
// Room recents // Room recents
Key English Welsh State
room_creation_private_room This chat is private Mae'r sgwrs yma'n breifat
room_creation_public_room This chat is public Mae'r sgwrs yma'n gyhoeddus
room_creation_make_public Make public Gwneud yn gyhoeddus
room_creation_make_public_prompt_title Make this chat public? Gwneud y sgwrs yma'n gyhoeddus?
room_creation_make_public_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to make this chat public? Anyone can read your messages and join the chat. Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod chi am wneud y sgwrs hon yn gyhoeddus? Gall unrhyw un ddarllen eich negeseuon ac ymuno â'r sgwrs.
room_creation_keep_private Keep private Cadw'n breifat
room_creation_make_private Make private Gwneud yn breifat
room_creation_wait_for_creation A room is already being created. Please wait. Mae ystafell eisoes yn cael ei greu. Arhoswch os gwelwch yn dda.
room_creation_invite_another_user User ID, name or email Chwilio / gwahodd yn ôl Dynodwr Defnyddiwr, Enw, new e-bost
room_creation_error_invite_user_by_email_without_identity_server No identity server is configured so you cannot add a participant with an email. Nid oes unrhyw weinydd adnabod wedi'i osod felly ni allwch ychwanegu cyfranogwr gydag e-bost.
room_creation_dm_error We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
room_creation_only_one_email_invite You can only invite one email at a time
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_title Confirmation
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_message Unable to find profiles for this Matrix ID. Would you like to start a DM anyway?
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_invite_action Start DM anyway
room_recents_favourites_section FAVOURITES FFEFRYNAU
room_recents_people_section PEOPLE POBL
room_recents_conversations_section ROOMS YSTAFELLOEDD
room_recents_no_conversation No rooms Dim ystafelloedd
room_recents_low_priority_section LOW PRIORITY BLAENORIAETH ISEL
room_recents_server_notice_section SYSTEM ALERTS RHYBUDDION SYSTEM
room_recents_invites_section INVITES GWAHODDIADAU
room_recents_suggested_rooms_section SUGGESTED ROOMS
room_recents_start_chat_with Start chat Dechrau sgwrs
room_recents_create_empty_room Create room Creu ystafell
room_recents_join_room Join room Ymuno â'r ystafell
room_recents_join_room_title Join a room Ymuno â ystafell
room_recents_join_room_prompt Type a room id or a room alias Cofnodwch dynodwr ystafell neu arallenw ystafell
room_recents_unknown_room_error_message Can't find this room. Make sure it exists
people_invites_section INVITES GWAHODDIADAU
Key English Welsh State
room_participants_unknown Unknown Anhysbys
room_place_voice_call Voice call
room_please_select Please select a room Dewisiwch ystafell
room_predecessor_information This room is a continuation of another conversation. Mae'r ystafell hon yn barhad o sgwrs arall.
room_predecessor_link Tap here to see older messages. Tapiwch yma i weld negeseuon hŷn.
room_preview_decline_invitation_options Do you want to decline the invitation or ignore this user?
room_preview_invitation_format You have been invited to join this room by %@ Fe'ch gwahoddwyd i ymuno â'r ystafell hon gan %@
room_preview_subtitle This is a preview of this room. Room interactions have been disabled. Dyma ragolwg o'r ystafell hon. Mae rhyngweithiadau ystafell wedi bod yn anabl.
room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room You are trying to access %@. Would you like to join in order to participate in the discussion? Rydych chi'n ceisio cael mynediad i %@. Hoffech chi ymuno er mwyn cymryd rhan yn y drafodaeth?
room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room_default a room ystafell
room_preview_unlinked_email_warning This invitation was sent to %@, which is not associated with this account. You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to your account. Anfonwyd y gwahoddiad hwn at %@, nad yw'n gysylltiedig â'r cyfrif hwn. Efallai yr hoffech fewngofnodi gyda chyfrif gwahanol, neu ychwanegu'r e-bost hwn i'ch cyfrif.
room_prompt_cancel cancel all canslo popeth
room_prompt_resend Resend all Ail-anfon popeth
room_recents_conversations_section ROOMS YSTAFELLOEDD
room_recents_create_empty_room Create room Creu ystafell
room_recents_favourites_section FAVOURITES FFEFRYNAU
room_recents_invites_section INVITES GWAHODDIADAU
room_recents_join_room Join room Ymuno â'r ystafell
room_recents_join_room_prompt Type a room id or a room alias Cofnodwch dynodwr ystafell neu arallenw ystafell
room_recents_join_room_title Join a room Ymuno â ystafell
room_recents_low_priority_section LOW PRIORITY BLAENORIAETH ISEL
room_recents_no_conversation No rooms Dim ystafelloedd
room_recents_people_section PEOPLE POBL
room_recents_recently_viewed_section Recently viewed
room_recents_server_notice_section SYSTEM ALERTS RHYBUDDION SYSTEM
room_recents_start_chat_with Start chat Dechrau sgwrs
room_recents_suggested_rooms_section SUGGESTED ROOMS
room_recents_unknown_room_error_message Can't find this room. Make sure it exists
room_replacement_information This room has been replaced and is no longer active. Mae'r ystafell hon wedi'i newid ac nid yw'n weithredol mwyach.


User avatar elmomalmo

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSWelsh

4 years ago
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English Welsh
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Source information

Source string comment
// Room recents // Room recents
String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 293