
// Room Screen // general errors // Home Screen // Last seen time // call events /* -*- Automatic localization for en The following key/value pairs were extracted from the android i18n file: /console/src/main/res/values/strings.xml. */ // titles // button names // button names
Key English Italian State
notice_room_topic_removed_by_you You removed the topic Hai rimosso l'argomento
notice_event_redacted_by_you by you da te
notice_profile_change_redacted_by_you You updated your profile %@ Hai aggiornato il tuo profilo %@
notice_room_created_by_you You created and configured the room. Hai creato e configurato la stanza.
notice_room_created_by_you_for_dm You joined. Sei entrato/a.
notice_encryption_enabled_ok_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption. Hai attivato la crittografia end-to-end.
notice_encryption_enabled_unknown_algorithm_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognised algorithm %@). Hai attivato la crittografia end-to-end (algoritmo %@ sconosciuto).
notice_redaction_by_you You redacted an event (id: %@) Hai corretto un evento (id: %@)
notice_room_history_visible_to_anyone_by_you You made future room history visible to anyone. Hai reso visibile a chiunque la cronologia futura della stanza.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members. Hai reso visibile a tutti i membri della stanza la cronologia futura della stanza.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to all room members. Hai reso visibili i messaggi futuri a tutti i membri della stanza.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited. Hai reso visibile a tutti i membri della stanza la cronologia futura della stanza, dal momento del loro invito.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they get invited. Hai reso visibili i messaggi futuri a chiunque, dal momento dell'invito.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined. Hai reso visibile a tutti i membri della stanza la cronologia futura della stanza, dal momento della loro entrata.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they joined. Hai reso visibili i messaggi futuri a chiunque, dal momento dell'entrata.
send Send Invia
copy_button_name Copy Copia
resend Resend Invia di nuovo
redact Remove Cancella
share Share Condividi
delete Delete Elimina
action_logout Logout Esci
create_room Create Room Crea un canale
login Login Entra
create_account Create Account Crea utente
membership_invite Invited Invitati
membership_leave Left Uscito/a
membership_ban Banned Espulso
num_members_one %@ user %@ utente
num_members_other %@ users %@ utenti
kick Remove from chat Rimuovi dalla chat
Key English Italian State
security_settings_crypto_sessions_description_2 If you don’t recognise a login, change your Matrix account password and reset Secure Backup. Se non riconosci un accesso, modifica la password dell'account Matrix e reimposta il Backup Sicuro.
security_settings_crypto_sessions_loading Loading sessions… Caricamento sessioni…
security_settings_export_keys_manually Export keys manually Esporta manualmente le chiavi
security_settings_secure_backup SECURE BACKUP BACKUP SICURO
security_settings_secure_backup_delete Delete Backup Elimina backup
security_settings_secure_backup_description Back up your encryption keys with your account data in case you lose access to your sessions. Your keys will be secured with a unique Security Key. Fai un backup delle chiavi crittografiche con i dati del tuo account in caso tu perda l'accesso alle tue sessioni. Le chiavi saranno protette con una chiave di sicurezza univoca.
security_settings_secure_backup_info_checking Checking… Controllo…
security_settings_secure_backup_info_valid This session is backing up your keys. Questa sessione sta eseguendo il backup delle tue chiavi.
security_settings_secure_backup_reset Reset Reimposta
security_settings_secure_backup_restore Restore from Backup Ripristina da un backup
security_settings_secure_backup_setup Set up Configura
security_settings_title Security Sicurezza
security_settings_user_password_description Confirm your identity by entering your Matrix account password Conferma la tua identità inserendo la password dell'account Matrix
select_account Select an account Seleziona un utente
select_all Select All Seleziona tutto
send Send Invia
sending Sending Inviando
send_to Send to %@ Invia a %@
service_terms_modal_accept_button Accept Accetta
service_terms_modal_decline_button Decline Rifiuta
service_terms_modal_description_identity_server This will allow someone to find you if they have your phone number or email saved in their phone contacts. Ciò aiuterà qualcuno a trovarti se ha il tuo numero di telefono o l'email salvati nei suoi contatti.
service_terms_modal_description_integration_manager This will allow you to use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs. Ciò ti permetterà di usare bot, bridge, widget e pacchetti di sticker.
service_terms_modal_footer This can be disabled anytime in settings. Può essere disattivato in qualsiasi momento nelle impostazioni.
service_terms_modal_information_description_identity_server An identity server helps you find your contacts, by looking up their phone number or email address, to see if they already have an account. Un server d'identità ti aiuta a trovare i tuoi contatti, cercando il loro numero di telefono o l'indirizzo email, per vedere se hanno già un account.
service_terms_modal_information_description_integration_manager An integration manager lets you add features from third parties. Un gestore di integrazioni ti permette di aggiungere funzioni da terze parti.
service_terms_modal_information_title_identity_server Identity Server Server d'identità
service_terms_modal_information_title_integration_manager Integration Manager Gestore di integrazioni
service_terms_modal_policy_checkbox_accessibility_hint Check to accept %@ Seleziona per accettare %@
service_terms_modal_table_header_identity_server IDENTITY SERVER TERMS TERMINI DEL SERVER D'IDENTITÀ
service_terms_modal_table_header_integration_manager INTEGRATION MANAGER TERMS TERMINI DEL GESTORE DI INTEGRAZIONI
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


No matching activity found.

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English Italian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
// Room Screen // general errors // Home Screen // Last seen time // call events /* -*- Automatic localization for en The following key/value pairs were extracted from the android i18n file: /console/src/main/res/values/strings.xml. */ // titles // button names // button names
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/it.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2339