
%@ doesn't have permission to access photo library, please change privacy settings
Key English Icelandic State
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_removed_by_you You removed VoIP conference Þú fjarlægðir VoIP-símafund
or or eða
you You Þú
today Today Í dag
yesterday Yesterday Í gær
network_offline_prompt The Internet connection appears to be offline. Internettenging virðist vera ótengd.
network_offline_title You're offline
network_offline_message You're offline, check your connection.
homeserver_connection_lost Could not connect to the homeserver. Gat ekki tengst við heimaþjóninn.
public_room_section_title Public Rooms (at %@): Opinberar spjallrásir (á %@):
bug_report_prompt The application has crashed last time. Would you like to submit a crash report? Forritið hrundi síðast. Myndirðu vilja senda inn villuskýrslu?
rage_shake_prompt You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to submit a bug report? Það er eins og þú sért að hrista símann ákveðið. Myndirðu vilja senda villuskýrslu?
do_not_ask_again Do not ask again Ekki spyrja aftur
camera_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to use Camera, please change privacy settings
camera_unavailable The camera is unavailable on your device Myndavélin er ekki aðgengileg á tækinu þínu
photo_library_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to access photo library, please change privacy settings
large_badge_value_k_format %.1fK %.1fK
room_does_not_exist %@ does not exist %@ er ekki til
call_incoming_voice_prompt Incoming voice call from %@ Innhringing raddsímtals frá %@
call_incoming_video_prompt Incoming video call from %@ Innhringing myndsímtals frá %@
call_incoming_voice Incoming call… Innhringing…
call_incoming_video Incoming video call… Innhringing myndsímtals…
call_already_displayed There is already a call in progress. Þegar er símtal í gangi.
call_jitsi_error Failed to join the conference call. Mistókst að taka þátt í símafundi.
call_jitsi_unable_to_start Unable to start conference call
call_no_stun_server_error_title Call failed due to misconfigured server Símtal mistókst vegna vanstillingar netþjóns
call_no_stun_server_error_message_1 Please ask the administrator of your homeserver %@ to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably. Spurðu kerfisstjóra %@ heimaþjónsins þíns um að setja upp TURN-þjón til að tryggja að símtöl virki eðlilega.
call_no_stun_server_error_message_2 Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at %@, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings Annars geturðu reynt að nota almenningsþjóninn á %@, en það er oft ekki eins áreiðanlegt, auk þess að þá er IP-vistfanginu þínu deilt með þeim þjóni. Þú getur líka föndrað við þetta í stillingunum
call_no_stun_server_error_use_fallback_button Try using %@ Reyndu að nota %@
call_actions_unhold Resume Halda áfram
no_voip_title Incoming call Innhringing
Key English Icelandic State
password_policy_too_short_pwd_error Too short password
password_policy_weak_pwd_error This password is too weak. It must contain at least 8 characters, with at least one character of each type: uppercase, lowercase, digit and special character.
password_validation_error_contain_lowercase_letter Contain a lower-case letter. Innihalda lágstaf.
password_validation_error_contain_number Contain a number. Innihalda tölu.
password_validation_error_contain_symbol Contain a symbol. Innihalda tákn.
password_validation_error_contain_uppercase_letter Contain an upper-case letter. Innihalda hástaf.
password_validation_error_header Given password does not meet the criteria below: Uppgefið lykilorð uppfyllir ekki eftirfarandi skilyrði:
password_validation_error_max_length Not exceed %d characters. Ekki vera lengra en %d stafir.
password_validation_error_min_length At least %d characters. Að minnsta kosti %d stafa langt.
password_validation_info_header Your password should meet the criteria below: Lykilorðið þitt ætti að uppfylla eftirfarandi skilyrði:
people_conversation_section CONVERSATIONS SAMTÖL
people_empty_view_information Chat securely with anyone.Tap the + to start adding people. Spjallaðu á öruggan hátt við hvern sem er. Ýttu á + til að bæta við fólki.
people_empty_view_title People Fólk
people_invites_section INVITES BOÐSGESTIR
people_no_conversation No conversations Engin samtöl
photo_library_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to access photo library, please change privacy settings
pill_message Message
pill_message_from Message from %@
pill_message_in Message in %@
pill_room_fallback_display_name Space/Room
pin_protection_choose_pin Create a PIN for security Útbúðu PIN-númer í öryggisskyni
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_login Welcome back. Velkomin(n) aftur.
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_register Welcome. Velkomin.
pin_protection_confirm_pin Confirm your PIN Staðfestu PIN-númerið þitt
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_change Confirm PIN to change PIN
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_disable Confirm PIN to disable PIN
pin_protection_enter_pin Enter your PIN Settu inn PIN-númerið þitt
pin_protection_explanatory Setting up a PIN lets you protect data like messages and contacts, so only you can access them by entering the PIN at the start of the app.
pin_protection_forgot_pin Forgot PIN Gleymt PIN-númer
pin_protection_kick_user_alert_message Too many errors, you've been logged out Of margar villur, þú hefur verið skráð/ur út


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English Icelandic
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Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/is.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1025