
// Settings screen // Settings screen
Key English Arabic State
create_room Create Room إنشاءُ غُرفَة
login Login تَسجيلُ الدُّخُول
create_account Create Account إنشاءُ حِساب
membership_invite Invited مَدعُوّ
membership_leave Left غادَر
membership_ban Banned حَظْر
num_members_one %@ user عَدَد %@ مُستَخدِم
num_members_other %@ users عَدَد %@ مُستَخدِم
kick Remove from chat طَرد من المحادثة
ban Ban حَظْر
unban Un-ban رَفع-الحَظْر
message_unsaved_changes There are unsaved changes. Leaving will discard them. تُوجَدُ تَغيِيرات غَير مَحفُوظَة. المُغادَرَة سَوفَ تَستَبعِدَها.
login_error_already_logged_in Already logged in مُسَجِّل الدُّخُولِ بِالفِعل
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// عُنوانُ URL يَجِبُ أن يَبدَأ بِبروتوكل //:[s]http
invitation_message I'd like to chat with you with matrix. Please, visit the website to have more information. أوَدُّ أن أتَحَدَّثَ مَعكَ بِاستِخدامِ matrix. يرُجَى زيارَةُ المَوقِع لِلحُصُولِ عَلَى مَزيدٍ مِنَ المَعلُومات.
settings_title_config Configuration الإعداد
settings_title_notifications Notifications الإِشعَارات
notification_settings_disable_all Disable all notifications تَعطيلُ كَافَّةِ الإِشعَارات
notification_settings_enable_notifications Enable notifications تَفعِيلُ الإِشعَارات
notification_settings_enable_notifications_warning All notifications are currently disabled for all devices. جَميعُ الإِشعَاراتِ مُعَطَّلَةٌ حالِيًّا لِكُلِ الأجهِزَة.
notification_settings_global_info Notification settings are saved to your user account and are shared between all clients which support them (including desktop notifications).

Rules are applied in order; the first rule which matches defines the outcome for the message.
So: Per-word notifications are more important than per-room notifications which are more important than per-sender notifications.
For multiple rules of the same kind, the first one in the list that matches takes priority.
تَُحفَظُ إعدادات الإشعَارات في حِسابِ المُستَخدِم الخاصِّ بِك وَتَتِمُّ مُشارَكَتَها بَينَ جَمِيعِ العُمَلاء الَّذينَ يَدعَمُونَها (بِما في ذَلِكَ إشعَاراتُ سَطحِ المَكتَب).

يَتِمُّ تَطبيق القَواعِد بِالتَرتيب؛ أوَّل قاعِدَة تَتَطَابَق تُحَدِّد النَّتيجَة لِلرِسالَة.
إذًا: الإِشعَارات وَفقًا لِلكَلِمَة أكثَرُ أولَويَّة مِنَ الإِشعَارات وَفقًا لِلغُرفَة الَّتِي أيضًا أكثَرُ أولَويَّة مِنَ الإِشعَارات وَفقًا لِلمُرسِل.
بِالنِّسبَةِ لِلقَواعِد المُتَعَدِّدَة مِن نَفسِ النَّوع، تَكُونُ الأَولَويَّة لِأوَّل قاعِدَة تَتَطابَق في القائِمَة.
notification_settings_per_word_notifications Per-word notifications الإِشعَاراتُ وَفقًا لِلكَلِمَة
notification_settings_per_word_info Words match case insensitively, and may include a * wildcard. So:
foo matches the string foo surrounded by word delimiters (e.g. punctuation and whitespace or start/end of line).
foo* matches any such word that begins foo.
*foo* matches any such word which includes the 3 letters foo.
تُطابَق الكَلِمات مَعَ حالَة الأحرُف بِشَكل غَير حَساس، وَقَد تَتَضَمَّن حَرف البَدَل *. وَبِالتَّالي:
إنَّ foo تَتَطابَق مَعَ السِّلسِلَة foo المُحاطَة بِمُحَدِّدِات الكَلِمَة (مِثل عَلامات التَّرقيم وَالمَسافَة البَيضاء أو بِدايَة/نِهايَة السَّطر).
إنَّ *foo تَتَطابَق مَعَ أي كَلِمَة تَبدَأُ بfoo.
إنَّ *foo* تَتَطابَق مع أي كَلِمَة مِن هَذَا القَبيل وَتَتَضَمَّن الثَّلاث أحرُف foo.
notification_settings_always_notify Always notify أخطِرني دَومًا
notification_settings_never_notify Never notify لا تُخطِرني أبَدًا
notification_settings_word_to_match word to match كَلِمَةٌ لِلمُطابَقَة
notification_settings_highlight Highlight إبرَاز
notification_settings_custom_sound Custom sound صَوتٌ مُخَصَّص
notification_settings_per_room_notifications Per-room notifications الإِشعَاراتُ وَفقًا لِلغُرفَة
notification_settings_per_sender_notifications Per-sender notifications الإِشعَاراتٌ وَفقًا لِلمُرسِل
Key English Arabic State
settings_show_decrypted_content Show decrypted content
settings_show_NSFW_public_rooms Show NSFW public rooms
settings_show_url_previews Show website preview
settings_show_url_previews_description Previews will only be shown in unencrypted rooms.
settings_sign_out Sign Out
settings_sign_out_confirmation Are you sure?
settings_sign_out_e2e_warn You will lose your end-to-end encryption keys. That means you will no longer be able to read old messages in encrypted rooms on this device.
settings_surname Surname
settings_term_conditions Terms & Conditions
settings_third_party_notices Third-party Notices
settings_three_pids_management_information_part1 Manage which email addresses or phone numbers you can use to log in or recover your account here. Control who can find you in
settings_three_pids_management_information_part2 Discovery
settings_three_pids_management_information_part3 .
settings_timeline TIMELINE
settings_title Settings الإعدَادَات
settings_title_config Configuration الإعداد
settings_title_notifications Notifications الإِشعَارات
settings_ui_language Language
settings_ui_show_redactions_in_room_history Show a placeholder for removed messages
settings_ui_theme Theme
settings_ui_theme_auto Auto
settings_ui_theme_black Black
settings_ui_theme_dark Dark
settings_ui_theme_light Light
settings_ui_theme_picker_message_invert_colours "Auto" uses your device's "Invert Colours" settings
settings_ui_theme_picker_message_match_system_theme "Auto" matches your device's system theme
settings_ui_theme_picker_title Select a theme
settings_unignore_user Show all messages from %@?
settings_user_interface USER INTERFACE
settings_user_settings USER SETTINGS إعدَادَات المُستَخدِم


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Arabic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
// Settings screen // Settings screen
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ar.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2361