
Create room
Key English Arabic State
room_creation_dm_error We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again. يَتَعَذَّرُ عَلينَا إنشَاء المُحادَثَة المُباشِرَة الخَّاصَةِ بِك. يُرجَى التَّحَقُقُ مِنَ المُستَخدِمِيَنَ اللَّذِينَ تُريدُ دَعوَتَهُم ثُمَّ المُحاوَلَةُ مَرةً أُخرَى.
room_creation_only_one_email_invite You can only invite one email at a time يمكنك دعوة بريد إلكتروني واحد فقط في كل مرة
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_title Confirmation تَأكيد
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_message Unable to find profiles for this Matrix ID. Would you like to start a DM anyway? تعذر العثور على الهوية على مُعَرِّف Matrix. هل ترغب في بدء رسالة مباشرة على أي حال؟
room_creation_user_not_found_prompt_invite_action Start DM anyway ابدأ الرسالة المباشرة على أي حال
room_recents_directory_section ROOM DIRECTORY دَلِيلُ الغُرَف
room_recents_favourites_section FAVOURITES المُفَضَّلَة
room_recents_people_section PEOPLE الأشخَاص
room_recents_conversations_section ROOMS الغُرَف
room_recents_no_conversation No rooms لَا غُرَف
room_recents_low_priority_section LOW PRIORITY أولَويَّةٌ مُنخَفِضَة
room_recents_server_notice_section SYSTEM ALERTS تَنبيهاتُ النِّظام
room_recents_invites_section INVITES الدَّعَوات
room_recents_suggested_rooms_section SUGGESTED ROOMS الغُرَفَ المقتَرَحَة
room_recents_start_chat_with Start chat بَدءُ مُحادَثَة
room_recents_create_empty_room Create room إنشاءُ غُرفَة
room_recents_join_room Join room الاِنضِمامُ لِلغُرفَة
room_recents_join_room_title Join a room الاِنضِمام إلَى غُرفَة
room_recents_join_room_prompt Type a room id or a room alias اُكتب مُعَرِّف غُرفَة أو الاِسم البَديل لِلغُرفَة
room_recents_unknown_room_error_message Can't find this room. Make sure it exists يَتَعَذَّر العُثُور عَلَى هَذِهِ الغُرفَة. تأكَّد مِن وجودِهَا
people_invites_section INVITES الدَّعَوات
people_conversation_section CONVERSATIONS المُحادَثَات
people_no_conversation No conversations لَا تُوجَدُ مُحادَثَات
people_empty_view_title People الأشخَاص
people_empty_view_information Chat securely with anyone.Tap the + to start adding people. المُحادَثَةُ الآمنةُ مَعَ أيِّ شَخص. اِضغَط عَلَى + لِبدءِ إضافَة أشخَاص.
room_directory_no_public_room No public rooms available لَا تُوجَدُ غُرَفٌ عَامَّةُ مُتاحَة
rooms_empty_view_title Rooms غُرَف
rooms_empty_view_information Rooms are great for any group chat, private or public. Tap the + to find existing rooms, or make new ones. الغُرَفُ رَائِعَةٌ لِأيِّ مُحادَثَةٍ جَماعِيِّة، خَاصَّةً كَانَت أو عَامَّة. اِضغَط عَلَى + لِلعُثورِ عَلَى غُرَفٍ مَوجودَةٍ أو أَنشِئ غُرَفًا جَديدَة.
group_invite_section INVITES الدَّعَوات
group_section COMMUNITIES المُجتَمَعَات
search_rooms Rooms الغُرَف
Key English Arabic State
room_participants_title Participants المُشَارِكُون
room_participants_unknown Unknown غَير مَعرُوف
room_place_voice_call Voice call مُكالَمَة صَوتيَّة
room_please_select Please select a room يُرجَى تَحديدُ غُرفَة
room_predecessor_information This room is a continuation of another conversation. هَذِه الغُرفَة هي اسْتِمْرار لمُحادَثة أُخرى.
room_predecessor_link Tap here to see older messages. اضَغَطَ هُنا لرُؤية الرَسائَل القَديمة.
room_preview_decline_invitation_options Do you want to decline the invitation or ignore this user?
room_preview_invitation_format You have been invited to join this room by %@
room_preview_subtitle This is a preview of this room. Room interactions have been disabled.
room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room You are trying to access %@. Would you like to join in order to participate in the discussion?
room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room_default a room
room_preview_unlinked_email_warning This invitation was sent to %@, which is not associated with this account. You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to your account.
room_prompt_cancel cancel all إلغَاءُ الكُل
room_prompt_resend Resend all إعادَةُ إرسَالِ الكُل
room_recents_conversations_section ROOMS الغُرَف
room_recents_create_empty_room Create room إنشاءُ غُرفَة
room_recents_directory_section ROOM DIRECTORY دَلِيلُ الغُرَف
room_recents_favourites_section FAVOURITES المُفَضَّلَة
room_recents_invites_section INVITES الدَّعَوات
room_recents_join_room Join room الاِنضِمامُ لِلغُرفَة
room_recents_join_room_prompt Type a room id or a room alias اُكتب مُعَرِّف غُرفَة أو الاِسم البَديل لِلغُرفَة
room_recents_join_room_title Join a room الاِنضِمام إلَى غُرفَة
room_recents_low_priority_section LOW PRIORITY أولَويَّةٌ مُنخَفِضَة
room_recents_no_conversation No rooms لَا غُرَف
room_recents_people_section PEOPLE الأشخَاص
room_recents_recently_viewed_section Recently viewed
room_recents_server_notice_section SYSTEM ALERTS تَنبيهاتُ النِّظام
room_recents_start_chat_with Start chat بَدءُ مُحادَثَة
room_recents_suggested_rooms_section SUGGESTED ROOMS الغُرَفَ المقتَرَحَة
room_recents_unknown_room_error_message Can't find this room. Make sure it exists يَتَعَذَّر العُثُور عَلَى هَذِهِ الغُرفَة. تأكَّد مِن وجودِهَا


Create room
إنشاءُ غُرفَة
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Arabic
Create إنشاء Element iOS
Room غُرفَة Element iOS
room history تَأريخ الغُرفَة Element iOS
Room ID مُعَرِّف الغُرفَة Element iOS

Source information

Source string comment
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ar.lproj/Vector.strings, string 303