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Closed poll
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
poll_undisclosed_not_ended Results will be visible when the poll is ended 投票結束後將顯示結果
poll_total_vote_count_before_ended_and_not_voted %1$d vote cast. Vote to the see the results 已投 %1$d 票。投票後即可檢視結果
poll_total_vote_count_after_ended Final result based on %1$d vote 共計 %1$d 票所獲得的投票結果
poll_end_action End poll 結束投票
end_poll_confirmation_title End this poll? 結束此投票?
end_poll_confirmation_description This will stop people from being able to vote and will display the final results of the poll. 將停止投票,並顯示投票最終結果。
end_poll_confirmation_approve_button End poll 結束投票
poll_response_room_list_preview Vote cast 投票
poll_end_room_list_preview Poll ended 投票已結束
delete_poll_dialog_title Remove poll 移除投票
delete_poll_dialog_content Are you sure you want to remove this poll? You won't be able to recover it once removed. 您確定要移除此投票?移除後將無法復原。
edit_poll_title Edit poll 編輯投票
poll_type_title Poll type 投票類型
open_poll_option_title Open poll 開放式投票
open_poll_option_description Voters see results as soon as they have voted 投票者在投票後可以立刻看到投票結果
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll 秘密投票
closed_poll_option_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll 結果僅在您結束投票後顯示
ended_poll_indicator Ended the poll. 結束投票。
unable_to_decrypt_some_events_in_poll Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted 因為解密錯誤,不會計算部份投票
room_polls_active Active polls 進行中的投票
room_polls_active_no_item There are no active polls in this room 此聊天室沒有正在進行的投票
room_polls_active_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no active polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
過去 %1$d 天沒有進行中的投票。
room_polls_ended Past polls 過去的投票
room_polls_ended_no_item There are no past polls in this room 此聊天室沒有過去的投票
room_polls_ended_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no past polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
過去 %1$d 天沒有過去的投票。
room_polls_wait_for_display Displaying polls 顯示投票
room_polls_load_more Load more polls 載入更多投票
room_polls_loading_error Error fetching polls. 取得投票時發生錯誤。
room_poll_details_go_to_timeline View poll in timeline 在時間軸中檢視投票
location_activity_title_static_sharing Share location 分享位置
location_activity_title_preview Location 位置
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
call_transfer_unknown_person Unknown person 未知的人
call_transfer_users_tab_title Users 使用者
call_unsupported Unsupported call 不支援的通話
call_unsupported_matrix_rtc_call Unsupported call. The new Element X app is needed to join this call. 不支援的通話。需要新的 Element X 應用程式才能加入此通話。
cannot_call_yourself You cannot place a call with yourself 您無法與自己通話
cannot_call_yourself_with_invite You cannot place a call with yourself, wait for participants to accept invitation 您無法與自己進行通話,請等候參與者接受邀請
cannot_dm_self Cannot DM yourself! 無法傳送私訊給您自己!
change_identity_server Change identity server 變更身分伺服器
change_password_summary Set a new account password… 設定新的帳號密碼…
change_room_directory_network Change network 變更網路
change_space Change Space 變更聊天空間
choose_locale_current_locale_title Current language 目前語言
choose_locale_loading_locales Loading available languages… 正在載入可用的語言…
choose_locale_other_locales_title Other available languages 其他可用的語言
closed_poll_option_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll 結果僅在您結束投票後顯示
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll 秘密投票
command_confetti Sends the given message with confetti 與五彩紙屑一同傳送指定的訊息
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space 新增至特定的聊天空間
command_description_avatar_for_room Changes your avatar in this current room only 僅在目前的聊天室中變更您的大頭照
command_description_ban_user Bans user with given id 封鎖特定 ID 的使用者
command_description_clear_scalar_token To fix Matrix Apps management 為了修復 Matrix 應用程式管理
command_description_create_space Create a Space 建立聊天空間
command_description_deop_user Deops user with given id 取消指定 ID 的使用者的管理權
command_description_devtools Open the developer tools screen 開啟開發者工具畫面
command_description_discard_session Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded 強制丟棄目前在加密聊天室中的外發群組工作階段
command_description_discard_session_not_handled Only supported in encrypted rooms 僅在加密聊天室中支援
command_description_emote Displays action 顯示動作
command_description_ignore_user Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you 忽略使用者,為您隱藏他們的訊息
command_description_invite_user Invites user with given id to current room 邀請指定 ID 的使用者到目前的聊天室
command_description_join_room Joins room with given address 加入指定位址的聊天室


Closed poll
a year ago
Closed poll
a year ago
Closed poll
a year ago
Closed poll
a year ago
Closed poll
2 years ago
Closed poll
3 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 2373