
There is already a call in progress.
Key English Danish State
network_offline_message You're offline, check your connection.
homeserver_connection_lost Could not connect to the homeserver.
public_room_section_title Public Rooms (at %@):
bug_report_prompt The application has crashed last time. Would you like to submit a crash report?
rage_shake_prompt You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to submit a bug report?
do_not_ask_again Do not ask again
camera_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to use Camera, please change privacy settings
camera_unavailable The camera is unavailable on your device
photo_library_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to access photo library, please change privacy settings
large_badge_value_k_format %.1fK
room_does_not_exist %@ does not exist
call_incoming_voice_prompt Incoming voice call from %@
call_incoming_video_prompt Incoming video call from %@
call_incoming_voice Incoming call…
call_incoming_video Incoming video call…
call_already_displayed There is already a call in progress.
call_jitsi_error Failed to join the conference call.
call_jitsi_unable_to_start Unable to start conference call
call_no_stun_server_error_title Call failed due to misconfigured server
call_no_stun_server_error_message_1 Please ask the administrator of your homeserver %@ to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.
call_no_stun_server_error_message_2 Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at %@, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings
call_no_stun_server_error_use_fallback_button Try using %@
call_actions_unhold Resume
no_voip_title Incoming call
no_voip %@ is calling you but %@ does not support calls yet.
You can ignore this notification and answer the call from another device or you can reject it.
analytics_prompt_title Help improve %@
analytics_prompt_message_new_user Help us identify issues and improve %@ by sharing anonymous usage data. To understand how people use multiple devices, we’ll generate a random identifier, shared by your devices.
analytics_prompt_message_upgrade You previously consented to share anonymous usage data with us. Now, to help understand how people use multiple devices, we’ll generate a random identifier, shared by your devices.
analytics_prompt_terms_new_user You can read all our terms %@.
analytics_prompt_terms_link_new_user here
analytics_prompt_terms_upgrade Read all our terms %@. Is that OK?
Key English Danish State
biometrics_setup_title_x Enable %@
biometrics_usage_reason Authentication is needed to access your app
bug_crash_report_description Please describe what you did before the crash:
bug_crash_report_title Crash Report
bug_report_background_mode Continue in background
bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened?
bug_report_logs_description In order to diagnose problems, logs from this client will be sent with this bug report. If you would prefer to only send the text above, please untick:
bug_report_progress_uploading Uploading report
bug_report_progress_zipping Collecting logs
bug_report_prompt The application has crashed last time. Would you like to submit a crash report?
bug_report_send Send
bug_report_send_logs Send logs
bug_report_send_screenshot Send screenshot
bug_report_title Bug Report
call_actions_unhold Resume
call_already_displayed There is already a call in progress.
callbar_active_and_multiple_paused 1 active call (%@) · %@ paused calls
callbar_active_and_single_paused 1 active call (%@) · 1 paused call
callbar_only_multiple_paused %@ paused calls
callbar_only_single_active Tap to return to the call (%@)
callbar_only_single_active_group Tap to Join the group call (%@)
callbar_only_single_paused Paused call
callbar_return Return
call_connecting Connecting…
call_consulting_with_user Consulting with %@
call_ended Call ended
call_holded You held the call
call_incoming_video Incoming video call…
call_incoming_video_prompt Incoming video call from %@
call_incoming_voice Incoming call…


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English Danish
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String age
6 years ago
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/da.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1032