
Sign out of all devices
Key English Indonesian State
authentication_verify_email_input_message %@ needs to verify your account %@ harus memverifikasi akun Anda
authentication_verify_email_text_field_placeholder Email Email
authentication_verify_email_waiting_title Verify your email. Verifikasi email Anda.
authentication_verify_email_waiting_message Follow the instructions sent to %@ Ikuti petunjuk yang terkirim ke %@
authentication_verify_email_waiting_hint Did not receive an email? Tidak menerima sebuah email?
authentication_verify_email_waiting_button Resend email Kirim ulang email
authentication_forgot_password_input_title Enter your email Masukkan email Anda
authentication_forgot_password_input_message %@ will send you a verification link %@ akan mengirimkan Anda sebuah tautan verifikasi
authentication_forgot_password_text_field_placeholder Email Email
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_title Check your email. Periksa email Anda.
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_message Follow the instructions sent to %@ Ikuti petunjuk yang terkirim ke %@
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_button Resend email Kirim ulang email
authentication_choose_password_input_title Choose a new password Pilih sebuah kata sandi baru
authentication_choose_password_input_message Make sure it’s 8 characters or more Pastikan itu 8 karakter atau lebih
authentication_choose_password_text_field_placeholder New Password Kata Sandi Baru
authentication_choose_password_signout_all_devices Sign out of all devices Keluar dari semua perangkat
authentication_choose_password_submit_button Reset Password Atur Ulang Kata Sandi
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_title Email not verified Email belum diverifikasi
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_message Check your inbox Periksa kotak masuk Anda
authentication_verify_msisdn_input_title Enter your phone number Masukkan nomor telepon Anda
authentication_verify_msisdn_input_message %@ needs to verify your account %@ harus memverifikasi akun Anda
authentication_verify_msisdn_text_field_placeholder Phone Number Nomor Telepon
authentication_verify_msisdn_otp_text_field_placeholder Confirmation Code Kode Konfirmasi
authentication_verify_msisdn_waiting_title Verify your phone number Verifikasi nomor telepon Anda
authentication_verify_msisdn_waiting_message A code was sent to %@ Sebuah kode terkirim ke %@
authentication_verify_msisdn_waiting_button Resend code Kirim ulang kode
authentication_verify_msisdn_invalid_phone_number Invalid phone number Nomor telepon tidak absah
authentication_terms_title Privacy policies Kebijakan privasi
authentication_terms_message Please read %@’s terms and policies Mohon baca ketentuan dan kebijakan %@
authentication_terms_policy_url_error Unable to find the selected policy. Please try again later. Tidak dapat menemukan kebijakan yang dipilih. Mohon coba lagi nanti.
authentication_recaptcha_title Are you a human? Apakah Anda seorang manusia?
Key English Indonesian State
auth_add_email_message_2 Set an email for account recovery, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Tetapkan surel untuk pemulihan akun, dan nanti dapat ditemukan oleh orang-orang yang mengenal Anda secara opsional.
auth_add_email_phone_message_2 Set an email for account recovery. Use later email or phone to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Tetapkan surel untuk pemulihan akun. Gunakan email atau telepon selanjutnya untuk dapat ditemukan oleh orang-orang yang mengenal Anda secara opsional.
auth_add_phone_message_2 Set a phone, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Atur telepon, dan nanti dapat ditemukan oleh orang-orang yang mengenal Anda secara opsional.
auth_autodiscover_invalid_response Invalid homeserver discovery response Respons penemuan homeserver tidak absah
auth_email_in_use This email address is already in use Surel ini sudah dipakai
auth_email_is_required No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your Matrix account password in the future. Tidak ada server identitas yang dikonfigurasi sehingga Anda tidak dapat menambahkan alamat email untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi akun Matrix Anda di masa depan.
auth_email_not_found Failed to send email: This email address was not found Gagal mengirim surel: Alamat email ini tidak ditemukan
auth_email_placeholder Email address Alamat surel
auth_email_validation_message Please check your email to continue registration Silakan periksa email Anda untuk melanjutkan pendaftaran
authenticated_session_flow_not_supported This app does not support the authentication mechanism on your homeserver. Aplikasi ini tidak mendukung mekanisme autentikasi di homeserver Anda.
authentication_cancel_flow_confirmation_message Your account is not created yet. Stop the registration process? Akun Anda belum dibuat. Berhenti proses mendaftar?
authentication_choose_password_input_message Make sure it’s 8 characters or more Pastikan itu 8 karakter atau lebih
authentication_choose_password_input_title Choose a new password Pilih sebuah kata sandi baru
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_message Check your inbox Periksa kotak masuk Anda
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_title Email not verified Email belum diverifikasi
authentication_choose_password_signout_all_devices Sign out of all devices Keluar dari semua perangkat
authentication_choose_password_submit_button Reset Password Atur Ulang Kata Sandi
authentication_choose_password_text_field_placeholder New Password Kata Sandi Baru
authentication_forgot_password_input_message %@ will send you a verification link %@ akan mengirimkan Anda sebuah tautan verifikasi
authentication_forgot_password_input_title Enter your email Masukkan email Anda
authentication_forgot_password_text_field_placeholder Email Email
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_button Resend email Kirim ulang email
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_message Follow the instructions sent to %@ Ikuti petunjuk yang terkirim ke %@
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_title Check your email. Periksa email Anda.
authentication_login_forgot_password Forgot password Lupa kata sandi
authentication_login_title Welcome back! Selamat datang kembali!
authentication_login_username Username / Email / Phone Nama Pengguna / Email / Telepon
authentication_login_with_qr Sign in with QR code Masuk dengan kode QR
authentication_qr_login_confirm_alert Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. Pastikan Anda tahu asalnya dari kode ini. Dengan menautkan perangkat, Anda akan memberikan seseorang akses penuh ke akun Anda.
authentication_qr_login_confirm_subtitle Confirm that the code below matches with your other device: Konfirmasi bahwa kode di bawah sesuai dengan perangkat Anda yang lain:


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English Indonesian
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/id.lproj/Vector.strings, string 142