
To link to a room it must have an address
Key English Korean State
room_details_room_name Room Name 방 이름
room_details_room_name_for_dm Name 이름
room_details_topic Topic 주제
room_details_favourite_tag Favourite 즐겨찾기
room_details_low_priority_tag Low priority 중요하지 않음
room_details_notifs Notifications 알림
room_details_mute_notifs Mute notifications 알림 음소거
room_details_direct_chat Direct Chat 다이렉트 대화
room_details_access_section Who can access this room? 이 방에 누가 접근할 수 있나요?
room_details_access_section_for_dm Who can access this? 누가 접근할 수 있나요?
room_details_access_section_invited_only Only people who have been invited 초대한 사람들만
room_details_access_section_anyone_apart_from_guest Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests 방의 링크를 아는 누구나, 손님 제외
room_details_access_section_anyone_apart_from_guest_for_dm Anyone who knows the link, apart from guests 게스트를 제외하고 초대 링크를 알고 있는 누구나
room_details_access_section_anyone Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests 방의 링크를 아는 누구나, 손님 포함
room_details_access_section_anyone_for_dm Anyone who knows the link, including guests 게스트를 포함한 초대 링크를 알고 있는 누구나
room_details_access_section_no_address_warning To link to a room it must have an address 방으로 링크를 주려면, 주소가 필요합니다
room_details_access_row_title Access 접근
room_details_promote_room_title Promote room 방 홍보하기
room_details_access_section_directory_toggle List this room in room directory 이 방을 방 목록에 배치
room_details_access_section_directory_toggle_for_dm List in room directory
room_details_promote_room_suggest_title Suggest to space members 스페이스 멤버에게 제안하기
room_details_history_section Who can read history? 누가 기록을 읽을 수 있나요?
room_details_history_section_anyone Anyone 누구나
room_details_history_section_members_only Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option) (이 옵션을 선택한 시점부터) 구성원만
room_details_history_section_members_only_since_invited Members only (since they were invited) (초대받은 시점부터) 구성원만
room_details_history_section_members_only_since_joined Members only (since they joined) (참가한 시점부터) 구성원만
room_details_history_section_prompt_title Privacy warning 개인 정보 경고
room_details_history_section_prompt_msg Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged. 이 방에서 기록을 읽을 수 있는 사람의 변경 사항은 이후 메시지부터 적용됩니다. 존재하는 기록의 가시성은 변하지 않습니다.
room_details_addresses_section Addresses 주소
room_details_no_local_addresses This room has no local addresses 이 방은 로컬 주소가 없습니다
room_details_no_local_addresses_for_dm This has no local addresses 이 방은 로컬 주소를 가지고 있지 않음
Key English Korean State
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_invite_action Start DM anyway
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_message Unable to find profiles for this Matrix ID. Would you like to start a DM anyway?
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_title Confirmation
room_creation_wait_for_creation A room is already being created. Please wait. 방을 이미 만드는 중입니다. 기다려주세요.
room_delete_unsent_messages Delete unsent messages 보내지지 않은 메시지 삭제하기
room_details_access_row_title Access 접근
room_details_access_section Who can access this room? 이 방에 누가 접근할 수 있나요?
room_details_access_section_anyone Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests 방의 링크를 아는 누구나, 손님 포함
room_details_access_section_anyone_apart_from_guest Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests 방의 링크를 아는 누구나, 손님 제외
room_details_access_section_anyone_apart_from_guest_for_dm Anyone who knows the link, apart from guests 게스트를 제외하고 초대 링크를 알고 있는 누구나
room_details_access_section_anyone_for_dm Anyone who knows the link, including guests 게스트를 포함한 초대 링크를 알고 있는 누구나
room_details_access_section_directory_toggle List this room in room directory 이 방을 방 목록에 배치
room_details_access_section_directory_toggle_for_dm List in room directory
room_details_access_section_for_dm Who can access this? 누가 접근할 수 있나요?
room_details_access_section_invited_only Only people who have been invited 초대한 사람들만
room_details_access_section_no_address_warning To link to a room it must have an address 방으로 링크를 주려면, 주소가 필요합니다
room_details_addresses_disable_main_address_prompt_msg You will have no main address specified. The default main address for this room will be picked randomly 지정한 기본 주소가 없습니다. 이 방의 기본 주소는 무작위로 지정됩니다
room_details_addresses_disable_main_address_prompt_title Main address warning 기본 주소 경고
room_details_addresses_invalid_address_prompt_msg %@ is not a valid format for an alias %@은(는) 별칭에 올바른 형식이 아닙니다
room_details_addresses_invalid_address_prompt_title Invalid alias format 잘못된 별칭 형식
room_details_addresses_section Addresses 주소
room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_blacklist_unverified_devices Encrypt to verified sessions only 검증된 세션만 암호화
room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_disabled Encryption is not enabled in this room. 이 방의 암호화가 꺼졌습니다.
room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_disabled_for_dm Encryption is not enabled here. 이 방의 암호화가 활성화되지 않음.
room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_enabled Encryption is enabled in this room 이 방의 암호화가 켜졌습니다
room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_enabled_for_dm Encryption is enabled here 이 방의 암호화 활성화됨
room_details_advanced_enable_e2e_encryption Enable encryption (warning: cannot be disabled again!) 암호화 켜짐 (경고: 다시 끌 수 없습니다!)
room_details_advanced_room_id Room ID: 방 ID:
room_details_advanced_room_id_for_dm ID: 아이디 :
room_details_advanced_section Advanced 고급


User avatar paijai

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSKorean

To link to a room it must have an address
방으로 링크를 주려면, 주소가 필요합니다
5 years ago
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English Korean
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ko.lproj/Vector.strings, string 856