
// Events formatter with you // Events formatter with you
You added the widget: %@
Key English Estonian State
event_formatter_call_active_video Active video call Pooleliolev videokõne
event_formatter_call_you_declined Call declined Osapool keeldus kõnest
event_formatter_call_missed_voice Missed voice call Vastamata kõne
event_formatter_call_missed_video Missed video call Vastamata videokõne
event_formatter_call_connection_failed Connection failed Ühendus ebaõnnestus
event_formatter_call_back Call back Helista tagasi
event_formatter_call_decline Decline Keeldu
event_formatter_call_answer Answer Vasta
event_formatter_call_retry Retry Proovi uuesti
event_formatter_call_end_call End call Lõpeta kõne
event_formatter_group_call Group call Rühmakõne
event_formatter_group_call_join Join Liitu
event_formatter_group_call_leave Leave Lahku
event_formatter_group_call_incoming %@ in %@ %@ kõnes %@
event_formatter_message_deleted Message deleted Sõnum on kustutatud
event_formatter_widget_added_by_you You added the widget: %@ Sina lisasid vidina %@
event_formatter_widget_removed_by_you You removed the widget: %@ Sina eemaldasid vidina %@
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added_by_you You added VoIP conference Sina algatasid VoIP rühmakõne
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_removed_by_you You removed VoIP conference Sina eemaldasid VoIP rühmakõne
or or või
you You Sina
today Today Täna
yesterday Yesterday Eile
network_offline_prompt The Internet connection appears to be offline. Internetiühendus ei tundu hetkel toimima.
network_offline_title You're offline Sa ei ole võrgus
network_offline_message You're offline, check your connection. Sa ei ole võrgus, kontrolli oma nutiseadme võrguühendust.
homeserver_connection_lost Could not connect to the homeserver. Ei saanud ühendust koduserveriga.
public_room_section_title Public Rooms (at %@): Avalikud jututoad (serveris %@):
bug_report_prompt The application has crashed last time. Would you like to submit a crash report? See rakendus jooksis viimati kokku. Kas sa tahaksid saata selle kohta veateate?
rage_shake_prompt You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to submit a bug report? Ma märkan, et pahameelega raputad oma telefoni. Kas sa tahaksid saata veateate?
do_not_ask_again Do not ask again Ära küsi uuesti
Key English Estonian State
event_formatter_call_you_declined Call declined Osapool keeldus kõnest
event_formatter_group_call Group call Rühmakõne
event_formatter_group_call_incoming %@ in %@ %@ kõnes %@
event_formatter_group_call_join Join Liitu
event_formatter_group_call_leave Leave Lahku
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added VoIP conference added by %@ VoIP rühmakõne algatas %@
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added_by_you You added VoIP conference Sina algatasid VoIP rühmakõne
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_removed VoIP conference removed by %@ VoIP rühmakõne lõpetas %@
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_removed_by_you You removed VoIP conference Sina eemaldasid VoIP rühmakõne
event_formatter_member_updates %tu membership changes %tu liikmelisuse muudatused
event_formatter_message_deleted Message deleted Sõnum on kustutatud
event_formatter_message_edited_mention (edited) (muudetud)
event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part1_link Re-request encryption keys Tee uus krüptovõtmete päring
event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part2 from your other sessions. oma muudest sessioonidest.
event_formatter_widget_added %@ widget added by %@ %@ vidin on lisatud %@ poolt
event_formatter_widget_added_by_you You added the widget: %@ Sina lisasid vidina %@
event_formatter_widget_removed %@ widget removed by %@ %@ vidin on eemaldatud %@ poolt
event_formatter_widget_removed_by_you You removed the widget: %@ Sina eemaldasid vidina %@
existing Existing Olemasolev
external_link_confirmation_message The link %@ is taking you to another site: %@

Are you sure you want to continue?
See %@ link viib sind teise veebisaiti: %@

Kas sa kindlasti soovid jätkata?
external_link_confirmation_title Double-check this link Kontrolli seda linki veel üks kord
favourites_empty_view_information You can favourite a few ways - the quickest is just to press and hold. Tap the star and they’ll automatically appear here for safe keeping. Lemmikuid saad lisada mitmel viisil - neist kõgi lihtsam on see, et vajutad nime ja hoiad seda mõne hetke. Vali siis tähega ikoon ja ongi lisatud.
favourites_empty_view_title Favourite rooms and people Lemmikjututoad ja -inimesed
file_upload_error_title File upload Faili üleslaadimine
file_upload_error_unsupported_file_type_message File type not supported. See failitüüp ei ole toetatud.
find_your_contacts_button_title Find your contacts Otsi kontakte
find_your_contacts_footer This can be disabled anytime from settings. Selle võimaluse saad alati seadistustest välja lülitada.
find_your_contacts_identity_service_error Unable to connect to the identity server. Ei õnnestu leida isikutuvastusserverit.
find_your_contacts_message Let %@ show your contacts so you can quickly start chatting with those you know best. Las %@ näitab sulle kontakte ja nii saad tuttavatega kiiresti vestlema asuda.
find_your_contacts_title Start by listing your contacts Alusta kontaktide looendist


User avatar jrtriot

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSEstonian

You added the widget: %@
Sina lisasid vidina %@
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Estonian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
// Events formatter with you // Events formatter with you
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/et.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1007