
Key English Estonian State
poll_timeline_votes_count %lu votes %lu häält
poll_timeline_total_no_votes No votes cast Hääletanuid ei ole
poll_timeline_total_one_vote 1 vote cast 1 hääletanu
poll_timeline_total_votes %lu votes cast %lu hääletanut
poll_timeline_total_one_vote_not_voted 1 vote cast. Vote to the see the results 1 hääletanu. Tulemuste nägemiseks osale ise ka küsitluses
poll_timeline_total_votes_not_voted %lu votes cast. Vote to the see the results %lu hääletanut. Tulemuste nägemiseks osale ise ka küsitluses
poll_timeline_total_final_results_one_vote Final results based on 1 vote Ühel häälel põhinev lõpptulemus
poll_timeline_total_final_results Final results based on %lu votes %lu'l häälel põhinev lõpptulemus
poll_timeline_vote_not_registered_title Vote not registered Hääl ei salvestunud
poll_timeline_vote_not_registered_subtitle Sorry, your vote was not registered, please try again Vabandust, aga sinu valik jäi salvestamata. Palun proovi uuesti
poll_timeline_not_closed_title Failed to end poll Küsitluse lõpetamine ei õnnestunud
poll_timeline_not_closed_subtitle Please try again Palun proovi uuesti
poll_timeline_decryption_error Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted Dekrüptimisvigade tõttu jääb osa hääli lugemata
poll_timeline_ended_text Ended the poll Küsitlus on lõppenud
poll_timeline_reply_ended_poll Ended poll Lõppenud küsitlus
poll_timeline_loading Loading... Laadin...
location_sharing_title Location Asukoht
location_sharing_close_action Close Sulge
location_sharing_post_failure_title We couldn’t send your location Sinu asukoha saatmine ei õnnestunud
location_sharing_post_failure_subtitle %@ could not send your location. Please try again later. %@ ei saanud sinu asukohta edastada. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
location_sharing_loading_map_error_title %@ could not load the map. Please try again later. %@ ei saanud kaarti avada. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
location_sharing_locating_user_error_title %@ could not access your location. Please try again later. %@ ei saanud asukohta tuvastada. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
location_sharing_invalid_authorization_error_title %@ does not have permission to access your location. You can enable access in Settings > Location %@ vajab asukoha määramiseks õigusi, mida saad määrata Seadistused > Asukoht valikust
location_sharing_invalid_authorization_not_now Not now Mitte praegu
location_sharing_invalid_authorization_settings Settings Seadistused
location_sharing_invalid_power_level_title You don’t have permission to share live location Sul pole vajalikke õigusi asukoha jagamiseks reaalajas
location_sharing_invalid_power_level_message You need to have the right permissions in order to share live location in this room. Selles jututoas asukoha jagamiseks peavad sul olema vastavad õigused.
location_sharing_open_apple_maps Open in Apple Maps Ava rakendusega Apple Maps
location_sharing_open_google_maps Open in Google Maps Ava rakendusega Google Maps
location_sharing_open_open_street_maps Open in OpenStreetMap Ava OpenStreetMap'is
location_sharing_settings_header Location sharing Asukoha jagamine
Key English Estonian State
poll_edit_form_update_failure_subtitle Please try again Palun proovi uuesti
poll_edit_form_update_failure_title Failed to update poll Küsitluse muutmine ei õnnestunud
poll_history_active_segment_title Active polls Käimasolevad küsitlused
poll_history_detail_view_in_timeline View poll in timeline Näita küsitlust ajajoonel
poll_history_fetching_error Error fetching polls. Viga küsitluste laadimisel.
poll_history_loading_text Displaying polls Küsitluste kuvamise ootel
poll_history_load_more Load more polls Laadi veel küsitlusi
poll_history_no_active_poll_period_text There are no active polls for the past %@ days. Load more polls to view polls for previous months Möödunud %@ päeva jooksul polnud ühtegi toimumas olnud küsitlust. Varasemate kuude vaatamiseks laadi veel küsitlusi
poll_history_no_active_poll_text There are no active polls in this room Selles jututoas pole käimasolevaid küsitlusi
poll_history_no_past_poll_period_text There are no past polls for the past %@ days. Load more polls to view polls for previous months Möödunud %@ päeva jooksul polnud ühtegi lõppenud küsitlust. Varasemate kuude vaatamiseks laadi veel küsitlusi
poll_history_no_past_poll_text There are no past polls in this room Selles jututoas pole varasemaid küsitlusi
poll_history_past_segment_title Past polls Varasemad küsitlused
poll_history_title Poll history Küsitluste ajalugu
poll_timeline_decryption_error Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted Dekrüptimisvigade tõttu jääb osa hääli lugemata
poll_timeline_ended_text Ended the poll Küsitlus on lõppenud
poll_timeline_loading Loading... Laadin...
poll_timeline_not_closed_subtitle Please try again Palun proovi uuesti
poll_timeline_not_closed_title Failed to end poll Küsitluse lõpetamine ei õnnestunud
poll_timeline_one_vote 1 vote 1 hääl
poll_timeline_reply_ended_poll Ended poll Lõppenud küsitlus
poll_timeline_total_final_results Final results based on %lu votes %lu'l häälel põhinev lõpptulemus
poll_timeline_total_final_results_one_vote Final results based on 1 vote Ühel häälel põhinev lõpptulemus
poll_timeline_total_no_votes No votes cast Hääletanuid ei ole
poll_timeline_total_one_vote 1 vote cast 1 hääletanu
poll_timeline_total_one_vote_not_voted 1 vote cast. Vote to the see the results 1 hääletanu. Tulemuste nägemiseks osale ise ka küsitluses
poll_timeline_total_votes %lu votes cast %lu hääletanut
poll_timeline_total_votes_not_voted %lu votes cast. Vote to the see the results %lu hääletanut. Tulemuste nägemiseks osale ise ka küsitluses
poll_timeline_vote_not_registered_subtitle Sorry, your vote was not registered, please try again Vabandust, aga sinu valik jäi salvestamata. Palun proovi uuesti
poll_timeline_vote_not_registered_title Vote not registered Hääl ei salvestunud
poll_timeline_votes_count %lu votes %lu häält


User avatar jrtriot

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSEstonian

a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Estonian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/et.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1823