게 백업하세요.
key_backup_setup_intro_setup_action_without_existing_backup Start using Key Backup 키 백업 시작
key_backup_setup_intro_setup_connect_action_with_existing_backup Connect this device to Key Backup 이 기기를 키 백업에 연결
key_backup_setup_intro_manual_export_info (Advanced) (고급)
key_backup_setup_intro_manual_export_action Manually export keys 수동으로 키 내보내기
key_backup_setup_passphrase_title Secure your backup with a Security Phrase 백업을 보안 암호로 보호하기
key_backup_setup_passphrase_info We'll store an encrypted copy of your keys on our server. Protect your backup with a phrase to keep it secure.

For maximum security, this should be different from your Matrix account password.
암호화된 키의 사본을 서버에 보관합니다. 암호로 된 백업을 보호하며 안전하게 유지해줍니다.

보안을 최대화하려면, 암호는 Matrix 계정의 비밀번호와 달라야 합니다.
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_title Enter 입력
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_placeholder Enter phrase 암호 입력
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_valid Great! 좋아요!
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_invalid Try adding a word 단어를 추가해보세요
key_backup_setup_passphrase_confirm_passphrase_title Confirm 확인
key_backup_setup_passphrase_confirm_passphrase_placeholder Confirm phrase 암호 확인
key_backup_setup_passphrase_confirm_passphrase_valid Great! 좋아요!
Key English Korean State
key_backup_setup_intro_title Never lose encrypted messages 절대 암호화된 메시지를 잃지 마세요
key_backup_setup_passphrase_confirm_passphrase_invalid phrase doesn’t match 암호가 틀렸습니다
key_backup_setup_passphrase_confirm_passphrase_placeholder Confirm phrase 암호 확인
key_backup_setup_passphrase_confirm_passphrase_title Confirm 확인
key_backup_setup_passphrase_confirm_passphrase_valid Great! 좋아요!
key_backup_setup_passphrase_info We'll store an encrypted copy of your keys on our server. Protect your backup with a phrase to keep it secure.

For maximum security, this should be different from your Matrix account password.
암호화된 키의 사본을 서버에 보관합니다. 암호로 된 백업을 보호하며 안전하게 유지해줍니다.

보안을 최대화하려면, 암호는 Matrix 계정의 비밀번호와 달라야 합니다.
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_invalid Try adding a word 단어를 추가해보세요
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_placeholder Enter phrase 암호 입력
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_title Enter 입력
key_backup_setup_passphrase_passphrase_valid Great! 좋아요!
key_backup_setup_passphrase_set_passphrase_action Set Phrase 암호 설정
key_backup_setup_passphrase_setup_recovery_key_action (Advanced) Set up with Security Key (고급) 보안 키로 설정
key_backup_setup_passphrase_setup_recovery_key_info Or, secure your backup with a Security Key, saving it somewhere safe. 또는, 안전한 곳에 저장해 둘 복구 키로 백업을 보호합니다.
key_backup_setup_passphrase_title Secure your backup with a Security Phrase 백업을 보안 암호로 보호하기
key_backup_setup_skip_alert_message You may lose secure messages if you log out or lose your device. 로그아웃하거나 기기를 잃어버리면 보안 메시지를 잃게 됩니다.
key_backup_setup_skip_alert_skip_action Skip 넘기기
key_backup_setup_skip_alert_title Are you sure? 확신합니까?
key_backup_setup_success_from_passphrase_done_action Done
key_backup_setup_success_from_passphrase_info Your keys are being backed up.

Your Security Key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.

Keep your Security Key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe).
키가 백업되었습니다.

보안 키는 안전망입니다 - 암호를 잊어버려도 암호화된 메시지에 접근할 수 있습니다.

보안 키를 비밀번호 관리자 (혹은 금고)같은 안전한 장소에 두세요.
key_backup_setup_success_from_passphrase_save_recovery_key_action Save Security Key 보안 키 저장
key_backup_setup_success_from_recovery_key_info Your keys are being backed up.

Make a copy of this Security Key and keep it safe.
키가 백업되었습니다.

보안 키의 사본을 만들어 안전하게 보관하세요.
key_backup_setup_success_from_recovery_key_made_copy_action I've made a copy 사본을 만들었습니다
key_backup_setup_success_from_recovery_key_make_copy_action Make a Copy 사본 만들기
key_backup_setup_success_from_recovery_key_recovery_key_title Security Key 보안 키
key_backup_setup_success_from_secure_backup_info Your keys are being backed up.
key_backup_setup_success_title Success! 성공!
key_backup_setup_title Key Backup 키 백업
key_verification_alert_body Review to ensure your account is safe.
key_verification_alert_title You have unverified sessions
key_verification_bootstrap_not_setup_message You need to bootstrap cross-signing first.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


User avatar paijai

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSKorean

5 years ago
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English Korean
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ko.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1163