
Actual Size
Key English Welsh State
room_member_ignore_prompt Are you sure you want to hide all messages from this user? Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod chi eisiau cuddio pob neges oddi wrth y defnyddiwr hwn?
room_member_power_level_prompt You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.
Are you sure?
Ni fyddwch yn gallu dadwneud y newid hwn gan eich bod yn hyrwyddo'r defnyddiwr i gael yr un lefel pŵer â chi'ch hun.
Ydych chi'n siwr?
attachment_size_prompt Do you want to send as: Ydych chi am anfon fel:
attachment_size_prompt_title Confirm size to send
attachment_size_prompt_message You can turn this off in settings.
attachment_original Actual Size (%@) Maint Gwirioneddol: %@
attachment_small Small (~%@) Bach: %@
attachment_medium Medium (~%@) Canolig: %@
attachment_large Large (~%@) Mawr: %@
attachment_small_with_resolution Small %@ (~%@)
attachment_medium_with_resolution Medium %@ (~%@)
attachment_large_with_resolution Large %@ (~%@)
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Canslo y lawrlwythiad?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Canslo yr uwchlwythiad?
attachment_multiselection_size_prompt Do you want to send images as: Hoffech chi anfon llun fel:
attachment_multiselection_original Actual Size Maint Gwirioneddol
attachment_e2e_keys_file_prompt This file contains encryption keys exported from a Matrix client.
Do you want to view the file content or import the keys it contains?
Mae'r ffeil hon yn cynnwys allweddi amgryptio a allfudwyd o gleient Matrix.
Ydych chi eisiau gweld cynnwys y ffeil neu fewnfudo'r allweddi sydd ynddo?
attachment_e2e_keys_import Import... Mewnfudo...
attachment_unsupported_preview_title Unable to preview
attachment_unsupported_preview_message This file type is not supported.
contact_mx_users Matrix Users Defnyddwyr Matrix
contact_local_contacts Local Contacts Cysylltiadau Lleol
search_no_results No Results Dum Canluniadau
search_searching Search in progress... Chwilio ar y gweill...
format_time_s s e
format_time_m m m
format_time_h h a
format_time_d d d
e2e_import_room_keys Import room keys Mewnfudo allweddi ystafell
e2e_import_prompt This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.
The export file is protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.
Mae'r broses hon yn caniatáu ichi fewnfudo allweddi amgryptio yr oeddech wedi'u hallfudo o'r blaen o gleient Matrix arall. Yna byddwch yn gallu dadgryptio unrhyw negeseuon y gallai'r cleient arall eu dadgryptio.
Mae'r ffeil allfudo wedi'i gwarchod gyda chyfrinair. Dylech nodi'r cyfrinair yma, i ddadgryptio'r ffeil.
e2e_import Import Mewnfudo
Key English Welsh State
analytics_prompt_terms_link_upgrade here
analytics_prompt_terms_new_user You can read all our terms %@.
analytics_prompt_terms_upgrade Read all our terms %@. Is that OK?
analytics_prompt_title Help improve %@
analytics_prompt_yes Yes, that's fine
answer_call Answer Call Ateb Galwad
attach_media Attach Media from Library Ategu Cyfryngau o'r Llyfrgell
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Canslo y lawrlwythiad?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Canslo yr uwchlwythiad?
attachment_e2e_keys_file_prompt This file contains encryption keys exported from a Matrix client.
Do you want to view the file content or import the keys it contains?
Mae'r ffeil hon yn cynnwys allweddi amgryptio a allfudwyd o gleient Matrix.
Ydych chi eisiau gweld cynnwys y ffeil neu fewnfudo'r allweddi sydd ynddo?
attachment_e2e_keys_import Import... Mewnfudo...
attachment_large Large (~%@) Mawr: %@
attachment_large_with_resolution Large %@ (~%@)
attachment_medium Medium (~%@) Canolig: %@
attachment_medium_with_resolution Medium %@ (~%@)
attachment_multiselection_original Actual Size Maint Gwirioneddol
attachment_multiselection_size_prompt Do you want to send images as: Hoffech chi anfon llun fel:
attachment_original Actual Size (%@) Maint Gwirioneddol: %@
attachment_size_prompt Do you want to send as: Ydych chi am anfon fel:
attachment_size_prompt_message You can turn this off in settings.
attachment_size_prompt_title Confirm size to send
attachment_small Small (~%@) Bach: %@
attachment_small_with_resolution Small %@ (~%@)
attachment_unsupported_preview_message This file type is not supported.
attachment_unsupported_preview_title Unable to preview
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Adolygwch a derbynwch bolisïau'r gewinydd cartref hwn:
auth_add_email_and_phone_warning Registration with email and phone number at once is not supported yet until the api exists. Only the phone number will be taken into account. You may add your email to your profile in settings. Ni chefnogir cofrestru gydag e-bost a rhif ffôn ar yr un pryd nes bod yr api yn bodoli. Dim ond y rhif ffôn fydd yn cael ei ystyried. Gallwch ychwanegu eich e-bost at eich proffil mewn gosodiadau.
auth_add_email_message_2 Set an email for account recovery, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Gosodwch e-bost ar gyfer adfer eich cyfrif, ac i gael eich darganfod yn ddewisol gan bobl sy'n eich adnabod yn ddiweddarach.
auth_add_email_phone_message_2 Set an email for account recovery. Use later email or phone to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Gosodwch e-bost ar gyfer adfer cyfrif. Defnyddiwch e-bost neu ffôn fel y gallwch eich darganfod gan bobl sy'n eich adnabod chi yn ddiweddarach.
auth_add_phone_message_2 Set a phone, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Gosodwch rif ffôn i gael eich darganfod yn ddewisol gan bobl sy'n eich adnabod yn ddiweddarach.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Welsh
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2221