
// Errors
It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out?
Key English Arabic State
auth_softlogout_reason Your homeserver (%1$@) admin has signed you out of your account %2$@ (%3$@). لَقَد سَجَّلَ مُدير الخادِم الرَّئيس الخَّاصِّ بِك (%1$@) الخُرُوج مِن الحِساب الخَّاصِّ بِك %2$@ (%3$@).
auth_softlogout_recover_encryption_keys Sign in to recover encryption keys stored exclusively on this device. You need them to read all of your secure messages on any device. سَجَّل الدُّخُول لِاِستِعادَة مَفاتيح التَّعمِيَة المُخَزَّنَة حَصرِيًّا عَلَى هَذَا الجِّهاز. أنتَ بِحاجةٍ لَهُم لِقِراءةِ جَمِيعِ رَسائِلكَ الآمِنَة عَلَى أيِّ جِهاز.
auth_softlogout_clear_data Clear personal data مَحوُ البَيَانَاتِ الشَّخصِيَّة
auth_softlogout_clear_data_message_1 Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. تَحذير: بَيَانَاتُكَ الشَّخصِيَّة (بِمَا فِي ذَلِكَ مَفاتيحُ التَّعمِيَة) لَا تَزَالُ مُخَزَنَةً عَلَى هَذَا الجِّهاز.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_message_2 Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account. اِمحِيهَا إذَا اِنتَهَيتَ مِن اِستِخدَامِ هَذَا الجِّهاز، أو إذَا أردتَ تَسجيلَ الدُّخُولِ إلَى حِسَابٍ آخَر.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_button Clear all data مَحوُ كَافَّةِ البَيَانَات
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out_title Are you sure? هل أنت واثق؟
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out_msg Are you sure you want to clear all data currently stored on this device? Sign in again to access your account data and messages. هَل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ أنَّكَ تُرِيدُ مَحوَ كَافَّةِ البَيَانَاتِ المُخَزَنَةِ حَاليًّا عَلَى هَذَا الجِهَاز؟ سَجِّل الدُّخُولَ مَرَةً أُخرَى لِلوصُولِ إلَى بَيَانَاتِ حِسَابِك وَرَسَائِلك.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out Sign out تَسجِيلُ الخُرُوج
social_login_list_title_continue Continue with الاِستِمرار مَع
social_login_list_title_sign_in Or أَو
social_login_list_title_sign_up Or أَو
social_login_button_title_continue Continue with %@ الاِستِمرار مَع %@
social_login_button_title_sign_in Sign In with %@ تَسجيلُ الدُّخُولِ بِوَسِطَةِ %@
social_login_button_title_sign_up Sign Up with %@ الاِشتِراك بِوَاسِطَةِ %@
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? يَبدُو أنَّكَ تُحاوِلُ الاِتِصَالَ بِخَادِمٍ رَئيسٍ آخَر. هَل تُرِيدُ تَسجيلَ الخُرُوج؟
room_creation_title New Chat مُحادَثَة جَدِيدَة
room_creation_account Account الحِساب
room_creation_appearance Appearance المَظهَر
room_creation_appearance_name Name الاِسم
room_creation_appearance_picture Chat picture (optional) صُوَرةُ المُحادَثَة (اِختياري)
room_creation_privacy Privacy الخُصُوصِيَّة
room_creation_private_room This chat is private هَذِهِ المُحادَثَةُ خَاصَّة
room_creation_public_room This chat is public هَذِهِ المُحادَثَةُ عَامَّة
room_creation_make_public Make public اجَعلَها عَامَّة
room_creation_make_public_prompt_title Make this chat public? جَعلَ هَذِهِ المُحادَثَةَ عَامَّة؟
room_creation_make_public_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to make this chat public? Anyone can read your messages and join the chat. هَل أنتَ مُتَأكِّدٌ أنَّكَ تُريدُ جَعلَ هَذِهِ المُحادَثَةَ عَامَّة؟ يُمكِنُ لَأيِّ شَخصٍ قِراءَةَ رَسائِلكِ وَالاِنضِمامِ إلَى المُحادَثَة.
room_creation_keep_private Keep private إبقَائَها خَاصَّة
room_creation_make_private Make private اجَعلَها خَاصَّة
room_creation_wait_for_creation A room is already being created. Please wait. يَجرِي إنشاء غُرفَة بِالفِعل. يُرجَى الاِنتِظار.
room_creation_invite_another_user User ID, name or email مُعَرِّف المُستَخدِم، الاِسم أو البَريد الإلِكتُرونيّ
Key English Arabic State
emoji_picker_foods_category Food & Drink
emoji_picker_nature_category Animals & Nature
emoji_picker_objects_category Objects
emoji_picker_people_category Smileys & People
emoji_picker_places_category Travel & Places
emoji_picker_symbols_category Symbols
emoji_picker_title Reactions
enable Enable تَفعِيل
encrypted_room_message_placeholder Send an encrypted message… إرسَالُ رِسَالَةٍ مُعمَاة…
encrypted_room_message_reply_to_placeholder Send an encrypted reply… إرسَالُ رَدٍّ مُعمَى…
end_call End Call إنهَاءُ المُكالَمَة
error Error خَطَأ
error_common_message An error occured. Please try again later. لَقَد حَدَثَ خَطَأ. يُرجَى المُحاوَلَة مَرَّةً أُخرَى.
error_invite_3pid_with_no_identity_server Add an identity server in your settings to invite by email.
error_not_supported_on_mobile You can't do this from %@ mobile.
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? يَبدُو أنَّكَ تُحاوِلُ الاِتِصَالَ بِخَادِمٍ رَئيسٍ آخَر. هَل تُرِيدُ تَسجيلَ الخُرُوج؟
event_formatter_call_active_video Active video call
event_formatter_call_active_voice Active voice call
event_formatter_call_answer Answer
event_formatter_call_back Call back
event_formatter_call_connecting Connecting…
event_formatter_call_connection_failed Connection failed
event_formatter_call_decline Decline
event_formatter_call_end_call End call
event_formatter_call_has_ended Call ended
event_formatter_call_has_ended_with_time Call ended • %@
event_formatter_call_incoming_video Incoming video call
event_formatter_call_incoming_voice Incoming voice call
event_formatter_call_missed_video Missed video call
event_formatter_call_missed_voice Missed voice call


It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out?
يَبدُو أنَّكَ تُحاوِلُ الاِتِصَالَ بِخَادِمٍ رَئيسٍ آخَر. هَل تُرِيدُ تَسجيلَ الخُرُوج؟
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Arabic
Are you sure you want هَل أنتَ مُتَأكِّدٌ أنَّكَ تٌريد Element iOS
Homeserver الخادِم الرَّئيس Element iOS
Sign In تَسجيلُ الدُّخُول Element iOS
Sign out تَسجِيلُ الخُرُوج Element iOS
Sign up الاِشتِراك Element iOS

Source information

Source string comment
// Errors
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ar.lproj/Vector.strings, string 271