
// MARK: - Call Transfer
Key English Icelandic State
create_room_section_footer_type_restricted Anyone in Space name can find and join. Hver sem er á svæðinu getur fundið og tekið þátt.
create_room_section_footer_type_public Only people invited can find and join, not just people in Space name.
create_room_promotion_header PROMOTION KYNNING
create_room_show_in_directory Show in room directory Birta spjallrás í spjallrásalista
create_room_show_in_directory_footer This will help people find and join. Þetta hjálpar fólki að finna og taka þátt.
create_room_section_header_address ADDRESS VISTFANG
create_room_suggest_room Suggest to space members Stinga uppá við meðlimi svæðis
create_room_suggest_room_footer Suggested rooms are promoted to space members as good to join.
create_room_processing Creating room Bý til spjallrás
room_info_list_one_member 1 member 1 meðlimur
room_info_list_several_members %@ members %@ meðlimir
room_info_list_section_other Other Annað
room_info_back_button_title Room Info Upplýsingar um spjallrás
dialpad_title Dial pad Talnaborð
call_transfer_title Transfer Flutningur
call_transfer_users Users Notendur
call_transfer_dialpad Dial pad Talnaborð
call_transfer_contacts_recent Recent Nýlegt
call_transfer_contacts_all All Allt
call_transfer_error_title Error Villa
call_transfer_error_message Call transfer failed Flutningur símtals mistókst
launch_loading_generic Syncing your conversations
launch_loading_delay_warning This may take a little longer.
Thanks for your patience.
home_empty_view_title Welcome to %@,
Velkomin í %@,
home_empty_view_information The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Tap the + button below to add people and rooms.
home_context_menu_make_dm Move to People Færa í Fólk
home_context_menu_make_room Move to Rooms Færa í Spjallrásir
home_context_menu_notifications Notifications Tilkynningar
home_context_menu_mute Mute Þagga niður
home_context_menu_unmute Unmute Kveikja á hljóði
Key English Icelandic State
call_more_actions_dialpad Dial pad Talnaborð
call_more_actions_hold Hold Bíða
call_more_actions_transfer Transfer Flutningur
call_more_actions_unhold Resume Halda áfram
call_no_stun_server_error_message_1 Please ask the administrator of your homeserver %@ to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably. Spurðu kerfisstjóra %@ heimaþjónsins þíns um að setja upp TURN-þjón til að tryggja að símtöl virki eðlilega.
call_no_stun_server_error_message_2 Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at %@, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings Annars geturðu reynt að nota almenningsþjóninn á %@, en það er oft ekki eins áreiðanlegt, auk þess að þá er IP-vistfanginu þínu deilt með þeim þjóni. Þú getur líka föndrað við þetta í stillingunum
call_no_stun_server_error_title Call failed due to misconfigured server Símtal mistókst vegna vanstillingar netþjóns
call_no_stun_server_error_use_fallback_button Try using %@ Reyndu að nota %@
call_remote_holded %@ held the call %@ setti símtalið í bið
call_ringing Ringing… Hringing…
call_transfer_contacts_all All Allt
call_transfer_contacts_recent Recent Nýlegt
call_transfer_dialpad Dial pad Talnaborð
call_transfer_error_message Call transfer failed Flutningur símtals mistókst
call_transfer_error_title Error Villa
call_transfer_title Transfer Flutningur
call_transfer_to_user Transfer to %@ Færa á %@
call_transfer_users Users Notendur
call_video_with_user Video call with %@ Myndsímtal við %@
call_voice_with_user Voice call with %@ Raddsímtal við %@
camera Camera Myndavél
camera_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to use Camera, please change privacy settings
camera_access_not_granted_for_call Video calls require access to the Camera but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
camera_unavailable The camera is unavailable on your device Myndavélin er ekki aðgengileg á tækinu þínu
cancel Cancel Hætta við
cancel_download Cancel Download Hætta við niðurhal
cancel_upload Cancel Upload Hætta við innsendingu
capture_media Take Photo/Video Taka ljósmynd/myndskeið
close Close Loka
collapse collapse fella saman
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
// MARK: - Call Transfer
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/is.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1544