
Please verify that you entered the correct rSecovery passpurity Phrase.
Please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase.
Key English Basque State
user_verification_session_details_verify_action_current_user Interactively Verify Egiaztatu interaktiboki
user_verification_session_details_verify_action_current_user_manually Manually Verify by Text Egiaztatu eskuz testu bidez
user_verification_session_details_verify_action_other_user Manually verify Eskuzko egiaztaketa
secrets_recovery_reset_action_part_1 Forgot or lost all recovery options?
secrets_recovery_reset_action_part_2 Reset everything
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_title Security Phrase Berreskuratze pasa-esaldia
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_information_default Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other sessions by entering your Security Phrase. Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta zeharkako sinatzerako identitatea beste saioak egiaztatzeko zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia sartuz.
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_information_verify_device Use your Security Phrase to verify this device. Erabili berreskuratze pasa-esaldia gailu hau egiaztatzeko.
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_passphrase_title Enter Sartu
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_passphrase_placeholder Enter Security Phrase Sartu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_recover_action Use Phrase Erabili pasa-esaldia
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part1 Don’t know your Security Phrase? You can Ez duzu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia gogoratzen?
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part2 use your Security Key erabili berreskuratze-gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part3 . .
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_invalid_passphrase_title Unable to access secret storage Ezin izan da biltegi sekretua atzitu
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_invalid_passphrase_message Please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase. Egiaztatu berreskuratze pasa-esaldi zuzena sartu duzula.
secrets_recovery_with_key_title Security Key Berreskuratze gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_default Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other sessions by entering your Security Key. Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta zeharkako sinatzerako identitatea beste saioak egiaztatzeko zure berreskuratze gakoa sartuz.
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_verify_device Use your Security Key to verify this device. Erabili berreskuratze gakoa gailu hau egiaztatzeko.
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_unlock_secure_backup_with_phrase Enter your Security Phrase to continue.
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_unlock_secure_backup_with_key Enter your Security Key to continue.
secrets_recovery_with_key_recovery_key_title Enter Sartu
secrets_recovery_with_key_recovery_key_placeholder Enter Security Key Sartu berreskuratze-gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_key_recover_action Use Key Erabili gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_key_invalid_recovery_key_title Unable to access secret storage Ezin izan da biltegi sekretua atzitu
secrets_recovery_with_key_invalid_recovery_key_message Please verify that you entered the correct Security Key. Egiaztatu berreskuratze gako zuzena sartu duzula.
secrets_setup_recovery_key_title Save your Security Key
secrets_setup_recovery_key_information Store your Security Key somewhere safe. It can be used to unlock your encrypted messages & data.
secrets_setup_recovery_key_loading Loading…
secrets_setup_recovery_key_export_action Save
secrets_setup_recovery_key_done_action Done
Key English Basque State
search_searching Search in progress... Bilaketa abian…
secrets_recovery_reset_action_part_1 Forgot or lost all recovery options?
secrets_recovery_reset_action_part_2 Reset everything
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_default Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other sessions by entering your Security Key. Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta zeharkako sinatzerako identitatea beste saioak egiaztatzeko zure berreskuratze gakoa sartuz.
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_unlock_secure_backup_with_key Enter your Security Key to continue.
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_unlock_secure_backup_with_phrase Enter your Security Phrase to continue.
secrets_recovery_with_key_information_verify_device Use your Security Key to verify this device. Erabili berreskuratze gakoa gailu hau egiaztatzeko.
secrets_recovery_with_key_invalid_recovery_key_message Please verify that you entered the correct Security Key. Egiaztatu berreskuratze gako zuzena sartu duzula.
secrets_recovery_with_key_invalid_recovery_key_title Unable to access secret storage Ezin izan da biltegi sekretua atzitu
secrets_recovery_with_key_recover_action Use Key Erabili gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_key_recovery_key_placeholder Enter Security Key Sartu berreskuratze-gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_key_recovery_key_title Enter Sartu
secrets_recovery_with_key_title Security Key Berreskuratze gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_information_default Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other sessions by entering your Security Phrase. Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta zeharkako sinatzerako identitatea beste saioak egiaztatzeko zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia sartuz.
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_information_verify_device Use your Security Phrase to verify this device. Erabili berreskuratze pasa-esaldia gailu hau egiaztatzeko.
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_invalid_passphrase_message Please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase. Egiaztatu berreskuratze pasa-esaldi zuzena sartu duzula.
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_invalid_passphrase_title Unable to access secret storage Ezin izan da biltegi sekretua atzitu
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part1 Don’t know your Security Phrase? You can Ez duzu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia gogoratzen?
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part2 use your Security Key erabili berreskuratze-gakoa
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part3 . .
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_passphrase_placeholder Enter Security Phrase Sartu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_passphrase_title Enter Sartu
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_recover_action Use Phrase Erabili pasa-esaldia
secrets_recovery_with_passphrase_title Security Phrase Berreskuratze pasa-esaldia
secrets_reset_authentication_message Enter your Matrix account password to confirm
secrets_reset_information Only do this if you have no other device you can verify this device with.
secrets_reset_reset_action Reset
secrets_reset_title Reset everything
secrets_reset_warning_message You will restart with no history, no messages, trusted devices or trusted users.
secrets_reset_warning_title If you reset everything


User avatar None

Source string changed

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Please verify that you entered the correct rSecovery passpurity Phrase.
3 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase.
Egiaztatu berreskuratze pasa-esaldi zuzena sartu duzula.
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1438