

Sender session information
Key English Basque State
device_details_last_seen_format %@ @ %@
%@ @ %@
device_details_rename_prompt_title Session Name Saioaren izena
device_details_rename_prompt_message A session's public name is visible to people you communicate with Saio baten izen publikoa zurekin komunikatzen den jendeak ikusi dezake
device_details_delete_prompt_title Authentication Autentifikazioa
device_details_delete_prompt_message This operation requires additional authentication.
To continue, please enter your password.
Eragiketa honek autentifikazio gehigarria behar du.
Jarraitzeko, idatzi zure pasahitza.
room_event_encryption_info_title End-to-end encryption information

Muturretik muturrerako zifratzearen informazioa

room_event_encryption_info_event Event information
Gertaeraren informazioa
room_event_encryption_info_event_user_id User ID
Erabiltzailearen ID-a
room_event_encryption_info_event_identity_key Curve25519 identity key
Curve25519 identitate-gakoa
room_event_encryption_info_event_fingerprint_key Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key
Aldarrikatutako Ed25519 hatz-marka gakoa
room_event_encryption_info_event_algorithm Algorithm
room_event_encryption_info_event_session_id Session ID
Saioaren ID-a
room_event_encryption_info_event_decryption_error Decryption error
Deszifratze errorea
room_event_encryption_info_event_unencrypted unencrypted zifratu gabe
room_event_encryption_info_event_none none bat ere ez
Sender session information

Igorlearen saioaren informazioa
room_event_encryption_info_device_unknown unknown session
saio ezezaguna
room_event_encryption_info_device_name Public Name
Izen publikoa
room_event_encryption_info_device_id ID
room_event_encryption_info_device_verification Verification
room_event_encryption_info_device_fingerprint Ed25519 fingerprint
Ed25519 hatz-marka
room_event_encryption_info_device_verified Verified Egiaztatuta
room_event_encryption_info_device_not_verified NOT verified EZ egiaztatuta
room_event_encryption_info_device_blocked Blacklisted Blokeatuta
room_event_encryption_info_verify Verify... Egiaztatu…
room_event_encryption_info_unverify Unverify Kendu egiaztaketa
room_event_encryption_info_block Blacklist Blokeatu
room_event_encryption_info_unblock Unblacklist Desblokeatu
room_event_encryption_info_key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.
room_event_encryption_verify_title Verify session

Egiaztatu saioa

room_event_encryption_verify_message To verify that this session can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this session matches the key below:

Session name: %@
Session ID: %@
Session key: %@

If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesnt, then someone else is intercepting this session and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.

In future this verification process will be more sophisticated.
Saio hau fidagarria dela egiaztatzeko, jarri kontaktuan jabearekin beste medio batzuk erabilita (adib. aurrez-aurre edo telefonoz deituz) eta galdetu bere erabiltzaile-ezarpenetan ikusten duten gakoa honekin bat datorren:

Saioaren izena: %@
Saioaren ID-a: %@
Saioaren gakoa: %@

Bat badatoz, sakatu beheko egiaztatu botoia. Ez badatoz bat, beste norbait egon daiteke saioa atzematen eta ziur aski zerrenda beltzaren botoia zapaldu nahiko duzu.

Etorkizunean egiaztaketa prozesu hau sofistikatuagoa izango da.
Key English Basque State
room_event_action_remove_poll Remove poll
room_event_action_reply Reply Erantzun
room_event_action_reply_in_thread Thread
room_event_action_report Report content Salatu edukia
room_event_action_report_prompt_ignore_user Do you want to hide all messages from this user? Erabiltzaile honen mezu guztiak ezkutatu nahi dituzu?
room_event_action_report_prompt_reason Reason for reporting this content Eduki hau salatzeko arrazoia
room_event_action_resend Resend Birbidali
room_event_action_save Save Gorde
room_event_action_share Share Partekatu
room_event_action_view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source Ikusi deszifratutako iturria
room_event_action_view_encryption Encryption Information Zifratze informazioa
room_event_action_view_in_room View in room
room_event_action_view_source View Source Ikusi iturburua
room_event_copy_link_info Link copied to clipboard.
room_event_encryption_info_block Blacklist Blokeatu
Sender session information

Igorlearen saioaren informazioa
room_event_encryption_info_device_blocked Blacklisted Blokeatuta
room_event_encryption_info_device_fingerprint Ed25519 fingerprint
Ed25519 hatz-marka
room_event_encryption_info_device_id ID
room_event_encryption_info_device_name Public Name
Izen publikoa
room_event_encryption_info_device_not_verified NOT verified EZ egiaztatuta
room_event_encryption_info_device_unknown unknown session
saio ezezaguna
room_event_encryption_info_device_verification Verification
room_event_encryption_info_device_verified Verified Egiaztatuta
room_event_encryption_info_event Event information
Gertaeraren informazioa
room_event_encryption_info_event_algorithm Algorithm
room_event_encryption_info_event_decryption_error Decryption error
Deszifratze errorea
room_event_encryption_info_event_fingerprint_key Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key
Aldarrikatutako Ed25519 hatz-marka gakoa
room_event_encryption_info_event_identity_key Curve25519 identity key
Curve25519 identitate-gakoa
room_event_encryption_info_event_none none bat ere ez


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2145