The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.



Plural formula: n != 1

Key English Basque State
room_jump_to_first_unread Jump to first unread message. Jauzi irakurri gabeko lehen mezura.
room_preview_invitation_format You have been invited to join this room by %s %s erabiltzaileak gela honetara elkartzera gonbidatu zaitu
room_preview_unlinked_email_warning This invitation was sent to %s, which is not associated with this account.
You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to your account.
Zure gonbidapena bidali da %s helbidera, hau ez dago kontu honetara lotuta. Beste kontu batekin hasi dezakezu saioa, edo e-mail hau zure kontura gehitu.
room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room You are trying to access %s. Would you like to join in order to participate in the discussion? %s taldera sartzen saiatzen ari zara. Elkartu taldera elkarrizketan parte hartzeko?
room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room_default a room gela bat
room_preview_room_interactions_disabled This is a preview of this room. Room interactions have been disabled. Hau gelaren aurrebista bat da. Gelako elkarrekintzak desgaituta daude.
invite_no_identity_server_error Add an identity server in your settings to perform this action. Gehitu identitate-zerbitzari bat zure ezarpenetan ekintza hau burutzeko.
room_creation_title New Chat Txat berria
room_creation_add_member Add member Gehitu kidea
room_header_active_members_count 1 active members Kide aktibo 1
room_title_members 1 member Kide 1
room_title_one_member 1 member kide 1
format_time_s 1s 1s
format_time_m 1m 1m
format_time_h 1h 1h
format_time_d 1d 1e
room_participants_leave_prompt_title Leave room Atera gelatik
room_participants_leave_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to leave the room? Ziur gelatik atera nahi duzula?
room_participants_remove_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to remove %s from this chat? Ziur %s txat honetatik kendu nahi duzula?
room_participants_create Create Sortu
room_participants_online Online Konektatuta
room_participants_offline Offline Deskonektatuta
room_participants_idle Idle Inaktibo
room_participants_now %1$s now %1$s orain
room_participants_ago %1$s %2$s ago duela %1$s %2$s
room_participants_header_admin_tools ADMIN TOOLS KUDEAKETA TRESNAK
room_participants_header_call CALL DEIA
room_participants_header_direct_chats DIRECT CHATS TXAT ZUZENAK
room_participants_header_devices SESSIONS SAIOAK
room_participants_action_invite Invite Gonbidatu
room_participants_action_leave Leave this room Atera gela honetatik
Key English Basque State
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_title Encrypt to verified sessions only Zifratu egiaztatutako saioentzat besterik ez
encryption_settings_manage_message_recovery_summary Manage Key Backup Kudeatu gakoen babes-kopia
error_empty_field_enter_user_name Please enter a username. Sartu erabiltzaile-izena.
error_empty_field_your_password Please enter your password. Sartu zure pasahitza.
error_jitsi_not_supported_on_old_device Sorry, conference calls with Jitsi are not supported on old devices (devices with Android OS below 5.0) Sentitzen dugu, gailu zaharretan ezin dira Jitsi bidezko konferentzia deiak egin (Android OS 5.0 baino zaharragoak)
error_lazy_loading_not_supported_by_home_server Your homeserver does not support lazy loading of room members yet. Try later. Zure hasiera-zerbitzariak ez du oraindik erabiltzaileen karga alperra onartzen. Saiatu geroago.
error_no_external_application_found Sorry, no external application has been found to complete this action. Ez da ekintza hau burutzeko kanpo aplikaziorik aurkitu.
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? Badirudi beste hasiera-zerbitzari batera konektatzen saiatzen ari zarela. Saioa amaitu nahi duzu?
event_formatter_widget_added %1$s added by %2$s %1$s gehitu du %2$s erabiltzaileak
event_formatter_widget_removed %1$s removed by %2$s %1$s kendu du %2$s erabiltzaileak
failed_to_load_timeline_position %s was trying to load a specific point in this room’s timeline but was unable to find it. %s gela honetako denbora-lerroko puntu zehatz kargatzen saiatu da baina ezin izan du aurkitu.
filter_group_members Filter group members Iragazi taldeko kideak
filter_group_rooms Filter group rooms Iragazi taldeko gelak
font_size Font size Letra-tamaina
forget_room Forget room Ahaztu gela
format_time_d 1d 1e
format_time_h 1h 1h
format_time_m 1m 1m
format_time_s 1s 1s
forward Forward Birbidali
generic_label %1$s: %1$s:
generic_label_and_value %1$s: %2$s %1$s: %2$s
global_retry Retry Saiatu berriro
go_on_with go on with… jarraitu honekin…
group_details_home Home Hasiera
group_details_people People Jendea
group_details_rooms Rooms Gelak
group_members 1 member kide 1
group_no_long_description The community admin has not provided a long description for this community. Komunitatearen administratzaileak ez du deskripzio luzerik eman komunitate honentzat.
group_rooms 1 room gela 1
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


6 years ago
7 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 322