
// MARK: - Room Info
1 member
Key English Estonian State
create_room_section_header_type WHO CAN ACCESS KES PÄÄSEB SIIA LIGI
create_room_type_private Private Room (invite only) Privaatne jututuba (kutse alusel)
create_room_type_restricted Space members Kogukonna liikmed
create_room_type_public Public Room (anyone) Avalik jututuba (kõigile)
create_room_section_footer_type_private Only people invited can find and join. Jututuba saab leida ja sellega liituda vaid kutsete alusel.
create_room_section_footer_type_restricted Anyone in Space name can find and join. Kõik kogukonna liikmed saavad leida ja liituda.
create_room_section_footer_type_public Only people invited can find and join, not just people in Space name. Jututuba saavad leida ja sellega liituda vaid need, kellel on kutse. See puudutab ka neid, kes pole kogukonna liikmed.
create_room_promotion_header PROMOTION REKLAAM
create_room_show_in_directory Show in room directory Näita jututubade loendis
create_room_show_in_directory_footer This will help people find and join. See aitab kasutajatel jututuba leida ja sellega liituda.
create_room_section_header_address ADDRESS AADRESS
create_room_suggest_room Suggest to space members Soovita kogukonna liikmetele
create_room_suggest_room_footer Suggested rooms are promoted to space members as good to join. Soovitatavaid jututube tutvustatakse kogukonnas kui sellised, millega liitumine oleks hea mõte.
create_room_processing Creating room Loon jututuba
room_info_list_one_member 1 member 1 liige
room_info_list_several_members %@ members %@ liiget
room_info_list_section_other Other Muud
room_info_back_button_title Room Info Jututoa teave
dialpad_title Dial pad Numbriklahvistik
call_transfer_title Transfer Suuna kõne edasi
call_transfer_users Users Kasutajad
call_transfer_dialpad Dial pad Numbriklahvistik
call_transfer_contacts_recent Recent Hiljutised
call_transfer_contacts_all All Kõik
call_transfer_error_title Error Viga
call_transfer_error_message Call transfer failed Kõne suunamine ei õnnestunud
launch_loading_generic Syncing your conversations Sinu vestlused on sünkroniseerimisel
launch_loading_delay_warning This may take a little longer.
Thanks for your patience.
Selleks võib natuke rohkem aega kuluda.
Tänud ootamast.
home_empty_view_title Welcome to %@,
Tere tulemast suhtlusrakendusse %@,
home_empty_view_information The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Tap the + button below to add people and rooms. Kõik ühes suhtlusrakendus rühmade, sõpruskondade ja organisatsioonide jaoks. Teiste kasutajate ka jututubade lisamiseks klõpsi plussiga nuppu.
Key English Estonian State
room_event_encryption_info_event_none none ei midagi
room_event_encryption_info_event_session_id Session ID
Sessiooni tunnus
room_event_encryption_info_event_unencrypted unencrypted krüptimata
room_event_encryption_info_event_user_id User ID
room_event_encryption_info_key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device. Selle krüptitud sõnumi autentsus pole selles seadmes tagatud.
room_event_encryption_info_title End-to-end encryption information

Läbiva krüptimise teave

room_event_encryption_info_unblock Unblacklist Eemalda mustast nimekirjast
room_event_encryption_info_unverify Unverify Eemalda verifitseerimine
room_event_encryption_info_verify Verify... Verifitseeri...
room_event_encryption_verify_message To verify that this session can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this session matches the key below:

Session name: %@
Session ID: %@
Session key: %@

If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesnt, then someone else is intercepting this session and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.

In future this verification process will be more sophisticated.
Tegemaks kindlaks, et seda sessiooni võid usaldada, palun kohtu tema omanikuga mõnel muul viisil (näiteks isiklikult või telefonikõne vahendusel) ning küsi, kas võtmed, mida ta näeb oma kasutajaseadistustes kattuvad alljärgnevaga:

Sessioni nimi: %@
Sessioni tunnus: %@
Sessioni võti: %@

Kui andmed kattuvad, siis vajuta järgnevat verifitseerimise nuppu. Kui ei kattu, siis tõenäoliselt keegi võõras suudab seda teist sessiooni kontrollida ning sa ilmselt eelistaks lisada teda musta nimekirja.

Tulevikus see verifitseerimise toiming võib minna veelgi nutikamaks.
room_event_encryption_verify_ok Verify Verifitseeri
room_event_encryption_verify_title Verify session

Verifitseeri sessioon

room_event_failed_to_send Failed to send Saatmine ei õnnestunud
room_first_message_placeholder Send your first message… Saada oma esimene sõnum…
room_info_back_button_title Room Info Jututoa teave
room_info_list_one_member 1 member 1 liige
room_info_list_section_other Other Muud
room_info_list_several_members %@ members %@ liiget
room_intro_cell_add_participants_action Add people Lisa inimesi
room_intro_cell_information_dm_sentence1_part1 This is the beginning of your direct message with See on otsesõnumite algus selle kasutajaga
room_intro_cell_information_dm_sentence1_part3 . .
room_intro_cell_information_dm_sentence2 Only the two of you are in this conversation, no one else can join. Vestlete vaid teie omavahel ning keegi teine ei saa liituda.
room_intro_cell_information_multiple_dm_sentence2 Only you are in this conversation, unless any of you invites someone to join. Seni kuni keegi teist kolmandaid osapooli liituma ei kutsu, olete siin vestluses vaid teie omavahel.
room_intro_cell_information_room_sentence1_part1 This is the beginning of Siit maalt algab
room_intro_cell_information_room_sentence1_part3 . jututuba.
room_intro_cell_information_room_without_topic_sentence2_part1 Add a topic Lisa jututoa teema
room_intro_cell_information_room_without_topic_sentence2_part2 to let people know what this room is about. selleks et kõik teaks, millega siin jututoas tegeletakse.
room_intro_cell_information_room_with_topic_sentence2 Topic: %@ Teema: %@
room_invite_not_enough_permission You do not have permission to invite people to this room Sul pole õigusi siia jututuppa osalejate kutsumiseks
room_invites_empty_view_information This is where your invites appear. Siit leiad oma kutsed.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


User avatar jrtriot

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSEstonian

1 member
1 liige
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Estonian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
// MARK: - Room Info
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/et.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1539