
Old password
Key English Icelandic State
settings_labs_enable_live_location_sharing Live location sharing - share current location (active development, and temporarily, locations persist in room history) Deiling staðsetninga í rautíma - deildu staðsetningunni þinni í rauntíma (í virkri þróun, tímabundið haldast staðsetningar í ferli spjallrása)
settings_labs_enable_new_session_manager New session manager
settings_labs_enable_new_client_info_feature Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager
settings_labs_enable_new_app_layout New Application Layout
settings_labs_enable_wysiwyg_composer Try out the rich text editor
settings_labs_enable_voice_broadcast Voice broadcast Útvörpun tals
settings_version Version %@ Útgáfa %@
settings_olm_version Olm Version %@ Útgáfa olm %@
settings_copyright Copyright Höfundarréttur
settings_term_conditions Terms & Conditions Skilmálar og kvaðir
settings_acceptable_use Acceptable Use Policy
settings_privacy_policy Privacy Policy Persónuverndarstefna
settings_third_party_notices Third-party Notices Athugasemdir frá þriðja aðila
settings_analytics_and_crash_data Send crash and analytics data Senda hrun- og greiningargögn
settings_enable_rageshake Rage shake to report bug Hristu ákveðið til að senda villutilkynningu
settings_old_password Old password Eldra lykilorð
settings_new_password New password Nýtt lykilorð
settings_confirm_password Confirm password Staðfestu lykilorðið
settings_fail_to_update_password Fail to update Matrix account password Mistókst að uppfæra Matrix-lykilorð
settings_password_updated Your Matrix account password has been updated Matrix-lykilorðið þitt hefur verið uppfært
settings_add_3pid_password_title_email Add email address Bæta við tölvupóstfangi
settings_add_3pid_password_title_msidsn Add phone number Bæta við símanúmeri
settings_add_3pid_password_message To continue, please enter your Matrix account password Til að halda áfram, settu inn Matrix-lykilorðið þitt
settings_add_3pid_invalid_password_message Invalid credentials Ógild auðkenni
settings_crypto_device_name Session name: Nafn á setu:
Session ID:

Auðkenni setu:
Session key:

Dulritunarlykill setu:
settings_crypto_export Export keys Flytja út dulritunarlykla
settings_crypto_blacklist_unverified_devices Encrypt to verified sessions only Aðeins dulrita til sannvottaðra tækja
settings_deactivate_my_account Deactivate account permanently Gera notandaaðganginn endanlega óvirkan
settings_key_backup_info Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages. Öryggi dulritaðra skilaboða er tryggt með enda-í-enda dulritun. Einungis þú og viðtakendurnir hafa dulritunarlyklana til að lesa slík skilaboð.
Key English Icelandic State
settings_mark_all_as_read Mark all messages as read Merkja öll skilaboð sem lesin
settings_mentions_and_keywords Mentions and Keywords Minnst á og stikkorð
settings_mentions_and_keywords_encryption_notice You won’t get notifications for mentions & keywords in encrypted rooms on mobile.
settings_messages_by_a_bot Messages by a bot Skilaboð frá vélmenni
settings_messages_containing_at_room @room @room
settings_messages_containing_display_name My display name Birtingarnafn mitt
settings_messages_containing_keywords Keywords Stikkorð
settings_messages_containing_user_name My username Notandanafnið mitt
settings_new_keyword Add new Keyword Bæta við nýju stikkorði
settings_new_password New password Nýtt lykilorð
settings_night_mode Night Mode Næturhamur
settings_notifications_disabled_alert_message To enable notifications, go to your device settings.
settings_notifications_disabled_alert_title Notifications disabled Tilkynningar óvirkar
settings_notify_me_for Notify me for Láta mig vita fyrir
settings_old_password Old password Eldra lykilorð
settings_olm_version Olm Version %@ Útgáfa olm %@
settings_other Other Annað
settings_password_updated Your Matrix account password has been updated Matrix-lykilorðið þitt hefur verið uppfært
settings_phone_number Phone Símanúmer
settings_pin_rooms_with_missed_notif Pin rooms with missed notifications Festa spjallrásir með óskoðuðum tilkynningum
settings_pin_rooms_with_unread Pin rooms with unread messages Festa spjallrásir með ólesnum skilaboðum
settings_presence Presence Viðvera
settings_presence_offline_mode Offline Mode Ónettengdur hamur
settings_presence_offline_mode_description If enabled, you will always appear offline to other users, even when using the application.
settings_privacy_policy Privacy Policy Persónuverndarstefna
settings_profile_picture Profile Picture Notandamynd
settings_push_rules_error An error occurred when updating your notification preferences. Please try to toggle your option again.
settings_remove_email_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to remove the email address %@? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja tölvupóstfangið %@?


User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Old password
eEldra lykilorð
2 years ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

oOld password
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Old password
eldra lykilorð
6 years ago
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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/is.lproj/Vector.strings, string 706