The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


All messages
Key English Basque State
report_content_custom Custom report… Salaketa pertsonalizatua…
report_content_custom_title Report this content Salatu eduki hau
report_content_custom_hint Reason for reporting this content Eduki hau salatzeko arrazoia
report_content_custom_submit REPORT SALATU
content_reported_title Content reported Edukia salatuta
content_reported_content This content was reported.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
Eduki hau salatu da.

Ez baduzu erabiltzaile honen eduki gehiago ikusi nahi, bere mezuak ezkutatzeko blokeatu dezakezu
content_reported_as_spam_title Reported as spam Spam gisa salatua
content_reported_as_spam_content This content was reported as spam.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
Eduki hau spam gisa salatu da.

Ez baduzu erabiltzaile honen eduki gehiago ikusi nahi, bere mezuak ezkutatzeko blokeatu dezakezu
content_reported_as_inappropriate_title Reported as inappropriate Desegoki gisa salatua
content_reported_as_inappropriate_content This content was reported as inappropriate.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
Eduki hau desegoki gisa salatu da.

Ez baduzu erabiltzaile honen eduki gehiago ikusi nahi, bere mezuak ezkutatzeko blokeatu dezakezu
permissions_rationale_msg_keys_backup_export Riot needs permission to save your E2E keys on disk.

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to export your keys manually.
Riot-ek zure E2E gakoak diskoan gordetzeko baimena behar du.

Baimendu sarbidea hurrengo laster-leihoan zure gakoak eskuz esportatu ahal izateko.
no_network_indicator There is no network connection right now Ez dago sare konexiorik orain
message_ignore_user Block user Blokeatu erabiltzailea
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_all_noisy All messages (noisy) Mezu guztiak (ozen)
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_all All messages Mezu guztiak
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_mentions Mentions only Aipamenak besterik ez
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_mute Mute Mututu
room_list_quick_actions_settings Settings Ezarpenak
room_list_quick_actions_favorite_add Add to favorites
room_list_quick_actions_favorite_remove Remove from favorites
room_list_quick_actions_leave Leave the room Atera gelatik
notice_member_no_changes %1$s made no changes %1$s erabiltzaileak ez du aldaketarik egin
notice_member_no_changes_by_you You made no changes
command_description_spoiler Sends the given message as a spoiler Emandako mezua izorraki gisa bidaltzen du
spoiler Spoiler Izorrakia
reaction_search_type_hint Type keywords to find a reaction. Idatzi hitz gakoak erreakzio bat aurkitzeko.
no_ignored_users You are not ignoring any users Ez duzu erabiltzailerik ezikusten
help_long_click_on_room_for_more_options Long click on a room to see more options Sakatu luze gela batean aukera gehiago ikusteko
room_join_rules_public %1$s made the room public to whoever knows the link. %1$s erabiltzaileak gela publikoa bihurtu du esteka dakien edonorentzat.
room_join_rules_public_by_you You made the room public to whoever knows the link.
Key English Basque State
room_join_rules_invite %1$s made the room invite only. %1$s erabiltzaileak gela soilik gonbidatuentzat bihurtu du.
room_join_rules_invite_by_you You made the room invite only.
room_join_rules_public %1$s made the room public to whoever knows the link. %1$s erabiltzaileak gela publikoa bihurtu du esteka dakien edonorentzat.
room_join_rules_public_by_you You made the room public to whoever knows the link.
room_jump_to_first_unread Jump to first unread message. Jauzi irakurri gabeko lehen mezura.
room_list_catchup_empty_body You have no more unread messages Ez duzu irakurri gabeko mezu gehiagorik
room_list_catchup_empty_title You’re all caught up! Egunean zaude!
room_list_catchup_welcome_body Catch up on unread messages here Jarri egunean hemengo irakurri gabeko mezuekin
room_list_catchup_welcome_title Welcome home! Ongi etorri etxera!
room_list_empty Join a room to start using the app. Elkartu gelaren batetara aplikazioa erabiltzen hasteko.
room_list_people_empty_body Your direct message conversations will be displayed here Zure mezu zuzenetako elkarrizketak hemen bistaratuko dira
room_list_people_empty_title Conversations Elkarrizketak
room_list_quick_actions_favorite_add Add to favorites
room_list_quick_actions_favorite_remove Remove from favorites
room_list_quick_actions_leave Leave the room Atera gelatik
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_all All messages Mezu guztiak
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_all_noisy All messages (noisy) Mezu guztiak (ozen)
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_mentions Mentions only Aipamenak besterik ez
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_mute Mute Mututu
room_list_quick_actions_settings Settings Ezarpenak
room_list_rooms_empty_body Your rooms will be displayed here Zure gelak hemen bistaratuko dira
room_list_rooms_empty_title Rooms Gelak
room_list_sharing_header_other_rooms Other rooms Beste gelak
room_list_sharing_header_recent_rooms Recent rooms Azken gelak
room_many_users_are_typing %1$s & %2$s & others are typing… %1$s eta %2$s eta beste batzuk idazten ari dira…
room_member_jump_to_read_receipt Jump to read receipt Saltatu irakurragirira
room_member_power_level_admin_in Admin in %1$s %1$s gelako administratzailea
room_member_power_level_admins Admins Administratzaileak
room_member_power_level_custom Custom Pertsonalizatua
room_member_power_level_custom_in Custom (%1$d) in %2$s Pertsonalizatua (%1$d) %2$s gelan
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1310