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Auto Report Decryption Errors.
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
space_leave_radio_buttons_title Things in this space 此聊天空間內的東西
space_leave_radio_button_all Leave all 離開全部
space_leave_radio_button_none Leave none 不離開
space_leave_prompt_msg_with_name Are you sure you want to leave %s? 您確定要離開 %s 嗎?
space_leave_prompt_msg_only_you You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you. 您是這裡唯一的人。如果您離開,包含您在內的所有人都將無法加入。
space_leave_prompt_msg_private You won't be able to rejoin unless you are re-invited. 除非被重新邀請,否則您將無法重新加入。
space_leave_prompt_msg_as_admin You're the only admin of this space. Leaving it will mean no one has control over it. 您是此聊天空間唯一的管理員。離開後將沒有人可以再管理此空間。
space_explore_filter_no_result_title No results found 找不到結果
space_explore_filter_no_result_description Some results may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite to them. 有些結果可能是隱藏的,因為它們是私密聊天室,您需要收到邀請才可加入。
space_add_existing_rooms Add existing rooms and space 新增既有的聊天室與聊天空間
space_add_existing_rooms_only Add existing rooms 新增既有的聊天室
space_add_existing_spaces Add existing spaces 新增既有的聊天空間
space_add_space_to_any_space_you_manage Add a space to any space you manage. 新增聊天空間至您管理的任何聊天空間。
spaces_beta_welcome_to_spaces_desc Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. 聊天空間是將聊天室與人們分組的新方式。
you_are_invited You are invited 您被邀請了
labs_auto_report_uisi Auto Report Decryption Errors. 自動回報解密錯誤。
labs_auto_report_uisi_desc Your system will automatically send logs when an unable to decrypt error occurs 發生無法解密錯誤時,您的系統將會自動傳送紀錄檔
labs_enable_thread_messages Enable threaded messages 啟用討論串訊息
labs_enable_thread_messages_desc Note: app will be restarted 注意:應用程式將會重新啟動
settings_show_latest_profile Show latest user info 顯示最新的使用者資訊
settings_show_latest_profile_description Show the latest profile info (avatar and display name) for all the messages. 顯示所有訊息的最新個人檔案資訊(大頭照與顯示名稱)。
user_invites_you %s invites you %s 邀請您
looking_for_someone_not_in_space Looking for someone not in %s? 想尋找不在 %s 中的人?
space_settings_manage_rooms Manage rooms 管理聊天室
space_suggested Suggested 建議
space_mark_as_suggested Mark as suggested 標記為建議
space_mark_as_not_suggested Mark as not suggested 標記為不建議
space_manage_rooms_and_spaces Manage rooms and spaces 管理聊天室與聊天空間
preference_show_all_rooms_in_home Show all rooms in Home 在首頁顯示所有聊天室
all_rooms_youre_in_will_be_shown_in_home All rooms you’re in will be shown in Home. 您加入的所有聊天室都會顯示在首頁中。
spaces_feeling_experimental_subspace Feeling experimental?
You can add existing spaces to a space.
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
keys_backup_setup_step3_generating_key_status Generating Recovery Key using passphrase, this process can take several seconds. 正在使用安全密語產生復原金鑰,這個過程可能需要數秒鐘。
keys_backup_setup_step3_please_make_copy Please make a copy 請複製金鑰
keys_backup_setup_step3_save_button_title Save as File 儲存為檔案
keys_backup_setup_step3_share_intent_chooser_title Share recovery key with… 將復原金鑰分享給…
keys_backup_setup_step3_share_recovery_file Share 分享
keys_backup_setup_step3_success_title Success ! 成功!
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line1 Your keys are being backed up. 正在備份您的金鑰。
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line2 Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.
Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line2_no_passphrase Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe) 確保您的復原金鑰放在非常安全的地方,如密碼管理員(或保險箱)
keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data An error occurred getting keys backup data 取得金鑰備份資料時發生錯誤
keys_backup_unable_to_get_trust_info An error occurred getting trust info 取得信任資訊時發生錯誤
keys_backup_unlock_button Unlock History 解鎖訊息紀錄
key_share_request Key Share Request 金鑰分享請求
labs_allow_extended_logging Enable verbose logs. 啟用詳細紀錄。
labs_allow_extended_logging_summary Verbose logs will help developers by providing more logs when you send a RageShake. Even when enabled, the application does not log message contents or any other private data. 詳細紀錄可以協助開發者在您傳送憤怒搖晃時取得更多紀錄。即使啟用這個設定,應用程式依然不會紀錄訊息內容或任何個人資料。
labs_auto_report_uisi Auto Report Decryption Errors. 自動回報解密錯誤。
labs_auto_report_uisi_desc Your system will automatically send logs when an unable to decrypt error occurs 發生無法解密錯誤時,您的系統將會自動傳送紀錄檔
labs_enable_client_info_recording_summary Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager. 記錄客戶端名稱、版本與網址,以便在工作階段管理員當中能更輕鬆找出工作階段。
labs_enable_client_info_recording_title Enable client info recording 啟用客戶端資訊記錄
labs_enable_deferred_dm_summary Create DM only on first message 僅在第一則訊息上建立私密訊息
labs_enable_deferred_dm_title Enable deferred DMs 啟用延期的私密訊息
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts Enable Element Call permission shortcuts 啟用 Element Call 權限捷徑
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts_summary Auto-approve Element Call widgets and grant camera / mic access 自動批准 Element Call 小工具並授予相機/麥克風存取權限
labs_enable_latex_maths Enable LaTeX mathematics 啟用 LaTeX 數學
labs_enable_live_location Enable Live Location Sharing 啟用即時位置分享
labs_enable_live_location_summary Temporary implementation: locations persist in room history 暫時實作:保留位置資訊在聊天紀錄中
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history MSC3061: Sharing room keys for past messages MSC3061:為過去的訊息分享聊天室金鑰
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history_desc When inviting in an encrypted room that is sharing history, encrypted history will be visible. 邀請成員進入分享聊天紀錄的加密聊天室時,加密紀錄會是可見的。
labs_enable_new_app_layout_summary A simplified Element with optional tabs 包含選擇性分頁的簡潔 Element
labs_enable_new_app_layout_title Enable new layout 啟用新佈局


Auto Report Decryption Errors.
2 years ago
Auto Report Decryption Errors.
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 2253